View Full Version : Benny & Joon settle in

06-11-2006, 06:31 AM
We've had Benny & Joon for a whole week now, so I thought I'd let you all know how they are settling in.

We started off with the seed mix suggested by the Petsmart, then Poppa went to the specialty bird store (that has a birdie vet right next door) and got a new seed/fruit mix that they LOVE! They have nibbled on a corn-on-the-cob, broccoli, kale and romain lettuce, if it's hanging from the ceiling or on a skewer.

I put little treats in little dishes on the bottom of their cage because that's where Itzak the canary gets his treats. We learned within 24 hours that our lovies will not touch something that has fallen on the floor!

I made birdie bread with Itzak's seed so Itzak could enjoy it, too. They weren't that enthusiastic about it, so the next batch will have their new seed mix in it.

Itzak loves something we get at Randall's called "salad confetti". It's finely chopped up broccoli, radish, celery, red cabbage, carrot, cauliflower and bell pepper. He'll pout if I run out! Believe me, I make sure we never do!!

Benny & Joon won't touch it, though. I think the next time I make birdie bread, I'll add some just to see what happens.

Poppa came home one day with a spiral rope we call the boingy. They really like playing on that.

And water! They will only bathe in the water once, then it has to be changed. I changed the water 3 times yesterday, and would have done so more often if I'd been home more. Don't know what we're going to do when we both have to go to work.

Last night, Poppa said something about the birdies being "spoiled" and I said, "Then our purpose in life is now accomplished." Then he had a conversation with the birds that sounded something like, "Mommy spoils the birdies because that's what Mommy does, and it's Daddy's job to enable her." It sounded like a private conversation, so I tried not to interrupt. :rolleyes:

I'm wondering about getting a cozy or a sleepy tent. I think they would share one since they sleep together at the top of a toy leather ring now.

More adventures (and pictures, I hope) in the near future.

06-11-2006, 07:11 AM
Hi Jeanne,
Glad to hear that Benny and Joon are beginning to feel comfortable with you. Their home (cage) is huge and I'm sure they really appreciate the space you've given them. I would not be too quick to add a Happy Hut just yet, unless you only leave it there for them to sleep in. You don't know if they are male or female and Happy Huts have been known to encourage nesting behavior when you least expect it.

I looked through some of the picture albums in your link and all I can say is Wow! The talent in your family is just awesome!!

06-11-2006, 07:52 AM
Benny and Joon (love the names, loved the movie!) look very happy in their new digs! :D

As Linda said, you have a lot of talent in your family! I looked at all the photos and can't ever resist wedding photos! :D

06-11-2006, 08:58 AM

Sounds like all is going very well. I agree, those birdies are getting spoiled rotten, and that's exactly the way it should be:)

I do only give my pair a happy hut or cozy cave at night to sleep in. This works well for us, and does not put Lacey into egg laying mode. I pop it in at bedtime, and pop it back out the next morning.