View Full Version : Im Getting Another Lovebird

06-27-2006, 05:33 PM
On the 29th this Thursday I will be going down to the breeders to look at her birds an possibly take one home with me:D :D :happy: If I dont take one home I will put one on hold or something cause Im getting another one. Im sooooo excited. I thought I should let everyone know. I will post pics soon and get my advitar thing going so all of you can see them.:D :happy:

07-05-2006, 06:25 PM
I am moving to sheridan and I did get another lovebird. I will be recieving a DNA testing kit soon and then I will send it off so I know what sex my new lovie is. I will post pics of both of them asap. Just to let everyone know I wont be on for a while after we move because we dont have internet on the new computer we just bought. My new bird is soo cute and he/she doesnt bite at all and is almost hand tame.

07-05-2006, 07:34 PM
Congratulations on the new lovie. What kind of lovie is he/she? How old is he/she?
Good luck with your new baby! Be sure to find an avian vet to check her out.

07-05-2006, 07:43 PM
I just found out that she/he is a PF Lutino. The breeder says that most of her birds are between 1-5yrs with some of them being younger than that. She said that mine is one of the younger ones on account of how tame it is. Im trying to set up an appointmet with a vet but the stupid phones up here dont work (right now Im in the process of moving from The Big Horn Mountain Lodge near Dayton to Sheridan WY) when we get moved in calling a vet will be the first thing I do.

07-05-2006, 09:50 PM
Cool! Good for you on the vet appointment efforts! You're gonna get off to a great start. Keep trying on the vet. That gives you a good starting point on weight and such. Plus, once or IF you have a problem - you have someone to go to that has good records. My avian vet charges me LESS because I come for well visits. :) Keep us posted!

07-06-2006, 10:01 AM
Kari, congratulations on your new lovie! :D

Suzanne makes a very good point about that first check up giving the vet valuable information to use as a basis for later visits. Suzanne, that is very nice of your vet to charge you less because you keep up with the yearly physicals. I think I'll suggest that to my vet! :whistle:

07-06-2006, 01:44 PM
Thanks so much for the support. Im still trying to get a hold of the vet. I also have a question. I found no avian vets in sheridan would a normal vet be ok? And if so should I use the same vet the breeder uses? Bart and the newbie seem to be getting along in their talking. There has been no screaming and I cant wait to take them out together in a secure area for a little get to know each other play date:D
I should be able to post pics soon.