View Full Version : Oh My Gosh! They're GONE:x :eek: :x :eek:

06-05-2006, 10:28 AM
I've been keeping my lovebirds outside in the open air carport/garage for the past six weeks. They love it outdoors and sing all day long, mimicing the wild birds and playing in their big cages. The cages are hung at eye level with the back of the cages to the brick wall in the shade of the deck walk. I pass by them many times during the day in and out of the house to the garden, to the deck, to the hottub room, etc.

This morning, Zipper and Sophia's cage was unside down on the deck walk and both are gone. ..GONE!! The other birds are okay. Sometime during the night, something happened. The top had come loose in the fall, both doors open. No feathers anywhere. Seed scattered in a small area. I don't suspect "fowl" play by an animal. But I do think they would have escaped the cage in fright when it fell. With wing clips I don't know how far they could go or even if they would stay together...and where they would go in the dark.

I immediately did a walk around the house and garden using my greeting whistles to no avail. Hubby took the quad runner to check the trees by the ponds. We live on 240 acres that are fronted by a highway. The back of the house faces the garden and 160 acres of open pastureland with a few trees. The rest is heavy woods. My nearest neighbors are 1/4 mile away to the back and 1/8 mile to the front across the highway. Town is two miles away. My vet is 15 miles away in another town.

I'm hoping the calls and singing of the other lovies will lure Zipper and Sophia back. I've replenished the seed and water in their cage, left the doors open
and as soon as today's winds die down, I'll set out some trays of food around the house under the trees. I keep the birdbaths full all the time for the song birds.

We have hawks by day and owls by night.... Oh my poor babies!!! They have no idea how to forage for themselves..........:x :x :x

06-05-2006, 11:46 AM
Sophia has been found!!!

Taking another walk around the yard and garden, giving whistles, she responded from deep in the akebia vine 25 feet from the cages.

Sophia let me take her in my hand...something she hasn't done since I bought her. Other than being thirsty, she seems unharmed. Called the vet and she said since she wasn't gone but a few hours, to keep an eye on her and call her if I notice any changes. I put in some millet spray too.

Sweet girl is home....now where is Zipper?!

06-05-2006, 11:49 AM
I am glad you found Sophia. Cages with plastic bottoms break often when hung up. I would go ahead and put Sophia back in the cage and keep her outside where Zipper can here her. This may attact him to come home since he and Sophia are bonded. When it gets dark please bring Sophia inside, she has had a rough time and even if you kept them in your carport, there are plenty of predators that can get to them.

My :2cents: is that lovies should not be in a cage 24 hours a day and they should expecially not be outside for that entire time either. Birds were meant to fly free and have lots of adventure in their lives. Since us humans have made them pets, it's our responsibility to make sure they have good lives filled with fun and change everyday.

Good Luck, losing lovies is never easy

06-05-2006, 11:50 AM
Look in the general area where you found Sophia. Zipper should not be too far away. Will write more later. Glad you got Sophia back!

06-05-2006, 09:00 PM
Have you found Zipper?

06-05-2006, 09:33 PM
No. We haven't even heard a chirp from Zipper. I'm really worried about him. I made sure the birdbaths were filled and placed branches across the bigger ones. I hung extra birdseed feeders around the trees and shrubs just in case.... This morning I notified my neighbors to be looking for my yellow bird with an orange face. I posted a picture and a reward at the local gas stations.
Sophia has been really quiet all day and into the evening. She is usually chirping and singing back at Mollie. ..the normal competition of voices is subdued.
When I took the separate cages into the hottub room for flight time and play time on the gym, she wouldn't come out of her cage. I tried to encourage her by bringing in Sunshine and Baby, but Sophia just sat on her perch by her mirror. I'm sure part of it is stress. But she did eat her millet and preened herself.
Tonight I left an empty cage with food and water hanging in the spot where Zipper's cage has been hanging and put the three cages with lovies in the hot tub room. Its a big room with windows on three sides and sliding glass doors on the 4th side. We don't use the hottub this time of year so it's made a great bird room...
How long can a tame bird live in the wild? How far could he have gone with a wing clip? I've whistled til my whistler doesn't work right.
Prayers to the rainbow guardians to send Zipper home to Sophia would be helpful...

06-05-2006, 10:05 PM
You've done what you need to have done. Please know that Zipper is in my prayers for a safe return. He could actually last a few days outside, as long as he can stay out of sight of predators. Sophia was fairly close and I, personally, don't think Zipper is much further away if he's still alive. Sunrise tomorrow will bring a new day. Hopefully, it will bring Zipper home safely.

