View Full Version : 6 month old lovey questions

06-09-2006, 07:47 PM
Hello All

I have a peach face lovebird, his name is joseph. He is about 6 months old, He is is happy and loves to play and chirp and eat. I have one concern tho, he is missing a few feathers on his chest, he has no bald patches, but I can see white little feathers(he is all yellow). I have never owned a lovebird before and I'm Just curious if anyone knows what could be causing this? is he moulting? I don't think he is plucking his feathers, I spend a lot of time with him and have never seen him doing that. I feed him seeds and a vitamin supplement and attempt to feed him fresh veggies and fruits. Anyhow if anyone has any advice to offer or any links it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you kindly

06-09-2006, 08:11 PM
Hi and welcome to our community!
How long have you had Joseph? You said he's about 6 months old? Could he be younger? A lovebird's first molt begins at about age 4 months so Joseph could still easily be getting his adult feathering. Was he like this when you got him?

If you could give us a bit more information and, perhaps a photo in the photo gallery, we may be able to be more specific.

06-09-2006, 08:22 PM

I got him as soon as he was able to come home. I was feeding him formula for a week and that was at the end of february. Maybe he is younger. I am not sure. He wasn't missing any feathers when I got him, I hope you ar right about his adult feathers. I will try and get a picture of him up, Im not really sure how I do it! But I will Figure it out!

Thaks for your reply!