View Full Version : Beware: This is a random question (kinda not lovie related)

05-25-2006, 03:08 PM

05-25-2006, 03:29 PM
At 16 you will have many years to let that piercing close. As for a tattoo, that is a different story. Personally, I don't feel it is professional for people to have piercings (other than ears) or visible tattoos. I'm not that old, 27, but I really do believe that physical appearance is part of a first impression. People with nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc or obvious showing tattoos are not professional. And if you appear not professional, you have a deeper hole to crawl out of to earn my business.

However, at 16 years old, you will have many years of high school and college to decide on keeping your piercing. I understand your mom's position and think she makes a good point. I also think you would have many years to grow out of that piercing. I honestly believe that once you move into a professional adult life, you probably aren't going to want it anymore.

It's not worth creating family strife over, but my bottom line thought would be do what you think is fun and cool, that's part of what being a kid is about, but don't do anything that isn't reversible on short notice in the future.

05-25-2006, 03:33 PM

05-25-2006, 03:37 PM
A tattoo is a permanent proof of a temporary insanity


05-25-2006, 03:50 PM

05-25-2006, 03:56 PM
I had to laugh at that Elly! I am 58 and would STILL love to have a tattoo! My husband and two son's have threatened to leave me if I do.....all the more reason, right? :D I think I didn't have one when I was younger because they were still such a taboo thing but these days, they are everywhere and on so many people. I actually went so far as to visit a tattoo parlor and ask them if they could do one of each of my lovies on my upper arm. No problem, :D But, I didn't and probably never will. I do love them and my favorite vet tech in my avian vets office is loaded with piercings and tattoos. One of the two vets (a male) has a pierced ear and a few tattoos. He's good to my birds and does a good job so I could care less. He also wears a pony tail and just ask Jackie, he's cute! :lol

I did tell both of my sons that they could NOT have a tattoo until they were 21. One never wanted one anyway and by the time the other turned 21, he no longer wanted one. I seriously do think that it's something to think long and hard about because removing a tattoo is expensive and painful. I've heard that "green" is non-removable. I think you should make that decision a little later on, like maybe when you're over 21 or even 25 and if you still want it, heck yeah, do it. :D

05-25-2006, 04:15 PM
I myself would not care if my vet had tattoos or pierceing as long as the tattoos are not like people being killed..lol. I plan on getting a tattoo when I am 30.


05-25-2006, 05:04 PM
For me, it wouldn't be any problem if a vet had tattoos or piercings, as long as they were gentle and kind with my pets :).


05-25-2006, 05:41 PM
Honestly, as long as my vet knows what he/she is doing, is good with my animals; I could care less if he/she had pink hair, big nose rings (the birds would LOVE that!) and a facial tattoo. Of course, I'm a tree-hugging liberal from Oregon :lol , so I'm sure there are people that don't agree with me.

I waited until I was 30 to get a tattoo; quite a funny story at that, but far too long for here and completely off the topic. Like Janie said, it's something you'll want to give plenty of time and thought to.

Buy A Paper Doll
05-25-2006, 06:28 PM
Dye your hair pink instead. It isn't permanent. And then at least one of us can have pink hair. I'm old (33) and I work in an office. Pink hair just doesn't go with my work clothes.

Or - get a belly ring. :) You can show it off in some outfits, cover it in others.

05-25-2006, 07:57 PM
One of the two vets (a male) has a pierced ear and a few tattoos. He's good to my birds and does a good job so I could care less. He also wears a pony tail and just ask Jackie, he's cute! :lol
Oh, yeah :happy: He's a cutie. Wish he made house calls:evil: Oh, sorry, I lost control for a moment :p

I got my ears pierced when I was 13 and I remember my mother telling me "NO!, You can't have a second hole in your ear. Not as long as you live under my roof!" Just before I turned 21, I moved out on my own and got a second piercing :whistle: I thought about a tatoo, but if I got one it would be only for me to see. I always felt it was a private thing for me. I don't know why, just did. I always wanted a sunflower. I love sunflowers. They look so happy & pretty. :D

05-25-2006, 09:42 PM
I personally think 16 is too young to decide on something as permanent as a tatoo. What you like now, might be completely different than what you will like 10, 20, 30 years from now.

05-25-2006, 10:20 PM
Honestly, as long as my vet knows what he/she is doing, is good with my animals; I could care less if he/she had pink hair, big nose rings (the birds would LOVE that!) and a facial tattoo. Of course, I'm a tree-hugging liberal from Oregon :lol , so I'm sure there are people that don't agree with me.

I'm with MJ!!!! I could give a rip about how my vet looks as long as they are knowledgeable and empathetic. I'm not from Oregon, but I am from Central California and then moved to Hawaii. I also have tattoos and used to have two nose rings. The tattoos I regret and suggest you wait as long as possible to get them. I'm 36 and got my tattoos when I was 18 and 19 years old and believe that is toooo young! If you do get a tattoo at least get it where it's easy to hide. As for the noserings, they closed a long time ago. I'm glad for that given the amount of lovebirds I have8) 8) .

Oh, and we have a member here who has a lovie tattoo (marajade). You can look at her profile for her website to check it out. You might want to ask her how she likes it.

05-25-2006, 10:24 PM
My 14 year old daughter wants her nose pierced but her school prohibits such piercings. I'm considering letting her get one - a nearly-microscopic diamond stud, that is :lol: - for the summer.

What's your school's policy on that? Would you have to wear a clear retainer during school?

