View Full Version : Lovie

06-02-2006, 06:27 PM
Hate to be such a thread starter, but anyway, when I first got Daisy, she wanted to snuggle against my face when she was up on my shoulder. Now she keeps a good distance from my face when she's on my shoulder. Is this just exploring behavior? Will she come back to snuggling after awhile?

06-02-2006, 07:42 PM
To be honest, the lovies I've experienced that keep really close to the neck and face are uncomfortable and hiding. I would think Daisy is getting braver and more confident in your relationship.

Just my :2cents:

06-02-2006, 07:58 PM
I agree with Laura. The only time Bela snuggles up close to my face now is when he gets a little sleepy, other than that, he's always on the go.

06-02-2006, 08:00 PM

I tend to agree with you. The only time I see snuggling against my face is when Daisy (my Creamino) acts like a momma's girl. It's the only time she does this and she will chase everybirdy off of me so she has me to herself. None of my other lovies do this. They just hide, like you said. :2cents:

06-13-2006, 09:01 AM
Lately she's been acting very independent and biting everything in site. She burrows down in my shirt as opposed to sticking her head up out of it like she used to so that I have to push her up. I don't like it when she burrows without her head sticking up (it's really cute) because I feel like she's hiding from me. Sometimes she pinches my neck really hard or bites my finger the same way. Did any of yours ever pinch your neck like that?

I'm sure this biting thing is just a phase of exploring that they all go through. I also heard recently that as a baby bird, they want to be close to you, but as they get older, they want to be on their own more. Has this been your experience?

Thanks for sharing.

06-13-2006, 09:21 AM
How old is Daisy again? Could it be that she is hormonal and getting nesty down your shirt? Gracie has done that with us, and I have had bites in sensitive areas to show for it. :x

06-13-2006, 09:55 AM
She will be 3 months tomorrow. They start going through hormonal changes at around 9 months, don't they?

06-13-2006, 11:08 AM
A lovebird become an adult around the age of 6 months.

06-13-2006, 08:38 PM
Three months of age is a classic "teenage stage". Biting, impatience, grouchies etc are all pushed to their limits in the next few weeks, even with the best of socialized babies.
If Daisy is being 'bad' down your shirt, the recourse is...'no access down there!!! "

If Daisy is biting/nibbling fingers, again, "no fingers!" Use a perch or your whole hand instead.

If Daisy won't step up or go to bed....(and this is what works for me)...I turn off the light and leave the room...standing just outside the door. I wait for the contact call, go in and ONLY offer my finger/perch and say 'step up'. No response, I go out again. No other attention until they've done what I've asked. Once step up is done, lots and lots of praise and kisses and high pitched talking with millet or sunflower.

Remember to be patient and that this is a temporary stage. Follow through with commands and training. It'll be over within a few weeks...hopefully !!! LOL:whistle:

06-14-2006, 06:50 AM
Thank you, Kim, I'll try that. It's good to know she is just being a teenager right now. :)

06-16-2006, 09:01 AM
I've learned that it's not good to have them on your shoulder all the time because they can become dominant and it's actually a way that they don't have to deal with you.