View Full Version : Oh, the noise, noise, noise, NOISE!

Buy A Paper Doll
05-28-2006, 06:38 PM
Mel has not stopped screeching ALL DAY LONG! :x

First there are the wing flapping temper tantrums accompanied by loud rapid chatter-scold - type chirps. She wanted out - temper tantrum. Milo looked at her funny - temper tantrum. I moved a pillow that she was playing on - temper tantrum. Geez. :roll:

Then there are the slow, loud, repetetive, car alarm - type shrieks: SCREECH! SCREECH! SCREECH! SCREECH! SCREECH! SCREECH! She did this for TWO HOURS this afternoon. Finally I went in the other room and shut the door. I just couldn't take it anymore! I have yet to figure out what gets her going like this.

She gets into these moods where she just goes OFF on whoever or whatever happens to cross her path. Poor Milo is staying the heck away from her. I think I'm going to do the same. Thirty-seven minutes to birdy bedtime and counting ...

05-28-2006, 07:10 PM
Be glad/thankful that Mel is not a Macaw........... I know exactly where you are coming from!
~graciously offers extra set of ear plugs~

Buy A Paper Doll
05-28-2006, 07:40 PM
Linda, I don't know how you do it with the bigger birds! I will say this much, though: Even the vet has commented on the fact that my birds are LOUD. Not loud for lovebirds, just plain LOUD. :blush:

I was thinking, maybe Mel is being so obnoxious because hubby just came home from being out of town for 10 days. Milo spent the better part of the afternoon standing on hubby's chest, staring at his daddy. :roll: Meanwhile Miss Melly has been screaming the walls down all afternoon. I guess that's her way of saying she's happy that her daddy is home.

05-28-2006, 08:15 PM
Could very well be that Mel missed her daddy, too, and that's her way of expressing herself. With the exception of the B&G Macaw that was here for a short time, my larger parrots are fairly well behaved. Alex has her moments but the macaws are not overly loud as long as I make sure I greet them first thing in the morning and right after I come home from work. There have been a few times that they've wanted to visit and I've found them walking to where ever they can hear my voice...... (You don't step on a macaw too easily and if you are a dog that a macaw can look straight in the eye, you tend not to get too close! Ditto if you happen to be a cat and the macaw is bigger than you are..... :) )

05-28-2006, 09:10 PM
Usually when Ditto is loud like that it's because I started it by cheeping or sqawking at him. And I keep doing it to keep him going. :rofl:

Although I walked down to my dad's house yesterday (about a block) and I could hear him down there. He was calling me and talking to the birds outside who were also quite loud. It's amazing how loud one little bird can be. He was easy to pick out too since his contact calls sound nothing like the sparrows that were making the other racket.

05-28-2006, 09:13 PM
Shy chatters a lot and often! :D When I hear a lot of chatter, I know it's him. The other two don't do it and I have no idea why. Shy will chatter for an hour at a time. I close the door! :whistle:

05-28-2006, 09:17 PM
Well send those noisy birdies up here then. They can teach Ditto to chatter. He's too quiet. Somtimes I have to look over and make sure he's still there. :p

05-28-2006, 09:40 PM
Seriously? I love the chatter! :D I chatter so why wouldn't I love a chatter box birdie? Makes me "suspect" that my Shy might be a hen!:rofl:

05-29-2006, 07:07 AM
Being old (80) and hard hearing,:whistle: Charlie & Pete's chatter never bothers me. :) I do talk to them and they respond. Just have not completely understood what they are saying.:wink:


05-29-2006, 07:49 AM

But wasn't Miss Melly just adorable at the birdfair and you had to have her????? :rofl: I feel the same way when Olivia starts up. She sits in her cage, tuck her head and she can talk & chirp for over an hour. My other birds fuss at her to be quiet and when they all get going :eek: :eek: Yep, I jst close the door too. Although I love to watch Olivia do her baby chatter (that's what I call it). She's soooooooo cute.

05-29-2006, 08:01 AM
Jen, I know what you mean by the car alarm screech. :x After about 15 minutes we start screeching too. It can make you feel like you're losing your mind after about an hour ... we spent most of the weekend cleaning out the back porch (enclosed) and moving bird cages back there, so they could "chatter" to their hearts' content and we could preserve our sanity.

Joe, I guess you don't wear a hearing aid when you're home with your birds. :) Years ago my dad had to re-home his minah bird Buddy because the bird's calls were just too hard on his electronics. In fact, even with the hearing aid out it caused a lot of problems with his tinnitus. (sp?)

05-29-2006, 10:03 AM
I said this somewhere just recently, but when my birds start chirpping away, I just chirp with them. We have this contest on who can chirp the loudest(of course I always win:lol ), and before long, they are looking at me in silence. You think they are waiting for the men with the white jacket to come get me?????:rofl:

05-29-2006, 10:43 AM
I have gotten so use to their chattering and calling. Now it is when they are quiet I start to worry about them..lol. Between 3 kids and 2 birds I take the birds noises any day:rofl:


05-29-2006, 11:26 AM
She gets into these moods where she just goes OFF on whoever or whatever happens to cross her path.

I have a 15 year old daughter, Jennifer. She's just like that when she's hormonal, and sometimes when she's not. My daughter can also be quite loud (usually her music). Generally my son and I stay out of her path when she's in those moods. ;)

05-30-2006, 12:34 PM
Kali and Trixie are twice as loud as Etna and Laharl. I always have the earplugs ready.