06-06-2006, 12:14 AM
You've done what you need to have done. Please know that Zipper is in my prayers for a safe return. He could actually last a few days outside, as long as he can stay out of sight of predators. Sophia was fairly close and I, personally, don't think Zipper is much further away if he's still alive. Sunrise tomorrow will bring a new day. Hopefully, it will bring Zipper home safely.

I'm with Linda and hope Zipper finds his way home tomorrow. My flock and I will definately keep him in our thoughts and prayers.......In the afternoon close to dark and early morning, right before dawn, would be a good time to search and lookout for Zipper. Birdsseem to be loudest at these times. If you have a safe carrier I would almost take Sophia out with you and just sit in different spots and let her chirp or take two other birds if she is being too quiet. Lovies are attracted to lovie chirps.

Good Luck

06-06-2006, 02:52 AM
I also hope you find Zipper. I also agree to take Sophia with you when you walk about. Lovies can send 'contact calls' that travel much further than any noise a human can make, miles in fact, and if Zipper is going to hear or come to any sound, that will be it.

Hopefully he will be waiting close to the cage in the morning, if he can find it. If food and water are left about, I think a tame bird could last many days in the wild, assuming no other animals attack it. Even with clipped wings, I hope Zips can get enough lift to get himself off the ground so he can have a sleep in a tree where he will be safer. What an adventure for him, and I do hope it has a happy ending.

06-06-2006, 03:39 AM
I'm really sorry. I hope you find Zipper soon.

06-06-2006, 09:07 AM
I hope Zipper comes back home soon, as well. I also don't think he's very far away from the house, but anything can happen. I just hope he's safe.

06-06-2006, 10:12 AM
:D I can see Zipper in the top of the elm tree in the side yard!!!!:D
The prayers worked!!
Now we've set Sophia's cage and Sunshine and Baby's cage on tables under the tree. Hopefully he will come down to them. He is chirping and excited to see them.
We didn't get any response early this morning...so I was really disheartened.
I was pulling weeds in the garden and thought I heard Zipper chirp and sure enough as soon as we took Sophia's cage to the tree, Roger spotted Zipper. Boy did they sound off to each other.

Let you know as soon as he is safely back with his sweety!

06-06-2006, 10:20 AM
Kathryn, I have been following this one, holding my breath, crossing my fingers and saying a prayer, too! That is GREAT news!!!!!!!! Hopefully Zipper will be safely back in his cage very, very soon! I'm so glad you can see him and I've got believe he'll return to Sophia just as soon as he figures out how to do that. Keep us posted......

06-06-2006, 10:29 AM
OMG! That is great. I hope you are able to coax him in soon.

06-06-2006, 10:32 AM

I too have been following along. I am so happy to hear that Zipper has been spotted. I feel like I've been holding my breath waiting for an update, and this is great news!!!!!

Now from our lips to Zipper's ears, "Come on Zipper, get back in your nice, safe cage, so that your Mama can take care of you"

06-06-2006, 01:50 PM
I am at my wits end!! :omg: I can't seem to find the right enticement to get Zipper to come down out of the tree!!
I've tried millet on top of the cage, juicy new carrot tops which he adores, even the play gym out of the hot tub room with his favorite mouse wheel.
Thinking they were a distraction, I moved Sunshine and Baby back to the carport.

Sophia and Zipper have been doing a chirp fight these past three hours.
He's telling her: "You come up here and see what I can see. There's a great hole in this big toy". He dances back and forth on the big branches.
Sophia responds, "Get down here you clown, I've had just about enough excitement for a lifetime."
Zipper, "Oh, but it's so interesting to see all the neighbors we have: pretty hummingbirds, that mockingbird has babies and the blue birds are cool. You should see those purple martins do their acrobatics from up here! OOOH, she gave those babies a big bug!"
Sophia, "Oh, stop it! Come get your millet and take your bath in this nice bowl of water."

And of course, Mama is sitting on the deck with a pair of binnoculars keeping watch for that :eek: big hawk circling out over the pasture...

I'm going to give them a break for a while, go back to the garden and keep and eye on them from that distance. :whistle: Will keep you posted.

06-06-2006, 01:59 PM
Go to our Resource Library and read the article that I have listed on recovering lost birds once they are sighted. If Zipper is not fully flighted, getting him wet may be the only way you are going to get him to come down. He may very well be up in the tree and not be sure just how to come back down. I've seen that happen a couple of times.

