View Full Version : my birdy panic attack.

05-25-2006, 10:49 PM
Today, I was sitting with Pete (the lovebirds' new name :roll: ) and he was nibbling on my ear while I was working on the computer

As he had done this before, I wasn't paying a b it of attention to him except for the occasional "who's a petey boy?"

Then I felt a POP and I looked over: He was tonguing my earring stud! I immediately turned to grab him so I could take it before he swallowed it, but he saw the movement and flapped to the other side of the room. I caught him and was crying because I didn't see the earring. My boyfriend grabbed the phonebook and started looking up a vet

Then I slid on the earring, which, luckily he had spat onto the floor in panic.

I am NEVER wearing earring studs around him again!

05-26-2006, 07:10 AM
Yep, jewlery can be dangerous sometimes. When I come home from work, I take off ALL my jewlery, makeup and put my hair up. I know I look like a "plain Jane", but I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to my birds. Glad to hear everything turned out ok with Pete. :)

05-26-2006, 11:12 AM

After having two diamonds plucked out(one from my cross, one from an earring) I take off all my jewelry before getting my birds out. Vet visits are expensive, and then there is the expense of the jewelry repair on top of that:eek:

Poor Lacey, she has no diamonds:rolleyes:

05-26-2006, 11:45 PM
I wasn't allowed to wear earrings at my old job. My holes closed up, and I haven't gotten them re-pierced. Luckily, I don't have to worry about much jewelry, and when I do, I remove all before playing with my flock. Much too dangerous and risky. I'm glad that Pete didn't swallow the earring.

05-27-2006, 12:04 AM
I was so worried....and today he was all mad at me. He got up on my shoulder and I turned my head so I could look at him, and he nibbled my earlobe for a second where the earring would be and then he glared at me like "What did you do with my toy, woman?"

Oiii....unfortunately I do need to look nice at my job, and considering the money my parents/friends/relatives have spent on my earring (mostly before I even had my ears pierced), earrings alone in my jewelry box are worth about 2k and I don't wear half of them (sighs), I can't let the holes grow ovver.

See, now why couldn't have put that money into a savings account?

Buy A Paper Doll
05-27-2006, 01:24 PM
I hear you, goldnyght. I've had a tug of war with a lovebird over a diamond earring, myself. In my case, he didn't drop it. He was trying to work the diamond out of the setting while I was holding on to the post for dear life. Man they are persistent.

For me, I not only have to remove earrings and necklaces, I go ahead and change into a ratty T-shirt while I'm at it. It's not the poop that bugs me; it's the little beak-sized holes they like to leave in my clothes.

05-27-2006, 07:07 PM
yeah, I have three "birdy shirts" since I've not been telling my mom about him lest she tries to steal him.

I've been trying to get my boyfriend to hold him a little in the evenings when I'm not around so Pete will bond to him too, but bun (my boyfriend) is afraid of him, and this results in sharp little birdy bites if bun tries to kiss me while pete is on my shoulder :lol:

05-27-2006, 08:51 PM
When I first got Trixie he also attacked my jewlrey. Once when we were sitting at the computer he managed to take the diamond out of one of mine. I was scared too and like you, it was found.

Needless to say I dont wear any jewlrey around him now, not my nose ring, or ears or necklaces or bracelets etc etc etc.


05-28-2006, 12:06 AM
I used to read the post here about lovies and jewelry and could not figure out what the big deal was! :D Oliver never touched my earrings. Then I got two more....."typical" love birds! :D I take off my earrings immediately if I'm going to be within a mile of Big Boi. He broke one pair and that was that. I was lucky that he only broke one instead of ingesting one but I did learn my lesson. Lovies and earrings don't mix. :D

05-28-2006, 12:26 AM
i used to wear earrings and necklaces but since i've got my fids i stopped. they all love jewellery and one of my fids is so good at picking the lock of the necklaces, he would look for the lock and would have it opened with 5 seconds. i don't even wear a watch anymore...no hair products as they like to play on my head.
as for clothings, i get change right away when i get home, they hate orange, red and stripes shirts. they also like to sit on my back when i crawl on the floor, sometimes i have around 6-8 birdies on me at the same time. it's so much fun :happy: :rofl: ;)

05-28-2006, 02:20 AM
lol...you're like a birdy possum momma.

Anybody know if beads on hoop earrings are dangerous? I've heard hoops are a bit safer, but nothing about beaded hoops.

My boyfriend's sister just bought me a pair (and some clothes and stuff. Talk about akward..) and I want to wear them so she'll be happy and not eat me, but I don't want pete to eat it...