View Full Version : FOUND After 20 Days!!!

06-17-2006, 11:11 AM
:omg: Hello,
On May 28th, while caring for my sister's 2 lovebirds, Chauncy and Shelby, I mistakenly left one of many doors unhinged on their new cage and they flew away.

Yesterday I was walking home on the block east of us which I haven't been on for months and long story short, there was Chauncy on the fence of an apt building surrounded by some caring people and a barking Beagle. I was flabbergasted. It took almost 30 minutes for three strangers and myself to catch him. He kept flying to me and flying away. We were stopping traffic and asking people walking their dogs. I brought him home in a plastic grocery bag that I bit holes into for air and put him back in his cage. I gave him some water, millet (his favorite food), a familiar toy and put a perch down as low as possible. He stayed at the bottom of his cage eating and didn't make a sound. He looked exhausted. His tail feathers are mostly gone and his color is a little dull of course.

My sister called our vet who is the best avian vet on Oahu (Dr. Ako) and Chauncy goes in first thing this morning - in 2 hours.

Has anyone ever had a bird gone for this amount of time? We thought (hoped) someone had them all of this time. This is just unbelievable. I feel just horrible thinking of what he's been through. I wasn't able to sleep last night. This bird is going to be spoiled worse than ever now that he's had a second chance at life. I thank God for this miracle.

06-17-2006, 11:20 AM
This is just fantastic news!!!
I'm wondering if perhaps Shelby is in the same area. If they were a bonded pair, I would probably go back and do some additional looking.

Miracles do happen and this seems to be one of them. Hopefully, his vet check up will be OK, although I'm very sure he's extremely hungry and very glad to be back home!

06-17-2006, 12:20 PM
I did ask you questions in your other thread that have been answered here so please ignore them.

What a HUGE relief!!!!!!! Please keep us posted as soon as you can with what the vet has to say.

06-17-2006, 12:26 PM
Wow! I'm so glad he was found! Please keep us posted on how things go at the vet's.It's terrific to hear about someone whose bird is found again. Good wishes for finding his lost mate.


06-17-2006, 03:23 PM
what a wonderful end to a tragic story. i lost our first bird a similar way - i hadn't gotten her wings trimmed cause she was enjoying flying so much. she got out through an open door a few summers ago. we found her in a tree a few hours later, but she wouldn't come down. she eventually got spooked, took off, and we never saw her again. needless to say, we ALWAYS clip kiwi's wings - we never want to go through that again!

i am so happy that you found chauncey!!!!!!!!!:) i hope that all is well at the vet. hopefully with love and care, he will turn around quickly! please let us know how he is. what a miracle!!!!

06-20-2006, 09:03 PM
:D So glad to hear you found Chauncey. :D
Hope Shelby is close behind.
Gives me hope for finding Zipper...

06-21-2006, 04:10 AM
I would definately go back to the area and look for Shelby. If Chauncy is feeling up to it, I would take him along in a small cage. Chauncy can make contact calls that are very loud, and Shelby will be apt to answer if she is in the vicinity. Perhaps you will get both your birds back.

Good luck to you.

06-21-2006, 08:23 AM
There was a second thread added by Alicia's sister, after this one. Chauncy was not found. The found bird turned out to be another lost bird, not Chauncy or Shelby.

06-22-2006, 03:23 AM
Thank you Janie. This has been an emotional rollercoaster. It was very disappointing to realize that this little guy isn't Chaunc. :( At this point, although it's difficult, not knowing what's happened may just be better than knowing....just in case. I just hope someone found them and found them together. Shelby is a follower as hes younger than Chauncy. I don't think he could look after himself. This just breaks my heart and I could just kick myself.


06-22-2006, 08:49 AM
Alicia, I know you are sick about this and I would be, too. I came very close to loosing my Oliver outside one time but got very lucky and found him in 45 minutes.....a very long 45 minutes.

Since you found a lost bird, it is possible that someone found them and that is exactly what I hope happened, too. Don't beat yourself up over this. It was a total accident and you're doing all that you can to find them and did save another little lovie in your search for Chanc and Shelby.