05-26-2006, 12:38 PM

05-26-2006, 12:58 PM
Ahhh, but it all starts with one little needle. ;) Sometimes, anyway. :)

05-27-2006, 12:21 AM
By the time you are old enough to be a vet, the norm will be to have tattoos and piercings. Everyone in your generation is getting those things done, so it will be commonplace.
I had my lip pierced, it's been out for over 2 years, and I still have a hole in my lip.

05-27-2006, 01:23 PM

I'd have no problem with a vet who had piercings or tattooes...I have my ears pierced...no tattooes...BUT...I think I am not the norm for my age
group...(50's)...as an artist I see this as creative expression...body adornment/body art and find some of it very beautiful...and interesting...MUCH is not in this catagory though...beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course...

I choose and use a vet's services for my pets benefit...with the most important criteria being their competance and affinity with my animals...their personal appearence is not an issue...but the cleanliness of their office... disenfecting between patients...and their own habits in personal grooming do matter a great deal to me...I was a vet tech for 3 different vets in 3 different states many years ago...

Because my husband was in the military for 20 yrs...I have lived in Asia...and many parts of the US...and seen some of the cultural tattooing that covers much of the body...before it became the popular form most seen today...so maybe my exposure has something to do with my acceptance...

My 35 yr old son...also an artist has designed his own tattooes...and designed and sold many others...he has 2 presently...got the first 8 or 9 yrs ago (one on his upper arm...covered by a T-shirt...a mayan glyph of his birthdate...another covering his back...Celtic style interlaced bat hanging upside-down) I know he wants one over his heart symbolizing the Egyptian myth...weighing of the heart against a feather at death...he has made many drawings but has not finished this one yet...these tattooes are stunning...and he chose a very talented tattooe artist to complete his designs...their placement also allows him to work in a professional enviornment without them being visible...

He had his nose pierced at one point but it kept giving him trouble and developed scar tissue...which is not as disfiguring for a male as it would be for a female...some skin types do scar more...

He lived and worked in NYC for over 5 yrs...and repetedly got chased and ridiculed everytime he passed the local firehouse...(he's a big guy over 6 ft...and a blackbelt in karate) he seldom wears earrings anymore...the last 2 jobs frowned on this style of dress...I do believe he and his wife go "all out" stylewise when they go clubbing in NYC...I know his prior NYC vet had more tattooes and piercings than he did...

The world is changing...more of the younger generation do have tattooes and piercings...in some parts of the country it is becomming more acceptable...but there will always be people who will find it too extreme...my husband for one...and even my daughters husband who is from a younger age group...many people from our more rural area would never ever consider using a vet with tattooes and piercings...

Buy A Paper Doll
05-27-2006, 01:34 PM
Forgot to tell you, there is a vet tech at my vet's office, who wears dark eye makeup and gothic jewelry with her scrubs. She may have piercings but I don't remember.

Of all the vet techs in that office, I like her best because she has 3 lovebirds at home, she has a lot of experience as a tech, and she gives me really good advice.

05-27-2006, 02:10 PM
Whitney: I just noticed your from AG :happy: :happy: . That is too cool. I grew up in Grover Beach back when it was Grover City, and went to Arroyo Grande High School. I sure miss it there. I would love to move back but it's gotten too expensive and is growing out of control. I do still manage to visit every couple of years8) 8) .

05-29-2006, 08:30 PM

05-30-2006, 07:53 AM
For myself, it would not matter. You could come in with a mohawk that does not go from front to back, but ear to ear (and spiked). As long as you are a good vet, then you'll be fine with me.

Other people may not be so open. I really don't think that it should matter what a person looks like but the way they care for their animals. However, if you want to stray from the norm you will really need to work harder at standing out in your particular field in order to get over this. Is it something that you are willing to overcome? If so, I say go for it as long as your parents don't mind.

05-30-2006, 09:17 AM
I would have wanted a tatoo when i was your age... but, none of us really know where life will bring us. I was rather thankful i didn't. I suggest maybe get one if you are really sure already. Good luck on your decision making.

05-30-2006, 12:04 PM
My husband and two son's have threatened to leave me if I do.....all the more reason, right?:rofl: :rofl:

I love that, Janie. My daughter is all the time trying to get me to have extra piercings. I'm just not that into pain. Kristen doesn't have too many piercings yet... (she does them herself :x ).

Back to the question on vets with piercings: as long as the vet wearing extra jewelry doesn't get angry when my lovebird quickly removes it! :rofl:
Tattoos? {shoulder shrug} I'm not bothered by that much. If a person works in an office, usually they cover them up. Maybe I'll drive to Atlanta and round up Janie and we'll go get a tat!

05-30-2006, 01:51 PM
Hi Whitney;

The only reason you might want to rethink the whole piercing thing would be if you were dealing with avians and exotics. Some birds are very good at quickly taking your earrings out and swallowing them. You might want to check around with a few vets and see what they have to say; pierced jewelry may need to be removed during work hours for your own protection, as well as the animal's.

If you ever got to work in an animal surgery, I'm pretty sure all jewlery would need to be removed or at least covered during procedures ...

Have you ever seen magnetic earrings? Gives you the effect of unusual body piercing without the long-term effects. :D You could try it out for a while and see if you like it well enough to commit.

Best wishes,

05-30-2006, 04:54 PM
Maybe I'll drive to Atlanta and round up Janie and we'll go get a tat!

Suzanne, that's a DEAL! :D

Several of the techs in my avian vets office are pierced from top to bottom and probably in between, too. :lol The female vet only has one set of pierced ears but Dr. Jason does, too! Come to think about it, I would never wear earrings if I worked for an avian vet! Big Boi taught me that lesson in a hurry! :D