View Full Version : Eyelet lace by Melody

Buy A Paper Doll
06-07-2006, 09:46 PM
Melody has a new, infuriating trick. She bites holes in clothing. She has ruined more shirts than I care to count. The most recent victim (and the last straw) was a $90 pair of pants that I have worn exactly 3 times. >:
I've finally gotten to the point where I automatically put a ratty old T-shirt on before I let out birds - this shirt is literally full of holes now.

It's OK if it's just me and my ratty T-shirt. But there are times when I need her to NOT turn every article of clothing she finds into eyelet. For example, when visitors come over. Or when we're at the vet's office. Now, Dr. Reaady showed me how her stethoscope has a large chunk missing courtesy of a bird, so I would imagine she'd be somewhat understanding. But ... I would still prefer she not bite holes in everything.

Another issue, now Milo's doing it, too.
Any suggestions? How do I turn this behavior around?

06-08-2006, 08:44 AM
:2cents: None of my birds bites my clothes. They only chew my scrunchie in my hair. First thing I do when I get home or get up on the weekends is change into an old t-shirt before I let the birds out. I check out the clearance rack at stores of really cheap t-shirts or sweat shirts that I only wear around the birds. I have a really old, too big pair of leggin' jeans from Walmart I wear too. I would never wear these items outside my house :eek:

06-08-2006, 09:08 AM

I also have some T-shirts that I wear when with the birds. Bela doesn't chew, but Lacey can modify a shirt in no time:rolleyes:

Can't say as I have a solution. The only thing to do with company if forewarn them. If they want to play with M&M, tell them they need to bring an old T-shirt with them:lol

06-08-2006, 09:24 AM
Jennifer, I can relate! Oliver got a couple of my favorite T's a long time ago but then stopped doing that. He has started AGAIN and he is so quiet about it that it's done before I have a clue he's doing it! He got two tops last week in a matter of seconds! He bites them the way you might eat corn on the cob......tiny little bites going across! :lol Big Boi only bites skin! :lol

06-08-2006, 12:14 PM
We got a few that like to do this. I've resorted to distraction or taking them off of me and putting them on a playstand if they start. I made a leather strip "necklace" with a bunch of beads on it that I'll put on when I've got a chewer on me. They seem to like it for a bit, then get bored and go for the shirt again.
Wonder if you went to a medical supply place, if you could get a bunch of paper dressing gown to make your guests wear? :rofl: Bet Melly would like that! I warn anyone that comes to my house that they may be pooped on, chewed on, used as a playstand and yes, they may be bitten.

06-08-2006, 12:38 PM
Solution?????? My only solution to any birdy behavior is to modify my own:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .

06-10-2006, 03:35 AM
I've got a few shirts with holes in them... Mikey doesn't try to tear holes though, it's just where he's used his beak to climb.

But hey! I'd rather have a bum shirt than be pooped on any day!

06-10-2006, 10:20 AM
My only solution to any birdy behavior is to modify my own! Yes, sister! Can I hear a hallelujah! :lol

Sounds like Mel and Milo are getting back on the eggland express. When Gracie gets to the point of trying to shred clothes, she will try to shred just about anything. Sorry to say, but the only good solution I've found is to give her something that is intended to be shredded and start watching for the bump.

How long has it been since Melly's last clutch?

Buy A Paper Doll
06-10-2006, 10:36 AM
I am all for the modification of my own behavior to prevent having my clothing chewed to bits. Hence my large collection of ratty shirts for birdy playtime. And really, most of my family and friends understand the "handle at your own risk" clause with my darling Melody. The trouble is the next time she goes to the vet's office. Hopefully there will be enough keeping her busy and distracted, that she won't chew everyone's clothing to bits. (Yes, Melody climbs all over everyone, even at the vet's office. You'd think she owned the place. :roll: )

Sounds like Mel and Milo are getting back on the eggland express.
NooooooOO!!!!!!!! ~sigh~ It's been 6-7 months since the last clutch. I guess if I'm expecting her to put it off any longer, I'm living in fantasy, huh.