~crosses fingers and continues prayers~

06-06-2006, 02:13 PM
I've been anxiously waiting for the great news also. Was wishing very hard that you would find Zipper. Now wishing very hard he will come back down to you.

06-06-2006, 04:46 PM
Kathryn, I agree with Linda, 100%. I think it's more than likely that he doesn't know how to get back down even if he is fully flighted. The one time I lost Oliver (only 45 minutes but it seemed like 45 hours) I am positive he would have come to me if he'd had a clue how to do it. Fortunately he did come down to a bush and continued answering my contact calls and that is the way I got him.

When Linda mentioned the wet bird thing, I had no idea until last week that a wet bird would have trouble with flight because my outside wild birds certainly don't but, last week after Oliver had had a good soaking, I took him back to his bird room and kind of tossed him forward like I always do when I want him off me and back in his room and he could not fly! He went straight out and to the floor. I thought something was wrong with him and tried it several more times and each time he went to the floor. This is a bird that is 90% flighted and can go from the floor to the top of the ceiling, 8 feet straight up. I mentioned this to someone and they said it was because he was wet. It's something I had never noticed before because normally he goes straight to a perch and preens till he's dry. If Zipper does not come down soon, I would get the hose out.

06-06-2006, 06:04 PM
If you opt to use a hose, be careful. The article is written about African Grey Parrots and they are much larger birds. You can't use the same force on a lovebird that you would on a CAG. Getting him wet and putting him off balance is more of what you want to do. Also be aware of what's on the ground around where he is. You don't want him to get hurt and you will want to be close enough to retrieve him quickly.

Again, prayers are continuing for Zipper's safe return home.

06-06-2006, 06:24 PM
I hope Zipper comes down soon. I recently had a really wild young peachface get loose in a building that is about the height of an airplane hangar. It took two days, but he did finally fly down to get to food and water.
The only thing I'd be concerned about with the "hose" method is that it would simply scare him and make him fly away unless your aim is fantastic and you can get him wet enough in one go.

Good luck; we're all wishing for him to get down soon.

06-06-2006, 07:24 PM
Everytime I come on the board I check this thread frist. I sure hope Zipper comes down soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed and say a little prayer too.

I can't remember if your lovies are tame, but I thought I'd tell you something I did with Molly. When he was learning to fly, I would tap my chest and say "Fly to me Molly, fly to me." He learned quick and that's how I've gotten him down from the ceiling fan, refridgerator, etc... As soon as I say it, he lunges and flies to me immediately. :2cents:

06-06-2006, 07:50 PM
That command can be extremely useful in an emergency situation. I do something similar with Ginger when I want her to go into her cage. I simply say "In your cage, Ginger.," and that's exactly where she goes. Makes it much easier than chasing and takes a lot less time!

06-06-2006, 08:22 PM
I've tried to keep some things repetitive. When they go into their cage, I say "Up, up" as I put them near a perch. They always step right up onto the perch. I use this same command when I want them to step up on my finger or arm, but I can pretty much put my finger in front of them and they step up immediately. My birds are such velcro birdies, it doesn't take much for them to follow me or fly to me when I call. :)

06-06-2006, 08:59 PM
Thanks for the information and the prayers. I'll read that article right now. (It's 8:40 p.m. here)

The little Zipper refused to come down from the tree...or like suggested may not know how. Later this evening I put Mollie and her brood out under the tree because Sophia was tired of chirping. Their loud chatter didn't do more than irritate mama mockingbird.

Circling the elm tree from the ground, I couldn't see Zipper, but every once in a while could hear him.

My aim with a hose is going to have to be really good. Where Zipper has been seen is about 25 to 30 feet off the ground. The tree is about 60 feet tall or taller. Another elm 25 feet away is not quite as tall. The the elm to the front yard is huge. I fear I might frighten him even higher into the tree top. or into one of the other trees.

After putting the other birds to bed, I hung a gourd in the tree as high as I could, filled the birdbath again and hung some smaller feeders near the gourd.
Zipper won't sleep in a cozy so the gourd may not attract him.

We are really going to have to work on some retrieval commands. In the house, I can say "step up" and both Mollie and Zipper are the best at doing that. With the stress and the distance, he wouldn't even attempt to get off that big branch he was pacing. I've always simply used a treat to get the lovies rounded up and back in their cages.

We will be back at it at the crack of dawn. Hopefully tomorrow will be a more successful day. At least I know where he is.

PS: After reading the article, I'll put a cage on the roof since the branches come really close, and I'll get a sparrow trap tomorrow at Atwoods.

