View Full Version : I have a velcro baby today

06-11-2006, 09:59 AM
Seems that Blu really missed me when we were on vacations this week. She won't let me out of her sight and I keep picking her up under the cage and on the couch. We clipped her wings recently so she can't come join me in the other rooms on her own as she used to do.
She don't want to be with Phoebe today. Just me :)

06-11-2006, 10:12 AM
Awwww, she really missed her momma. They get to be such cuddle bugs when you've been gone. How's Phoebe taking it?

06-11-2006, 10:27 AM
Hi Elle,
Blu is living proof that animals do not understand the "disappearance" of those flock members they love so very much! Blu just wants to make sure she knows where you are at all times right now! :)

06-11-2006, 10:43 AM

Me thinks somebody missed Blu too:)

Yep, they sure do know when you are gone longer than your usual time. Love Blu up, and enjoy your new appendage:lol

06-11-2006, 10:47 AM
How do u train a bird to be a velco bird?

06-11-2006, 10:50 AM
Hi Mandy,
Unfortunately, that's not something you can train them to do. It's pretty much something you earn as they bond to you. Each bird has a separate and distinct personality. Some love to be with us, while others are a bit more independent. I have a combination of both ends of the spectrum and am glad, at times, that all of them don't want to be with me at the same time!! :lol

Attention, attention and more attention is a good way to start, however!

06-11-2006, 11:16 AM
How do u train a bird to be a velco bird?

I have no idea but I have three! Be careful what you wish for, Mandy! :D I adore my birds and especially my first one, Oliver, but I'll tell you that there are days when I feel like I have a growth on my neck!:roll: He is better about not wanting to be on me (all the time) since he's become friends with Big Boi and Shy but he still has to have his "mommy" time several times each day. When I walk through their bird room, they all three go into lunge mode and if I'm not fast, I have three on me before I can blink! :lol We can't open the door from the bird room for a second or all three fly right into the kitchen.

I agree with Linda, it's the constant and consistent attention that makes 'em love you and consider you one of the flock. :)

06-11-2006, 11:49 AM
I have no idea but I have three! Be careful what you wish for, Mandy! :D I adore my birds and especially my first one, Oliver, but I'll tell you that there are days when I feel like I have a growth on my neck!:roll: He is better about not wanting to be on me (all the time) since he's become friends with Big Boi and Shy but he still has to have his "mommy" time several times each day. When I walk through their bird room, they all three go into lunge mode and if I'm not fast, I have three on me before I can blink! :lol We can't open the door from the bird room for a second or all three fly right into the kitchen.

I agree with Linda, it's the constant and consistent attention that makes 'em love you and consider you one of the flock. :)

Janie: That sounds like my bird room except I got 20 flying for the door if I'm not quick about stuff:eek: :eek: .

Elle: That is too cute. It's good to know you are still number one in Blu's eyes :D.

YIKES!!! Velcro birds. I've had and continue to have several. I've worked hard on cutting down on my velcro birds. Mostly by getting mates or making them be more independent with the other birds. Like others said, be careful for what you ask for because a velco bird is just that: a growth attached to your person:rolleyes: . It is also a lot of responsibility because a velcro bird sees you as their number one flock mate and they spend every waking moment with that mate. My biggest velcro bird these days is my CAG Mijo. Thankfully he can't fly or I would have 525 grams of feathers attached to my person 24/7 :eek: :eek: .

If all this doesn't chase you away from the desire to have a velcro bird, Linda gave some great advise. The more time you spend with your lovie the more they will bond with you. So have your little guy out of his cage with you whenever you are home and if you leave the room take him/her with you.

06-11-2006, 11:55 AM
Lori, yeah! I missed both of them too. That's the reason I was ready to leave a day early. But Dan made commitments without consulting me first. Oh well! I know they were well taken care of and they had a blast. Cindy, Bo's mom babysat mylittle angels while we were gone. All three birds got along very well. But I see it doesn't replace Mommy :D

Mandy, I didn't know I had a velcro baby until today. Usually she likes spending a little bit of time with me then with Phoebe. Today is a big exception. It's all about me and her. And Pheobe seems to be okay with it. She is absolutely not a velcro baby at this time.


06-28-2006, 07:08 AM
:lol I only have one bird so i really don't mind the extra affection when i come home from work!:lol today, biscuit started feeding from my hand. Hopefully i'm on my way to bonding with him.