View Full Version : Training has begun

06-16-2006, 07:51 AM
Yesterday, I took Benny & Joon into the small bathroom. Mirror covered, toilet lid closed, extraneous objects like soap dish put away.

I opened the top of their cage and sat talking quietly to them while they decided if it was safe to explore. Suddenly, they swooshed out of the cage and flew to the top of the shower curtain rod. There they panted awhile as if to say, "Wow, what a ride!"

I took a long dowel and held it up saying, "step up". I was careful not to chase them with it. When they did step up, they both did it together - it was so wonderful. I praised them a lot. I kept the first session to 30 minutes (from the time we entered the bathroom), so they were flying and perching for about 10-15 minutes.

Then I realized, "How am I going to get them back in the cage??" :omg:
Guess I should have thought of that sooner.

Oh, but the exciting part is that I learned to tell Benny & Joon apart! Benny has a more narrow band of yellow under his peachy face. Joon has a wider band of yellow. I have no idea if either one is male or female, and it really doesn't matter, they are properly named now. I can even tell them apart when they aren't sitting side by side now.

Eventually, I closed the top of the cage and opened the front door. Benny sat on the perch and let me place him inside the door. Joon was just a little more skittish. Eventually, though, with Benny calling from inside, she let me put her in the cage.

Can't wait for this evening when we get to try it all again!

06-16-2006, 08:42 AM
Jeanne, great progress!!!!! :D:D:D That is an amazing first outing!

06-19-2006, 06:05 PM
Can you tell thier sex from thier personality? I've read females tend to be more agressive.

I wonder if I have a boy and a girl...but the only way to tell is have the DNA test.

I assume one is a boy and the other is a girl because the boy (BamBam) is brave. He is not really scared of me and doesn't bite me when I moved him to another cage. He is very curious on what I do and doesn't hide out like Tiki does.

I assume the other is a girl (Tiki) because when I tried to move her to another cage she bit me. Luckily I had a pair of leather gloves on but I still could feel that bite! Tiki tends to hide more and is more very shy than BamBam.

I also need to tame them but they get scared very easily.

What do you think?