06-06-2006, 10:05 PM
Prayers continue for Zipper's safe return home.

This thread has been concentrating on getting Sophia and Zipper back. Once both of them are home and safe, the next step is to quarantine at least Zipper for 30 days. He's been out and about in the wild and you don't know what he's come in contact with. I would also plan on calling your avian vet to discuss a check up and basic infection testing. I learned this lesson the hard way when my male African Grey let himself out of his cage and he was flying around in the trees for 24 hours. He contracted a bacterial infection and was dead in his nestbox 3 weeks later.

06-07-2006, 12:59 AM
We sooo hope you get Zipper down! I am not going to be able to sleep now!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us another update as soon as you can.

*fingers crossed* and prayers said.

06-07-2006, 03:53 AM

I'm really sorry about Zipper, and I too, will add my prayers that he gets back home safely. I'm glad you at least know where he is now.


06-07-2006, 09:57 AM
Linda and all,
Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.
Up before 6 this morning, moved the girls back out under the tree and had coffee watching and listening from the deck...20 feet away.
Sadly, not a peep.

I've been in and out all morning, walking under the three elm trees and around the yard and garden checking every nook and cranny.

Won't give up yet either. I'm headed to town to take my mom in law to a doctor appointment at 11 a.m. and will stop by Atwoods for the sparrow trap.
Roger is going to keep watch til I get back.

The bright yellow and black American Finches gave me a little hope...but no orange among them.

Will keep you posted...keep the faith and good vibes coming.
A definite vet visit is in order for Zipper and for all the worry...maybe the prospect of an encounter with a great big needle would ....naahh...some snuggles and treats would be better.

06-07-2006, 10:15 AM
Kathryn, I think they go through stages when they are out and afraid and they will stop chirping for a little while. Oliver stopped for 15 minutes the day I lost him. Keep looking and listening. He'll start chirping again soon.

I like the idea of the sparrow trap. I have friends on my bluebird/wild bird forum who use them to trap House Sparrows and they are very effective and will NOT harm the bird in any way.

I'm saying big prayers for his safe return.

06-07-2006, 03:29 PM
3 p.m. I've just come in from actually hoisting a bird cage 35 feet up into the tree canopy. It has a big bowl of water and two seed cups. Don't see Zipper and can't hear him, but Sophia is insistant.

Used a smaller version of the old navy trick of throwing a weight with a small line attached from one ship to another and then using that line to haul a bigger, then bigger line between the ships until the rope was big enough to tie the two ships together. I used a 5 oz fishing weight and some fishing line attached to a nylon cord that is 50 feet long. Once the line was over the branch I wanted (took several throws), I pulled the nylon cord over the branch, secured it to the cage and hoisted the cage. It is anchored to an iron patio chair.

I can lower it to check it anytime I want and can tell if the feed is being eatten. I don't think a wild bird will go in the birdcage as quickly as a tame lovie....At least that's my thought. Hopefully, if Zipper finds it, he will stay in it so I can lower him to the ground. If he uses it, I have a plan to rig the door like I do the purple martin houses so I can close the door while the cage is lowered.

The sparrow trap, once I looked it over might be good for sparrows, but was not going to be big enough for Zipper...he doesn't like confining spaces..won't sleep in a cozy, doesn't like tunnels ..definitely not paper tubes. Never could figure that one out. Anyway had the bright idea on the cage and will try this first.

This side note gives me reassurance: My neice works in a health food store and the shopping center owner has a huge aviary in the center of the shopping center housing cockatoos and macaws. THREE weeks ago one of the macaws got loose past the care keeper. In a busy city area, there wasn't much hope given to finding the bird. Today, I happened to go into a hardware store 20 miles from the shopping center to get the nylon cording and mentioned to the clerk I was going to hoist a bird cage to entice my bird back. She asked me what kind of bird I had and then said one of her friends was walking in his woods and kept hearing a little voice saying "Hello". He found a macaw about three weeks ago and has been trying to locate the owner. We put phone numbers together and looks like one blue headed macaw is headed home.

06-07-2006, 03:39 PM

I so hope your idea with the cage works. I keep hoping everytime I login that I see a post from you that Zipper is safe again. My prayers & thoughts are with you.

Amazing the macaw was found. What a good ending story :happy:

06-07-2006, 05:16 PM
(((((((Kathryn))))))) I know these are hard days and nights for you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are continuing for reunification.

06-07-2006, 09:43 PM
Adding my prayers and <<<Big Hugs>>>

So hoping Zipper will come home soon.

