View Full Version : Am back

06-23-2006, 01:59 PM
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

Well I am back with a vengance, Guess what i got???. yup 2 baby Lovies
i bought them about 2 hours ago. i have been really missing my lovies.
I had to get rid of some of my tanks due to health getting worse. I know i cant really afford them. but i missed my lovies so much and so do believe it or not my parrot. ( aw as i am typing this now, my parrot is talking to me and the babies who are covered up talking back.)
anyway here is the link of my new babies.

I need some Names Please. :whistle: lol.
Oh boy how i have missed you guys.
hope you enjoy the photos.
lots and lots and lots of love Cassy. :grouphug: xx

can i put their cage next to my parrot cage, it will fit perfect there and i can start tamming them easier to.

06-23-2006, 02:14 PM
Oh Cassey, how exciting!!! Congratulations. They are beautiful little masked lovies! I'm sure both you and your Senegal will be happy to have them back in your lives. :)

06-23-2006, 02:43 PM
Congratulations!!!they are sooo cute!!!

06-23-2006, 05:25 PM

You bad girl. I've been wondering where you had got to. Now I know, and of course all if forgiven:lol

I am so happy for you, and more so for your new fids. They are adorable, and of course I will get right on suggesting some names for them. I'll be back shortly;)

06-23-2006, 05:31 PM
I'm just thrilled to hear that you have more lovies!!! They are just gorgeous! How well I know that birds are addictive (all birds, including lovies). I think you will eventually be able to put them next to your Senegal but I would watch to see how the Sennie reacts to the lovies being so close. Some birds are OK with neighbors. Others think they were there first and can be less than friendly. Observe quarantine, if possible. :)

06-23-2006, 06:10 PM
Cassy, awwwwww, I am so happy for you. :) They are just beautiful! :D

06-24-2006, 05:43 AM
Well i have been a busy bee this morning, i detest these dowlings perches they put in cages, so i cut branches off of my apple tree washed thoroughly and dried well in sun. Good news they are eating. Still skittish tho, but thats to be expected.

i have come up with 2 names,
Sugar and Spice (cos lovies are nice. )
I would like to try and name them after plant names.
sage and thyme, basil, bay, Honey-suckler (lol) just but a few.
untill i know the sex of them, i guess we have to go with neutral names.
Minty, oregano lol. see what your fav is.
Am off to rest now. (twisted my stupid knee again doh. )
love cassy. xxxx

06-24-2006, 08:08 AM

I think I like Sage and Honey. Sage is a good one for the green mask, and Honey fits them all. "Come to Mama Honey":)

I am so glad you have some new lovies. I have missed your little butt around here, and now maybe you'll be here more often;)

Take care of that knee sweety. BTW, have they scheduled your surgery yet?



06-24-2006, 11:46 AM
http://www.imagestation.com/album/pi...?id=2104973405 (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2104973405)

Ok The new names are for my new lovies are??? (drum roll )
Sage and Honey.
So Auntie Lori thank you very much for giving us our new names.
If you take a look at Mums photo gallery again, you can see where she as adapted our cage a little. We even (wait for it.!!!) got a Coat hanger as a swing. This is only Temp, as Mum not got much money at mo, she says she is going to wait for a couple of months then she is going to get us a bigger cage, then we will get a proper swing. :) Mum says to tell you not to worry we cant harm ourselves on the coat hanger cos its all plastic. (childs clothes hanger.) Mum also said its got 2 little hooks under it, so she can hook little treats for us. We still bit skittish as we only babies and we in this strange home, Mum got these animals and they go Meow. we bit worried about 1 of them and we think he`s going to get us, but mum shoo`s him away. he a red thingy. the other 2 they dont bother us. Mums parrot is so funny he as been watching us and showing off. Do you know he looks so funny with his legs over his shoulders holding onto the cage and whistling.
Sage and I dont think he`s a normal bird. Anyway Mum says thank you for our names and she will keep you all posted on how we are doing. Oooh we forgot to tell you, our cage is on wheels and mum wheeled us to the window and it was lovely to see the outside world, we even started to sing.
See you all soon.
Lots of love from
Sage and Honey. :grouphug:

The link you left wasn't working, so I copy/pasted the one from above over it.

06-24-2006, 12:01 PM
You got a beautiful location for their cage and they look like they are really enjoying what you are doing for them. With lovebirds, any swing is better than none, even if it's homemade!! :lol

Really like the names Sage and Honey, too!

06-24-2006, 12:51 PM

It looks like they love that swing. It is big, and room, and...... Lori runs off to look for a childs clothes hanger:lol

Sage and Honey are very fortunate to have found you, and I know you all are going to be very good for each other. I am just soooooooo excited that you have lovies again. Have I said that yet?????:lol



06-24-2006, 12:52 PM
Love the added photos, Cassy! :) I'm sure they are just as happy with the coat hanger swing as they would be with one made for a parrot. They look very happy (and adorable!) to me! :D:D:D

Buy A Paper Doll
06-24-2006, 07:55 PM
Well, welcome back Miss Cassy! :D

Congrats on the 2 new additions.

06-27-2006, 12:59 PM
Update on Honey and Sage.
Today i put a bowl of water in their cage to see how they react.
They loved it, just wish i had my camera batteries charged up as the pair of them tried to sit in bowl together but to small. So least i now know they Love water. I have found a bigger dish to hang on the side of the cage for when they have their next bath. (will make sure i got camera ready. 8o )
I have found that Sage is more the braver bird than Honey is, he/she more nosey. i wheel the cage right next to me and leave my hand inside the cage , have been doing this last 2 days now. On Friday going to get my carer to take me up to the local garden nursery for some fresh produced peas, apples, etc. they all locally grown and not processed. Even the Eggs are home laid.
I do have 1 question thats worrying me at mo, this w/end is meant to be nice, i would like to put them outside for some real sun (healthy bones etc.)
But am worried about this bird flu, altho not as been said much in the news at moment, i am worried about possible bird droppings from the wild birds. The magpies were around but have now migrated. If i had an awning to pull over my patio i wouldnt worry so much. Would i be taking to much of a risk in letting them outside in their cage???.
All in all they are doing ok. drinking and eating ok. (oooh they dont like dried food i was given, contain peas, fruit and carrot. they wont touch it. )
Keep you updated on their progress or should i say my progress with them. :lol
cassy. xxx