View Full Version : just wondering...

06-13-2006, 09:38 AM
just wondering if any of you go into the bird's room at night just to smell them?? i would go in a few times when they are asleep to check on them and i also enjoy the smell of the room. i must be going insane?? :blush:

06-13-2006, 09:45 AM
i must be going insane?? Nope. You're just in love. :)

06-13-2006, 05:08 PM
I think most "bird" people are a little insane! :D Suits me to a "T".....and my husband tells me I fit right in! :D

I must admit that I don't check on them to smell them at night! :lol I do check if I'm worried about one of them but I get my fill of smelling them during their waking hours! :D

06-13-2006, 05:22 PM

At the risk of incriminating myself, I will say that I have reached in and sniffed, Uhhhhh, I mean kissed Bela goodnight after I've put them to bed. Cappie and Lacey aren't too receptive to having their night, night time interrupted, but Bela is always game for a little more snuggle time:)

06-13-2006, 09:40 PM
I love the way my lovies smell.
i can never get enugh of there sweet smell.

06-13-2006, 09:50 PM
I even love to smell my wet birdies >o Birds have such a distinct smell and I can smell it in the birdroom instantly. When my friends come to visit, I always ask if the smell is too strong. Most of them being non-bird people, I usually get "yes" as my answer. I then know the smell is just perfect! For me :D

06-14-2006, 12:17 AM
wet birdies have very strong smell, i love it. i usually kiss their little beaks and then sniff from their necks down to the back. i sometimes bite their tails and that will get them real mad >:

06-14-2006, 04:51 AM
My little Neaera smells just dreamy. Some nights I venture downstairs, snatch her out of her cage and dig my nosey right into her belly feathers, feetsies straight up in the air (her's, that is), and take a good long sniff.

I'm sure it isn't the most pleasant way for a birdie to wake up, but she takes it in stride.

Then I plop her back in the cage and I go back to sleep.

06-15-2006, 09:57 AM
Heheh, I my birds sleep in my room, so I'm always smelling them.

Usually, before I go to sleep, I'll let some out to snuggle. Cedric REALLY loves this snuggle time, and usually falls right asleep against me! I hate having to wake him up, because I know he just wants to be with me. But, it's for his own safety! I'll let him out to snuggle in the morning as I'm waking up, too, kind of a sorry from the night before.

Buy A Paper Doll
06-15-2006, 08:01 PM
Yes, I sniff my birds. Shamelessly. Wet birds, dry birds, can't get enough of them. I kiss them on their little backs as I put them in their nighttime cage, and sniff them up as I'm putting them in their cage for the night.

Some nights I venture downstairs, snatch her out of her cage and dig my nosey right into her belly feathers, feetsies straight up in the air (her's, that is), and take a good long sniff.
I once tried to sniff Milo's belly like that. I got a scaly little toe up my nose. :x That was the end of that.

Milo's breath always smells faintly of corn chips, never figured out why. (Even the vet commented on it once.) I smell it when he's preening my face. It's enough to make his crazy old momma swoon. :happy:

06-15-2006, 08:14 PM
One day I let Daisy talk (yell :rolleyes: ) at the birdie in the mirror and she made a fog spot. I love her yelling fog spot and bends over to hit my nose with her beak when she does it :D