06-08-2006, 12:31 PM
:x :( :cry::confused: The whole range of emotions. There has been no siting, chirping or trace of Zipper today. Up at 6, Gracie the dog and I walked the yard with Sophia in her cage. Not a single response peep. Lowered the cage in the tree...untouched...but I put it back up anyway.
I've walked the yard and garden again before lunch, and even out into the pastures...no yellow feathers anywhere.

While I was gone yesterday, Roger and his brother got on the roof, checked all the rain gutters, and checked the tops of each tree from that vantage point. They even checked all the shrubery around the house, the trees across the road, and used a flashlight to look under the deck and storage building in the garden. (For someone who complains about the seed/feather mess and the loud chatter, hubby has been as worried as me.) He reminded me that we haven't had stray cat, possum, skunk or raccoon evidence in the yard or garden for over a year. Gracie is good at marking territory and the two yard cats, Mauvis and Murdock, always bring me their mice, birds, lizzards and grass snakes.

I guess the unknown is more painful that the known. With no evidence of demise, I'm going to continue to keep the seed and water out and hope. :) Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers ...they do help.

06-08-2006, 01:34 PM

I am so sorry to hear that you've not heard from Zipper. In addition to what you are doing now, I would also print out flyer's with Zipper's picture on it if possible, and pass it around your neighborhood, call your local humane society, pet shops, etc... to let them know that if anyone calls saying they have found a lovebird to please call you. We've had quiet a few people here find pet birds, and hopefully some of the flyers will make others look for Zipper too.

I will continue to think good thoughts, and keep the little guy in my prayers for a safe return home.

07-01-2006, 08:21 AM
Zipper was found yesterday, but the vet was unable to offer any hope for recovery. :cry: We had him put to sleep. I've posted a memory report.

For those who had been following the thread, thought I would bring some closure.
I had almost given up hope of finding little Zipper, but would always scan the bushes and trees around the farm for him. And I kept his picture posted at the gas station/convenience store. We are so scarcely populated out here, I was not sure people would see him... One sweet little elderly lady had been enjoying him at her bird feeder for several weeks. Her cat caught Zipper, she put him in a box with food and water. Her son took her with him to the convenience store yesterday on their way to town for a cage and she saw the notice and called.

At least we know where he is now... The Rainbow Bridge. :)

07-01-2006, 09:03 AM
Kathryn, I do appreciate the update. Although it's not what you hoped for, it is closure. I do believe I'd rather know than always wonder and worry. I'm glad that you got to see him again and I'm sure that was a comfort to him, too.

07-01-2006, 09:25 AM
Hi Kathryn,
While this is not the update I wanted to read, at least it's closure and you got to see Zipper again. I'm so very sorry about what has happened. :cry:

07-01-2006, 01:37 PM
:cry: (((((((Kathryn))))) :cry:

07-01-2006, 07:57 PM
:cry: I'm so sorry to hear about little Zipper, but glad that you were able to find him, even if it was too late. :( How is little Sophia doing?

07-02-2006, 02:08 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I to been following the thread. Ditto to what others have put, least you know where he is. I think not knowing is worse than a demise of anything.
big :grouphug: from across the pond.

I will add one thing tho, this is what upsets me most with cat owners, they will not put collars with bells on their cats, so that the birds have a chance to get away. ok i got 2 cats who will not wear collars, but i must stress they are indoor cats and only go out under strict supervison. my oldest does wear a collar with a bell on,only cos when he was a kitten he used to hide and i had a devil of a job to find him, Bell worked as i could hear where he used to hide. So many times i have seen lovely birds hurt or killed through cats. Sorry, but it 1 of my many soap boxes i climb on when it comes to animals.

Dont know if this will help tho, but i never see them as gone, passed away etc. but i handle it this way. Its just a shell we are all in, they are still alive in our hearts and in our memories. (this includes humans as well.) They never ever leave us.
Very best regards and deepest sympathy.
Cassy. xxxxxx :grouphug:

07-03-2006, 12:54 PM
Thank you all for the kind support.

Cooper, Thank you for asking about her. Sophia is doing much better since I put one of Mollie's youngsters in with her. For several days, she would sit by her mirror and chirp...it was the saddest sight. She would interact with the other lovies in their cages but only infrequently.
It appears she is bonding with the new arrival. She grooms and feeds the little guy. He is only 5 months old and is very playful like Zipper was. She is beginning to play again. I watched them bathing together today and she tossed the ball into the water.
Time heals all wounds.