View Full Version : Did I get gipped?

06-03-2006, 02:17 AM
My lovebird is still plucking his feathers so a little while ago I brought him in. The vet said that she's going to do a blood test. I'm positive that she's done blood work on him before even though she said that she hadn't- That's another story, whatever.

Well, time to pay for the blood test, it was a whopping $127.00!!!!

Did I get gipped? How much do you guys pay? I used to take him, and his sister in for a full check up and the grand total was about $75.00. How in the world was a blood test so much more than a whole check up?

And how much do you guys pay for check ups? I know it costs more in different parts of the country. I'm in Maryland, USA.

06-03-2006, 06:29 AM
While the price seems a tad steep, it depends on what kind of blood test was done. I can see where a blood panel and CBC could easily cost that much. There are also specific blood tests that are pricey. Can you give us a bit more information about the vet visit?

My vet's standard office visit for a bird is $45.00. As a breeder and long time client, I get a discount (thank goodness!).

06-03-2006, 01:25 PM
I don't think your price is way off base personally...
In Ontario Canada it costs me a standard office visit each and every time I walk through their doors and that runs me $55. If I get bloodwork or gram stain or any other type of specific testing done on a bird it's added onto the standard $55. I can't just walk in with a bird and ask for bloodwork and expect to pay for only that bloodwork.
I also get multi-bird discounts as Linda does(and she's right thank God !!! ) so taking 4 birds in at the same time for exams and blood draws (I do it once yearly to compare levels from last visit) plus gram stains runs me 4 x $55, 4 x $38 and 4 x $13.50 YIKES !!! Mind you, I get a 20% discount off the lab work so it's a bit less when all is said and done.
Depending on what your vet drew blood for + the cost of the office visit, 127 isn't unreasonable to me :)
I hope this relieves you somewhat, although it doesn't relieve your wallet LOL


06-03-2006, 01:47 PM
Sounds about right to me also. Cappie's well bird check up, CBC and PBFD test ran me $168.00 total.

That makes that $127.00 sound a little better I hope;)

Buy A Paper Doll
06-04-2006, 09:55 AM
Yep, $120 is reasonable. Exam is $45 and CBC is $80 at one vet's office I go to.

A couple of thoughts and some unsolicited advice on the topic of feather picking. Feather picking is a complex thing for a vet to treat. There could be dozens of reasons why a bird is picking his feathers and it takes time on the vet's part to figure out what's going on. That being said, I want you to prepare yourself for the possibility that this test might not find the reason why your lovebird is still plucking. The vet starts with what they feel is the most logical cause based on the information you provide, tests for it, and goes from there.

My little feather picker has had every test available except for the one that would have required him to be put under anesthesia. Three vets and $500 in bills later, the consensus is that I have a very healthy little lovebird who likes to pick his feathers. I may never know exactly WHY he does it. I just know that he is healthy and that's what matters to me.

If the vet can't give you a definitive diagnosis, you may never know exactly what causes the feather picking. It's "something" in his environment. After you've eliminated all the possible "bad" things (fumes? noises? stress? something in the room he doesn't like?) from his environment, then you focus on adding the "good" things. Keep him busy, and he will not have as much time to think about picking his feathers. Keep rotating in new toys, especially foraging toys where he has to work at the toy to get a treat. Take him outside (safely and in his cage of course) for fresh air and sunlight when you can. Keep playing with him regularly. Work on varying his diet even more in case it's a dietary thing. What worked for me is to fix "everything" all at once. My bird still picks a little bit but he is so much better now.

Hope this helps,

06-05-2006, 01:00 AM
The price usually depends on the test. Most vet clinics have to send the sample away for a lab to work up, and that is why the price is so high. It is about in line with any blood test I have ever had done.

06-05-2006, 01:46 AM
Well, that's a relief.

How much does the blood, feather skin sample proceedure cost? I'm considering it. It would be the last test left. He's a young bird, if it needs to be done, I would like to get it done at the best time possible for him.

If nothing comes back on that, I'm thinking about trying Prozac. On him I mean!

His sister is in my bedroom, with her cage right next to his. She's never plucked. They have quiet and I never use any products around them. I've also used full spectrum lighting on them. They have those pinyatas, their cage bottom is shredded with no grill and they have toys coming out their ears with plenty of space left over.

They get exercise and they were underweight but their diet has been changed and it's perfect now.

The only thing that I can think of is that when I can't see him a few times a day, he'll pluck even more. It's fine now b/c I'm out of school and not working, but what will happen when I have to leave them on vacation or any other reason I won't be home?

I thought about a lampshade but I think that'll just stress him out even more.