View Full Version : My Protector -- GRACIE??

06-13-2006, 07:41 AM
That little hen never ceases to amaze me. Our relationship has gone from her trying to attack me every chance she got, way back when she first came to us (what, about four years ago?), to her actually chasing George off when he was meditating a bite to my thumb a couple of days ago. :eek:

I had the two of them out on me for evening birdy bread, water, and chat. I was holding the water dish and didn't notice George sneaking around, beak open, towards my thumb. I didn't notice, that is, until Gracie scolded him like the devil and chased him off!

Then again, maybe she realized that if he bit my thumb, there was a very good chance that water would get all over everything, including her. (She knows this from experience, having nipped my fingers before as they held a water dish.) She doesn't like getting wet unless it's on her terms. :rolleyes:

Gracie -- my hero! :lol

06-13-2006, 08:47 AM
Barb, :rofl: maybe she's saving that thumb for herself! Now that you've had Gracie for some time, she probably views you as hers - not Georges. And poor George belongs to her, too! At least you know who's in charge! (just in case you forgot)

06-13-2006, 09:46 AM
That certainly is the truth! I'm hers, the little witch! :lol Well, at least that buys me some protection. ;)

06-13-2006, 05:49 PM
Then again, maybe she realized that if he bit my thumb, there was a very good chance that water would get all over everything, including her.

While in general I don't think birds are all that good about figuring out "cause-effect" relationships, at least judging from the uncountable times Pontus has chewed a stick clean through while sitting in it; Pidget has overturned his water dish by obstinately pushing it even though the sound of the falling dish and the water splashing all around apparently scare him to death; Nemo, Elmo and Bubblan have made my chinese lamp shade fall down by trying to sit in it all of them at the same time, and I could go on, and on, and on with examples, I do believe that if any bird were to prove an exception to this rule, it would be Ms. Gracie :). Awww Gracie, she's so cute!


06-14-2006, 07:26 AM
Gloria, I love reading about your birds' antics. :lol I know Gracie probably doesn't remember those times when she nipped my fingers and water went flying all over the place, getting us both soaked. She just didn't want George doing anything that she didn't sanction! :D

06-15-2006, 09:59 AM
Sounds like nobody besides Gracie is allowed to bite that thumb. If anyone's doing the bitin', it's her!

Buy A Paper Doll
06-15-2006, 07:52 PM
Sounds like nobody besides Gracie is allowed to bite that thumb. If anyone's doing the bitin', it's her!
I'm with Lisa!

06-15-2006, 08:09 PM
Could it have been the "nanners"? Hmm... Gracie knows a good thing when she see's it ;)

06-16-2006, 02:37 PM
:lol Lisa, nobody besides Gracie is allowed to do anything! You nailed it. :lol

Jackie, I changed my signature in honor of your reply. :D

06-16-2006, 02:59 PM
:rofl: :rofl:

Gracie would like that too :D