View Full Version : Pete's newest trick

06-05-2006, 11:59 PM
Today I came home, and I had gotten some take out, so I was eating before I took him out of his cage.

He grabbed his jingleball, rammed it repeatedlly against the side of the cage, head bobbed it, threw it, then ran over and slammed his head right up against the cage and mad this weird low growling noise like "Prrrrrreeeeeeeekkkkkkkk...."

Buy A Paper Doll
06-06-2006, 06:17 AM
Welcome to the world of birdy temper tantrums. :lol

Another thought, some birds just play hard. My male is content to swing on his swing, or give his toys the occasional shake, but really, swinging and chewing on stuff is his thing. My hen, on the other hand, beats the heck out of her toys. Really gets into it. She has one toy that she particularly likes to abuse. Hangs upside down from one toe and SCREAMS at it before shaking the tar out of it. She has thrown her little treat cup around so many times that we fill it with toys instead of food now, just so she can have the satisfaction of hearing it crash to the cage floor.

06-06-2006, 08:51 AM
My hen, on the other hand, beats the heck out of her toys. Really gets into it. She has one toy that she particularly likes to abuse. Hangs upside down from one toe and SCREAMS at it before shaking the tar out of it. She has thrown her little treat cup around so many times that we fill it with toys instead of food now, just so she can have the satisfaction of hearing it crash to the cage floor.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: My Olivia is just like this. She has a toy that makes more noise than anything else in the birdroom and that's her favorite. If I shake it when she's out of her cage, she runs back to see "who's messing" with her toy! If you try touching it with her around, you could lose a finger or hand (I'm not kidding). Daisy, on the other hand, will just sit and look at Olivia's favorite toy and talk to it :confused:

06-06-2006, 09:02 AM
My english budgie acted like that with this one toy he had. It was his 'mate' (besides me), and also who he'd regurgitate on so badly we had to take it away. He would go nuts if anyone touched his toy. Poor Buddy.

06-06-2006, 06:29 PM
Welcome to the world of birdy temper tantrums. :lol

Another thought, some birds just play hard. My male is content to swing on his swing, or give his toys the occasional shake, but really, swinging and chewing on stuff is his thing. My hen, on the other hand, beats the heck out of her toys. Really gets into it. She has one toy that she particularly likes to abuse. Hangs upside down from one toe and SCREAMS at it before shaking the tar out of it. She has thrown her little treat cup around so many times that we fill it with toys instead of food now, just so she can have the satisfaction of hearing it crash to the cage floor.

Ditto does that with his swing and his bell that hangs from a chain. And when they swing around and smack him in the head he really gets mad! >:

06-06-2006, 06:58 PM
:D......Jackie was just telling me a few days ago that Olivia does that, too! How cute....I guess, :lol. Not a single one of my boys throw tantrums. Must be a hen thing! :whistle:

Buy A Paper Doll
06-06-2006, 08:28 PM
Ditto does that with his swing and his bell that hangs from a chain. And when they swing around and smack him in the head he really gets mad! >:
LOL! You should hear Mel when the swing comes back and swats her in the tail! She lets out a screech, whips around (by then the swing has swung back the other way) and when there's no obvious culprit, she looks at ME like I did it!

06-06-2006, 08:53 PM
LOL! You should hear Mel when the swing comes back and swats her in the tail! She lets out a screech, whips around (by then the swing has swung back the other way) and when there's no obvious culprit, she looks at ME like I did it!

:rofl: :rofl:

It's funniest when the bell is swinging back at his face and he ducks. Of course then it swings back at him and hits him in the back of the head. :rofl: Then it's time to spin around in circles smacking it some more and trying to keep it from sneaking up on him again. :rofl:

06-06-2006, 09:26 PM
:lol Well, pete is just male by default (My first bird was a male budgie, so I tend to think that all birds are male). I'm going to have him checked soon though, in case I should ever decide to get another Pete. I'd rather not find out too late that I have two Peteletts.

He was so cuddly today (there was a recent family problem at my bf's, so I wasn't able to get over this weekend) and he had to make up for lost time. I just wish he'd stop standing on my glasses' frame. (and grooming my eyebrows. Birdy tweezing is very erratic and painful) He was climbing all over me, and grooming me, and trying to eat my popsicle, which I didn't give him.

06-07-2006, 08:26 AM
Bela likes to throw the ball around too. I set up the back of the couch area like a playground for them. He will get his jingle ball, pick it up, and roll it to the end and then throw it off. Of course at this point Mom is supposed to go and retrieve it for him so he can do it again:rolleyes:. His thing to beat up is his cotton rope and choya toy. That one he tells off very well:lol

Lacey likes to play with the ball too, but she prefers to throw it out of the tent. Bela also throws it out of the tent, but Lacey is just too cute when she does it. She will throw it out and then look at you like, "See what I did? Aren't I smart???" Of course I tell her she is BRILLIANT!!!!:)