View Full Version : They're Evil! They're EVIL, I tell you!!!!!

06-04-2006, 11:24 PM
OK, all you lovebirds. Listen up. Bird Bird here.

Tonight Miss Linda put some strange looking green worm-like creatures in my food dish!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I've got 4 eggies that I'm sitting on and I just know those green worms are going to come after my eggies and EAT them! They're evil, EVil, I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Actually, when I took some time to check out those green things, they are quite tasty! Miss Linda calls them Sugar Snap Peas. I sure never got anything that looked like or tasted like these things do!! Maybe they're not evil after all...........

Bird Bird

Marja Pohorelsky
06-04-2006, 11:38 PM
Hi Linda, that is funny, I just put some of those sugar snaps in Tiko's dish but he is not interesting.He was dancing on the top of the cage thought, that made me laugh,he is so young and cute :rofl: :happy:

06-05-2006, 12:57 AM
Hey Bird Bird.

I know of what you speak. Just wait till your momma puts a curly bean in your food dish. They look like a green piggie's tail, and they could strangle an eggie just the very minute they sprung over to it.

You keep those eggies safe, and eat up all those snappers, sugary or not.


Buy A Paper Doll
06-05-2006, 08:19 AM
Hey Bird Bird,

You never know when a big ol' green worm is gonna be mixed in with those sugar snap peas! And those big ol' green worms can eat up eggies real fast! Miss Melly don't have eggies right now but I still protect her best I can. As soon as Momma or Daddy put those sugar snap peas in our house, I run over and ATTACK!!!!! I chomp right into each and every one of those snap peas. That way, if there happens to be a nasty green worm hiding in there, I've killed him for sure and Miss Melly is safe once again.

So just chomp a big old bite out of each sugar snap pea and your eggies will be safe!

Wing flaps,
Milo Lilo

06-05-2006, 09:55 AM
Bird Bird,

Those ain't worms. Those are the best things in this world!!!! Well, they are right up there with apples anyways;)

Lacey used to think they were evil too, and I liked it that way. If she thought they were evil, that was just more for me:lol Alas, she finally figured out they were the bomb, and now we vie for those "green worms":rolleyes:

Hey, if you like the green worms, you will have to try those Chinese peas my Mama gives us too. They aren't quiet as good as the sugar snaps, but they will do in a pinch;)

06-05-2006, 10:19 AM
Bird Bird,

I use to be scared of those "green wormie" things too. Now my momma opens them up so's I can eat the peas, which are awesome! I tried to eat those wormies, but I couldn't get to my peas. My momma spoils me somethin' good :D

Mister Molly (Maulie)

06-05-2006, 11:59 AM
Hey Bird Bird!

My momma doesn't serve them like worms.....she opens them for us! :D Why? Cause we are spoiled rotten and she knew Oliver wouldn't touch one unless she opened it so she does it for all of us. We have her trained....almost to perfection! :lol

P.S. We know that forging for them would be better for us so she might try that on us soon. ;)

Oliver, Big Boi and Shy

06-05-2006, 12:17 PM
Bird Bird,

Those worm looking things are evil, until you kill them, throw them on the floor of the cage and go back to eat them a little later. I know. I've also found yelling at the top of your lungs at them and your momma for a while help to subdue them from attacking eggs. Santos eats everything, but he's a boy and stupid.

Your Blue cousin Savanna the Quaker in Oregon.

06-05-2006, 05:56 PM
Hey Bird Bird! I had to fight some green wormy things too. I found them in my veggie bowl with the sugar snap peas (my favorite), carrots and brocoli. I threw them all out but they kept sneaking back in ( I think daddy was conspiring with them). >:

Then I remembered, those ain't worms, they're green beans and there's tasty treats inside. So I opened one up and, yep tasty tasty stuff. I don't eat the wormy lookin outside part like I do with the peas but them beans sure is tasty!

I do love those peas though. I eat them extra loud so daddy can hear me chompin on them all the way across the room.


04-08-2017, 06:49 AM
Hey bird bird my mom gives me yummy juicy apple and I loves it I gives it to my babies and they loves it to my mom is new to all this so she's trying different foods to see wat I like and she's doing a great job feeding me and Daddy very well so we can feed our 3 new babies who are Ronnie Reggie and Tiff our names are Roxy and Big Boy and our mom is Emma speak soon bird bird xxxxx

Hope you didn't mind me chirping in Linda just I thought your little story was wicked and really made me laugh but very informative at the same time as to wat to feed our lovies thanks hunny xxxxxxxx:rotfl:happy: