View Full Version : I think my bird is preening me

06-23-2006, 06:35 PM
Today when I had Tango out of the cage he was sitting on my shoulder and he seemed to be preening me, he would pick at my hair and my shirt and my skin, I don't want to discourage this because I think it's a good thing but I'm very tickleish and I have to fight not to shake laughing because it tickles so much, also it sometimes hurts when he catches a bit of skin.

He also seems to have developed quite the liking for my ears, and that really hurts, like I said I don't want to discourage this behaviour altogether but I would like to stop the ear thing, is there anyway I can stop the ear biting without getting in the way of our bonding, do they make something similar to that antichewing stuff for dogs that tastes really aweful that is safe for birds, and do you think it would work?

He also is still afraid of my hands, I'm working on it and he seems to be slowly getting better, but he completely refers to touch my hands or my arms if they're not covered.

Also, do birds purr? he will let me nuzzle him against my cheek when he is on my shoulder and today when I had him near my ear it sounded like a mini motor in there.

06-23-2006, 07:04 PM
I've heard Ditto "purr" too. His whole body vibrates, usually when he snuggles in my hand for a little nap when we watch tv.

06-24-2006, 06:55 PM
Peachie likes to nibble at the freckles on my shoulders and neck. At first it bothered me a lot because she is a biter, but I finally figured out what she was doing. It's as if she "grazes" around my shoulders trying to find a freckle that she can pick up. It tickles a lot and sometimes it makes shivers go up my spine. I like watching her little toungue flick at my skin. :p

She has only bit my ear once, and I think that was enough to scare both of us! I think my reaction to the bite made her never do it again, but this bite was not meant to be affectionate, as something scared her, and as I turned my face toward her to see what was the matter, she ran up my arm and got my ear. >:

Even though my hair is very short, she also sometimes picks ever so delicately at it with her beak. It's very short and spikey. I think she's trying to help me style it sometimes. :D

06-24-2006, 07:30 PM
I think she's trying to help me style it sometimes.

Oh yeah, they will style your hair and not always exactly the way you want it styled. A few months ago I went in for a hair cut and my "stylist" screamed...."what has gotten into your hair?" The side where Oliver likes to "live" was over an inch shorter, three inches across! She had to layer my hair to try to match his handy work! Honestly, his side looked better than hers! :D

06-27-2006, 05:41 PM
Fiesta and Cash looove to preen me. First they'll start by sitting on my shoulders and trying to bite my freckels. I have a small mole on the back of my neck, and they like to try to eat that too, haha. Eventually they climb up my hair as it is very long. It always makes me think of Repunzel! For the most part, it feels kind of good having their claws and beaks on my head. I try not to let them do this when I take them out before work because of the simple fact that my hair looks like a bird's nest when they're done :)

06-27-2006, 05:47 PM
Bart likes to preen me also. He is a biter but I think that is his personality cause he is the sweetest bird otherwise. He like to "style" my hair by making big knots in it. My bro has spiked hair and bart has fun trying to find out how he can make his hair "better":lol It is funny to see.