View Full Version : Baby birdies everywhere.

05-28-2005, 08:39 PM
I went to my brother's house today. He lives on an old farm and has a couple dozen bird nestboxes put up on the property. Every one of them is in use. :) There will be a lot of babies this year. There are bluebirds, cardinals, some sort of swallow (I don't remember what he said it was). In the barn are the barnswallows and pigeons and just the other day he found 2 redwing blackbird nests in the tall grass in the field (one of them fell prey to the Red Tailed Hawks but they didn't find the other one yet).

Oh yeah and a couple of goldfinches have been hanging around and a mocking bird was looking for love too. :)

I do believe my camera will be getting quite a workout in a few weeks.

05-28-2005, 09:08 PM
Wow! I have a resident pair of Mockers that live in my backyard so you know that nothing else is allowed back there!

Please share whatever photos you take! I wish I could have some wild baby birds in my yard............. :(

05-28-2005, 09:18 PM

Aren't they awesome. I cater to the wild birds in my backyard. I have about an acre, and I have huts for the finches, bluebird boxes, and wren boxes. I also had a pair of robins in the backyard with babies, and mockingbirds in the front maple tree. They bring their babies to my backyard to wean, as there is always food there, lots of trees, and I have a fence that keeps the predators away. At least dogs and cats that is. I so enjoy sitting out back and watching them teach their little ones how to hunt for food and fly. They really do amaze me.

I did see something this year for the first time. The cardinals brought a baby to one of my feeders, and he was totally red(male) except his head was still black. He did not have his red point yet, and the red was not as vibrant as the adults. He was just too cute. Yep, I should have had my camera :rolleyes:

Do share the pics when you get some. I love my inside babies, but I also enjoy the wild outside birds too.


05-29-2005, 09:03 AM
Cool :cool: I can't wait to see the pictures. I'm looking for a house and I plan on putting up a box for bluebirds. I think I'll get Janie's expert advice when I do. :D

05-29-2005, 06:32 PM
Ok here's some pics. NO babies yet but soon. :)

The quality isn't that great since I had to shrink them down so far, the origionals are huge!

Birdies! (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2126053205)

Can you tell I like the barn swallows and the mockingbird? :D

Those swallows are quick little suckers and rather fearless, they almost flew right into me several times while taking those pics.

05-29-2005, 07:57 PM

Those are great. I never though myself fond of the mockingbirds, but they have changed my mind this year. I acutally have one that will come right up to me for food. She also will give a good warning call for getting too close to her baby though :rolleyes:

Great pics!!!!


05-29-2005, 08:17 PM

Those are great. I never though myself fond of the mockingbirds, but they have changed my mind this year. I acutally have one that will come right up to me for food. She also will give a good warning call for getting too close to her baby though :rolleyes:

Great pics!!!!


The mocking birds are cool. He'll sit on top of the tree and sing for awhile. then fly straight up in the air and flutter back down, do that 3 times and start over singing again. That's what he was doing in the pics where he's in the air. It took me 2 hours to catch him doing that. :cool: I want one as a pet. :eek:

05-29-2005, 08:35 PM

I got two babies in my back yard. You want I should go nab ya one???? :)


05-29-2005, 08:43 PM

I got two babies in my back yard. You want I should go nab ya one???? :)


And a goldfinch!

Mike (my brother) said he's got a pair of Red Headed woodpeckers hanging around too but they didn't show up today. :( Guess that means I have to go next week.

05-29-2005, 09:23 PM
I love the pictures. I'm quite fond of Mockingbirds. I had them in Georgia, but not many here. I enjoy hearing them sing song after song. I have redwinged blackbirds, doves, cardinals, and occassionally goldfinch here.

Thanks for sharing!