View Full Version : thinking of adding another pet to the home!

06-18-2006, 08:43 PM
Hi guys,

I wasn't sure where to put this question, but I figured if anyone could help, it would be this forum. My husband wants to get a dog, and I am not sure how kiwi would accept this new addition.

Kiwi is out of his cage whenever we are home, either with me or my son. He spends his time on our shoulders, in his tree (yes, it's a safe kind) walking on the floor, looking out the windows, talking to all his friends outside. You get the point - he is all over the house. How do you think he would accept a new puppy taking up his space? The one time someone came over with their dog, he was frantic with fear :eek: - is there any way to make this work, if so how??? :confused:

I would love to hear from someone who gone through this - any tip would be greatly appreciated.

06-18-2006, 09:15 PM
Hi Robyn,
The only thing I can say about having dogs and birds (this also applies to cats and birds) is that dogs are predators and birds are prey. If you have both, you have to be aware of where both of them are and make sure that they don't get together. Some people say that their dogs are afraid of the lovebird or that the lovebird will chase the dog. I'm still not trusting. I have a dog but Jordie is 14 yrs old. He was 11 when I adopted him. Even at his age, it would not shock me if he were to go after one of my birds. I'm always watching and don't trust Jordie as far as I can throw him. Puppies can be particularly dangerous, as lovebirds are small and the puppy may consider the bird a toy that can be played with.

06-18-2006, 09:55 PM
To avoid any risk, we have a steadfast rule in our house.
Birds are caged while dogs/cats are roaming free.
Cats and dogs are in a closed basement when birds are out flying around.
No exceptions...I watched my neighbors' German Shepherd gulp a bird who flew past his snout while he was simply laying on the floor. The bird flew down...the dog snapped him up. After about 5 seconds, the dog released the bird and thankfully after a full dunk bath and a visit to the vets the bird survived.
Talk about horror! Why take the chance??

Best of Luck in your Puppy Decision...

06-19-2006, 09:52 AM
thanks for the advice - i know in my heart that adding a puppy to the mix would not work for us. it is not an easy decision to make, for while kiwi is a major part of my life, he never really took to my husband or visa versa. so he's feeling the "i need a dog " vibes!

if you had asked me two years ago if a bird could fly into my heart and evoke such strong emotions i would have rolled my eyes and said " a bird??" but once you have a lovie, you understand!!!!! :D

06-19-2006, 11:52 AM

The other thing to keep in mind is that dogs and cats have a bacteria in their saliva that is deadly to birds. It does require some rotation of pets, but it is possible to have dogs and cats with birds, just not out at the same time.

One thought I had was, maybe you could get your hubby his own bird???? Hey, it may or may not work, but at least you get another bird:wink:

06-19-2006, 02:49 PM
Hi Lori,

You must have read my mind - I actually mentioned getting another bird to my husband this afternoon. Since he hasn't fully discovered the delights of being owned by a bird, he can't imagine it being the same thing as a dog. (of course not - it's better :rofl: )

i am going to work on him, because as you said, the added benefit would be an addition to the flock!! :D

06-19-2006, 04:29 PM
Robyn, if someone had told me PRE Oliver that I could become as attached to a bird as I could a dog or cat, I would have laughed in their face! Like you, I had no idea that a lovebird could be such a perfect pet! :D I do have a dog who is always at my side. In a way that's a good thing because I never have to look for her! :D She isn't one bit jealous of the birds, something that really surprised me, but I did watch her like a hawk for the first six months after I adopted Oliver. Maybe because she was always with me when I was out in the back yard watching, feeding and changing the water in the bird baths for my outside wild birds, she just got used to birds. :confused: She is past 12 now and I had planned to get another dog when we loose her but now, with three birds, I doubt that I will. I know I'd never have such an easy time with a dogs behavior towards my birds as I've had with her. Don't get me wrong, I do have an eye on her when they are out but she shows zero interest in them. At the end of the day, they sleep in a cage and she sleeps with her momma! :D

06-19-2006, 06:31 PM
Hi Lori,

You must have read my mind - I actually mentioned getting another bird to my husband this afternoon. Since he hasn't fully discovered the delights of being owned by a bird, he can't imagine it being the same thing as a dog. (of course not - it's better :rofl: )

i am going to work on him, because as you said, the added benefit would be an addition to the flock!! :D

And if that bird doesn't work out, get another, and..... :whistle:

I never thought of a bird as a little buddy either until Ditto came here. Now I want ever parrot I see. :eek:

06-19-2006, 07:08 PM
maybe it would just be easier to get another husband :eek:

i find i gravitate to the pet store too often, check out the birds, want to take them all home - maybe i need a new husband AND a bigger home!!!!!!!!! :rofl: