View Full Version : need help with taming tips with my new love bird

06-08-2006, 05:15 PM
hey im 17 i just got a new lovebird from my grandma she bought as a gift for me and it was something else i learned dont stick your finger in a birds face because it will bite you. and iv had the bird for about 3 week now and its warmed up to me a little i keep cosmo in my room and he watches me as i go about my day and with it being the summer i can interact with him more. but i need a help i have been reading the threads about about other peoples problems and i thought i would give it a go. the bird is fine with me next to the cage and fine with me giveing him food and water but when i try to pick him up hey bites me and doesnt want to have any thing to do with me. and when i do get him out of the cage he just sits some were and thats it and when its time to go back in the cage it takes forever to catch him. what should i do?

06-08-2006, 05:45 PM
Hi and welcome! :)

Three weeks is not a lot of time to settle in and it might take a few more months for him/her to feel comfortable coming out and taking a shoulder ride or stepping up to your finger. If you've been reading different sections on this forum, you might have seen one from "Tango's Mom" about some methods to help Jenna with taming Tango. It does take time and patience and it's important for your new lovie (what's his/her name?) to feel comfortable in a new place. Grabbing your bird will only make it worse so if you can get him to come out on his own, in a small space like a bathroom, that might help. Cover mirrors and close the commode seat for his safety. Does he have a wing clip? That is very helpful when trying to tame your bird. If he can fly off where ever he wants to go, he will. Not all lovebirds like to be held but you can still tame them to some degree and enjoy time together. I'm sure he is getting very used to you, your voice and movements, since he's in your room and that is a good thing. :)

I have two that were hand fed and very tame when I got them but I still had to work with them to gain their trust and that took about a month. If you haven't checked out the Lovebird Resource Library, do. Great info. there. :)

06-08-2006, 06:07 PM
I agree with Janie. make sure Cosmo's wings are clipped plus try offering some treats. Good luck in taming your bird!

06-08-2006, 07:04 PM
thanks the bathroom worked. i brought cosmo in there opened the cage and after a few min he came out and set on a towl i had over my hand. and a hour later he was sitten on my finger and my shoulder while i walked though my house to get to my room. and he was on my shoulder for about 30min and i put him back in his cage. i got bite a few times but it was all worth it. and about the treats what should i use?

06-08-2006, 09:38 PM
Yippee! :D That is great progress in a short amount of time!

A favorite treat is millet spray.

06-08-2006, 10:14 PM
thanks for the tip he loves it.:)

06-09-2006, 07:43 AM
and he was on my shoulder for about 30min and i put him back in his cage. i got bite a few times but it was all worth it. and about the treats what should i use?

Lovebirds have a short attention span. When I tame my birds, our sessions lasts no more then 10 minutes. Like that my bird doesn't get overly tired and frustrated. I do many 10 minutes sessions in a day. The goal is to end the sessions on a positive note so the bird wants to do this again :) It may aslo reduce the chances of being bit.

As far a s treats goes, millet is a great one. Mine likes nutriberries which I offered after the sessions. Now I offer them all the time. :)

Hope that helps a little,

06-09-2006, 07:48 AM
Hey Congratulations on the progress! My bird does not seem to like the treats i offer or is afraid of my hand. What do i do to coax her to accept food from me?

06-09-2006, 07:54 AM
Hey Congratulations on the progress! My bird does not seem to like the treats i offer or is afraid of my hand. What do i do to coax her to accept food from me?

I don't give the treat with my fingers at the beggining. My personal opinion and that's all it is, is that a treat is a reward for good behavior and should be enjoyed by the bird. It's not a bribe for my bird to eat out of my hands. That will come later :D I have a small treat food dish in my cages, Only treats goes into it and my lovebirds knows that. If I put anything in there, they will rush over :D


06-09-2006, 11:49 AM
i took the sunflower seeds out of his food because thats what he likes the most and when he was on my shoulder i gave to him as a treat and he didnt bite me or anything just a little chirp.

06-13-2006, 12:56 PM
hi all,

i just joined this forum - I am so glad to find others who are as crazy about their "babies" as I am. I have a peach-faced, 2 year old lovie, named kiwi. he is on my hand as we speak, as always wanting to get into anything that i am doing. he is the sweetest lovebird, cuddly, affectionate, just a delight. it took time, patience, lots of soft words of encouragement and kisses, and he has become a charmer. the best advice i have is that once they have bonded to you, anything you have, they will want. if i want him to try a new food, i simply take a bite, make lots of yummy noises, and he is instantly curious - he will NEED TO HAVE IT immediately!!!!!!!!!!!. it will be so worth the time and effort!

08-05-2007, 06:33 PM
hey guys,
im new to this forum but ive been reading and you guys are like experts. i have had my new lovebird,kahlua, for over 2 weeks and she is wonderfull. she loves to stands on my shoulder and eat millet. within a couple of days of having her she even stárted to try to copy me when i whistle.
but the problem is that when i try to get her to stand on my finger she doesnt like it and just jumps on to my shoulder or head. i try to have training sessions with her but i can't get her off of my shoulder when she jumps on to me.
any suggestions will help. thank so much
:) esmaey

08-06-2007, 10:09 AM
The best way ive learned to tame them not to bite is to tell it no bite in a stern voice but not a loud one and gently push its face away. If it ever dont let go move whatever its sitting on up and down a few times. Its to hard for them to concerntrate on biting and keeping its balence at the same time. If he starts to bite a lot with the amount of time your kepping out I would not keep him out as long. But you might want to back up my info b.c im new at this too.