View Full Version : Fustrated

06-11-2006, 11:04 PM
I need help with something. As many of you know last year I was given two budgies. They were suppose to be lovebirds but the lady did not know better. I gave them to my husbands grandmother because after quarantine was over my lovebirds attacked them. She loved them and told me so often. Well I was informed a few days ago that she wants to give them back. She had them on her back deck which is enclosed and she worries they will be to hot. I am OK with that. But her other reason is she wants a cockatiel now. She wants to wait til cooler weather so the bird can live on the porch. That makes me angry. Is she going to ask me to take her tiel next year when it is hot? Am i being to sensitive? Yes she did want a tiel before. But every time I tried to help her something was never done. So I will be getting Sky and Georgia back. Do i need to Quarantine them again? They have not been around any other birds at all. Thank you for listening to my vent..lol.


06-12-2006, 03:43 AM
Re-doing quarantine is always a good idea, especially if the birds were outside, or close to it where wild birds could get into contact with them.

I'd tell granny that there is not much difference between a cockatiel and a budgie, except that budgies are infinately quieter, and will not pi$$ the neighbours off as much. Perhaps she will keep the budgies after all. In any case, I would make it clear to her that you are not the 'Granny's Birdie Rescue Society', and if she gets a new bird, the responsibility for it is hers.

06-12-2006, 07:39 AM
How frustrating for you. I can only imagine what you're feeling, and you can't say too much because it's your hubby's 'Nana'.

I would ask her just how hot it gets on her enclosed porch. If the birds have access to shade and plenty of fresh water, they might be okay, depending on how hot it really is.

Some other options would be, bringing them inside during the hottest part of the day and taking them back outside at night; or, if she isn't up to moving the cage, having someone bring it inside for her now and moving it back to the enclosed porch when it gets a little cooler.

It would be a shame for her to give up the birds she says she loves.

06-12-2006, 08:33 AM
I'm sorry to hear that your gram-in-law is so wishy washy on the birds. Why would getting a cockateil mean that she has to give away the budgies? I'm sorry, I'm sure that is just one more frustrating part of the story. If her enclosed deck is the only place she can keep a bird and it's not fit in the summer, what will she do next summer?
poor birds...

06-12-2006, 08:56 AM
Steph, I would be just as frustrated as you are! I'll never understand why it's so easy for some people to give up a pet when it no longer suits them.

Can you find another home for them? That is what I would try to do.

With the 90 degree temps we've had for the past week, I think it is way too hot for them to be w/o air conditioning. I'm sure their drinking water is very warm and it should be changed hourly, IMHO. I keep the temp in my bird room at about 78 and still find that their water is luke warm after a few hours.

06-12-2006, 10:28 AM
According to www.petvet.com (http://www.petvet.com):

This is an extremely popular little bird which like the cockatiel is native to Australia where they live in communal flocks. Due to the diverse climate of Australia, they are also a hardy bird, which quickly adapts to most lifestyles.

Your MIL might be a little over-anxious regarding the heat. As long as the birds aren't exposed to direct sun at the hottest time of day, and (as Janie said) the water can be freshened periodically, they should be fine. It's important to know just how hot it gets in the area the birds are kept in.

06-12-2006, 12:05 PM
My biggest question is what's she going to do with the tiel' next summer when it gets hot??????

Steph: Honestly, these little birds are probably better off with you. The lovies thing may be different as your flock structure has changed. Not only that, but these little guys need time out of their cage.

06-12-2006, 12:39 PM
I know this might sound silly, but what does she do in the winter with the birds? Is putting them outside a warm seasonal thing or do they stay inside when it's convienent for her? If you do decide to take them, I'd make sure she knows that if the tiel doesn't work out you will NOT take it. :2cents:

Buy A Paper Doll
06-12-2006, 01:58 PM
We had a budgie when I was growing up; he lived on our screened porch. When the weather became too extreme one way or the other, we brought his cage inside where he would POUT until he was able to go back on his porch.

Forgive me for bringing this up, I only ask because I have been dealing with this first hand for some time now. If you are not able to reason with her on the tiel (and the fact that it gets hot every summer) is it possible that Grandma has some health issues going on? Just asking because my mom's health has been declining quite a bit lately (Alzheimer's) and there are lots of times when her logic does not make sense. If it's not a worry, feel free to disregard, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.

06-12-2006, 02:50 PM
Jennifer just said what I was thinking. I love my mom dearly but she's a nut. She comes up with some of the most bizarre things and sounds perfectly reasonable with her reasons for those things. For example, she obsesses over her beta fish. He makes bubble nests and she spents so much time cleaning them out and poor old frustrated beta makes the next again and again. ~that's a mild story (she's a nut)

It may not be age, but it could be chemical.

06-12-2006, 06:04 PM
When I last saw the birds it was Christmas and they were inside her kitchen. If I had known she took them to her back porch I would of got them back. I saw her on Mothers day and she said nothing about giving them back. She has had a tiel before she claims and it lived to be 20. Her enclosed back porch has like plastic around it and has a screen door. It also has a gas heater. Honeslty and truely if she does get a tiel and can not care for I know I will take it atle0sat til we find a new home. Honestly she is in her 70's and stuck in her way. She will not listen to me and I have tried to tell her about good care. She wants the bird for her youngest grandchild. It is a long story but her youngest grandchild was taken from her parents and lives with DH's rich aunt who spoils this child...and granny spoils her worse. The child wants a tiel too. I give it a week. For now the budgies will come here and go into my daughters room. She is a good pet owner and maybe she will want to keep them for hers.

She has many health issues and that is why I worry about her and the pet. She does have her oldest son who lives with her though. I think I might call her or visit and have a long talk with her. Thanks yall for you ideas.


06-12-2006, 09:57 PM
Explain to Gramma that while you don't have room for those budgies, you'll certainly try your best to find them a home. No telling what those birds have been exposed to while having outdoor access:roll: and its' too risky to bring them back to your place. If you allow her to "dump" her unwanted budgies on you now, I'll place a $20 bet that you'll end up with a cockatiel before December !
In the meantime, print her out some reading materials on budgie care off the internet, and sit with her to explain it all. Maybe she'll reconsider.
Does she have any idea of what she'll do with a bird who lives 20+ yrs if she ends up in a senior's residence ? Hmmmm....me thinks Granny needs a bit of tough love....


06-12-2006, 10:04 PM
Granny would never go to a home she has 5 kids one will care for her. The budgies are screened frdm outside things other then her daschunds which she breeds.we will have to wait and see. Might be able to get her to get them a vet check and wait and see.I might have a new owner just have to wait and see.


06-12-2006, 11:55 PM
If granny is in her 70's, little 'tiel is gonna need another home for about 10 years of it's life no matter how you cut it. Poor thing.

06-13-2006, 07:33 AM
Maybe Grandma is doubting her own capability to care for these birds. A tiel wouldn't fare much better, as others have said. I think checking with the son and giving it some time are your best bets, to gather more information of what's actually going on. And yes, the vet check is an outstanding idea, if you can get her to go for it.

Take care,