View Full Version : Safe product to stop chewing?

06-09-2006, 08:17 AM
Is there a safe product that I can spray on the window screens in my bird room to stop Big Boi and Shy from chewing on them? I have 5 large windows in that room, 4 that open, and the point of the screens was so that they could have fresh air and enjoy the feeling of "almost" being outside. The screens are custom order and expensive to replace. Needless to say, I'm also worried about them chewing a hole big enough to crawl through. :eek: They are on the inside of the windows (the windows open out) and are easy to remove but I sure would like to find a solution that would stop that chewing. Anyone know of anything?

I had no idea about all the things lovebirds could get in to until I got these two. Oliver had me spoiled! Now I understand what it's like to live with a couple of 2 year olds that never grow up! :lol

06-09-2006, 09:00 AM
Nothing like having toddlers running around the house, eh?
I don't know that there is anything that can make the screens taste bad - I hope someone does. When my "boys" get into that kind of trouble, I usually have to change their routine and omit their access to the trouble for a while. When Peepo was making them crazy and Luka started being mean to Peter - I stopped all access to Peepo. Luka and Peter returned to normal. While that is not the same kind of problem you're having, the method might help. Can you allow them out without any access to the screens? If so, I'd do that for some time. With people -it's said that habits take 28 days to make or break. So some breaking of the new found exciting adventure of screen chewing needs to be done.

Added: They go through phases, too. My boys were really bad to get into mischief for a while, and now they aren't as prone.

Good luck!

06-09-2006, 12:02 PM
Poor Janie. You'll be amazed how quickly they can tear a hole in the screen. Honestly, I'd keep them away from the screens until you can find something to keep them off of them or put something up in front of it. I don't think there is anything you could actually use that would make them stop chewing, but you might be able to put some sort of grating in front of the window so they can still get the fresh air and see outside, but can't chew the screens. It's pricey, but what about something like Zoomesh or PhantomMesh? I don't know if they sell small quantities of it, but it would be really nice to use if they do. Or even a sheet of stainless steel mesh; though that can be pricey too.

06-09-2006, 12:12 PM
We've had major screen chewing problems in our house and several lovies have gotten out, including Bocephus whom we never found:(
The only solution we've found that works is replacing the screen with stainless steal mesh. it's pricey and cumbersome but it has even stopped Mijo (CAG) from chewing the screen.

Good Luck8o

06-09-2006, 12:21 PM
These windows and screens are made by Pella and I will contact them to see if they can make replacement screens with stainless steel mesh. I will not tell my hubby! These screens cost almost as much as the windows they go on!

MJ, I've got to do a google search to find out what the heck Zoomesh and PhantoMesh are! Never heard of them but I don't get out much! :D

Laura, when I saw Shy chewing away, I did think about you and Bocephus. I remembered that he escaped that way.

Does anybody want to "adopt" a WF Violet? :whistle:

06-09-2006, 12:50 PM
Does anybody want to "adopt" a WF Violet?
I'll be down there tomorrow!
Have him ready!!!!!!!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Strike that, I'll start right now!
See you in about 13 hours!

06-09-2006, 12:57 PM
Laura, when I saw Shy chewing away, I did think about you and Bocephus. I remembered that he escaped that way.

The sad thing is he chewed is way out of one of the few obscure screens we had not replaced. Who would of thought he would have found that window and mode of escape. We miss him bad:( :( .

06-09-2006, 01:08 PM
Janie, check this site for the ZooMesh and Phantommesh http://www.pwrconcepts.com/

I'd absolutely love to make a big aviary with the stuff and just let everyone fly!

06-09-2006, 01:25 PM
in the most recent catalogue of dr. fosters and smith there was a product to spray on areas you don't want birds chewing. not sure what it's called and i've never seen it used, but it might be cheaper, if it is safe and works, than zoomesh screens.

just something i saw, not something i have any experience with.

06-09-2006, 02:00 PM
in the most recent catalogue of dr. fosters and smith there was a product to spray on areas you don't want birds chewing. not sure what it's called and i've never seen it used, but it might be cheaper, if it is safe and works, than zoomesh screens.

just something i saw, not something i have any experience with.

Janie: If you find this stuff and it works let me know. I'll buy a load of it and tent my house with it :rofl: :rofl: .

06-09-2006, 05:19 PM
Suzanne, Shy is in his carrier and the guest bed room is ready! :D

MJ, that stuff is so cool! Thanks for that link!

Jeremy, I've read about products to keep Too's from eating the woodwork and am going to ask my vet about it. Shy and Big Boi are also eating the wood around the windows! I can't even begin to imagine how much damage a larger parrot could do! :eek: Laura, I'll let you know what I find out! :D

06-09-2006, 07:32 PM
Suzanne, Shy is in his carrier and the guest bed room is ready!
I'll stop and pick up Lori, we'll bring the margaritas!
(or whatever it is that Lori likes ;) ;) )
**Bird-napping party!!**

06-09-2006, 09:34 PM
You might try the acrylic sheeting that is used in florescent ceiling lighting. There is one that is made like a grid...would allow the light, air, and keep birdies off the screens. I think the sheets are 2 feet by 4 feet and can be cut with a saw. The shets are inexpensive. Try ACE, Lowes or Home Depot.