View Full Version : Melody and her toy

Buy A Paper Doll
06-20-2006, 08:05 PM
Melody's favorite toy this month consists of 2 ropes threaded with blocks, that hang together from the side of the cage.

She hangs from the side of the cage by one toe and just SCREAMS at this toy before beating the tar out of it. It makes a lot of noise when she beats it against the cage, and it always swings back for more abuse. It's a perfect toy for her.

(Meanwhile poor Milo swings on his swing on the opposite side of the cage, wondering what on earth he ever did to deserve such a crazy hen.)

Today Melody tried a new approach with her toy. She had one foot on the side of the cage, and the other on the toy itself. Then she grabbed hold of one of the blocks on the toy and SHOOK the heck out of it. Well, of course this sent the toy flying ... along with her foot ... and the bird attached to the foot ...

It is NOT nice to laugh at the bird.
It is NOT nice to laugh at the bird.
It is NOT nice to laugh at the bird.

06-20-2006, 08:25 PM
But it's okay for Milo to laugh at the girl birdie!

06-20-2006, 09:15 PM

Shame on you:rofl:

06-21-2006, 12:00 PM
Oh Jennifer, thank you for the laugh! :rofl:

Or perhaps I should thank Melly.

06-21-2006, 01:05 PM
Is that another one of those "hen" things? To beat the tar out of a toy? :D I have never seen a one of my boys do it and it really sounds cute!

Funny story, Jennifer! :D What would you do w/o Melly to laugh at? I'm sure that poor little Milo lives in a state of confusion! :rofl:

06-21-2006, 02:05 PM
Is that another one of those "hen" things? To beat the tar out of a toy? Personally, I think it is. In our house, the loudest and most aggressive lovies are all hens. Toys don't stand a chance. Food dishes are banged and abused, cage doors are assaulted, perches chewed up like they were made of paper. Of course, then there are the "hen pecked" mates....poor guys. :rofl:

Buy A Paper Doll
06-21-2006, 02:07 PM
Janie, I am not sure if it's a hen thing or not. :) I'm pretty sure Dave's Ditto likes to beat on his toys as well ... but we don't know for sure that the Dittobird is actually a boy. <runs for cover>

What I do know is that Melody is, shall we say, an "active" little lovebird. Even her vet calls her "busy." Milo has his moments but for the most part he's a gentle soul, happy to swing on his swing in his cage, or hang out with one of his people.

06-21-2006, 06:36 PM
Janie, I am not sure if it's a hen thing or not. :) I'm pretty sure Dave's Ditto likes to beat on his toys as well ... but we don't know for sure that the Dittobird is actually a boy. <runs for cover>

What I do know is that Melody is, shall we say, an "active" little lovebird. Even her vet calls her "busy." Milo has his moments but for the most part he's a gentle soul, happy to swing on his swing in his cage, or hang out with one of his people.

Ditto beats up his bells from time to time but it's not an every day thing. Once in awhile those bells act up and need to be put in their place. :rofl:

Sometimes he'll be standing on his boing all nice and calm, then reach over with his beak and give his swing a good fling. Of corse then he gets mad it if it swings back and hits him. When that happens he goes on a rampage and the swing and bells get a good what for!