View Full Version : new baby lovebird about 7 weeks old

05-28-2005, 04:00 PM
My new lovebird is about 7 weeks old also this is my first lovebird. what can I expect? Have been trying several foods but he only likes those millet stalks.
Is it true they can be taught to speak? any info is appreciated for a new mom. :

05-28-2005, 05:06 PM

Seven weeks old may be a little too young to be completely weaned. You will want to watch this little one very closely to make sure s/he is eating enough, and drinking enough water. It would be a good idea to have some handfeeding formula on hand if you don't already.

Even if s/he is eating, they can digress when taken away from their parents, or go to a new home also, so do watch him/her very close until you are sure s/he is eating well.

There is a recipe for birdie bread in the useful links section. This is a very good way to get in some fruits and veggies, and also a very good weaning food, so you can make some of that up for your little one also. Any fresh food should not be left in the cage over 2-3 hours as bacteria will start to grow within that time, and cause bacterial infections.

Set a schedule for your lovie that coincides with yours. Try to spend some time every morning,afternoon, and as much evening hours as you can. Everyday interaction is key to taming and bonding.

As for speaking? Some do, some don't. Mine says a few words, but they are not very clear. I always say it's something only a Mother can understand ;)

Welcome to the board. I look forward to hearing all about your little one. BTW, do you have a name for him/her yet? Let us know, and post some pics in the photo forum when you get some.

You will gets tons of great advice here, so read as much as you can. Look over the useful links section, and the best thing you can do is print out Robin's new owners guide, as it had some very critical information about lovies in it.



05-28-2005, 05:07 PM
Hi Gina and welcome to our discussion board! Glad you found your way here!

I'm going to have to answer your questions with more questions. Age of your new baby is a big concern for me. How sure are you that he's about 7 weeks old? Did you get him from a private breeder, a pet shop, a friend who had babies and those babies needed new homes? The reason I'm asking is because handfed baby lovebirds are not usually completely weaned by age 7 weeks so that could be the problem as to why he only likes the millet stems. He may not be able to eat enough other food or he may not know what that the other items you are offering are actually edible. Parent fed babies are usually weaned and eating on their own by age 8 weeks. I hold mine an extra 1-2 weeks, just to make sure that they have enough confidence to be able to eat on their own with no help. Handfed babies, on the other hand, take longer to wean and most are still on 1-2 feedings/day even at age 8 weeks. My handfeds eat on their own much closer to 9-12 weeks.

Since your new baby is still very much a baby, he needs to be treated as such. I give my youngsters a cozy place to sleep at night (usually the container that they were being handfed in). They are only in their cages during the day until they get used to sleeping in a cage. Most will only want to be with you, as baby lovebirds are very social and need that close interaction. Being babies, they will also tend to nap, especially in the afternoon. If you have long hair, that's a favorite place, as it's cozy for them.

Go to the Useful Links forum, and I have a recipe there for homemade cornbread. This is normally a big hit with young lovebirds. Mine love it warm, as that's what they are used to getting from mom.

Hope I've answered some of your questions and I hope you will keep us updated on your new baby. BTW, we would love to see some pictures in the Photo Gallery when you get a chance,,,,,,,,,:)