View Full Version : maybe a problem, maybe not?

06-29-2006, 11:17 PM
I saw on a couple of posts that the grids on the bottoms of cages that block the catcher tray/newspaper from the birds is not really good for their little feet. Unfortunately, Pete seems to love running around on the bottom of his cage. I'm puzzled, frankly. He has two dowel rod perches, an orthopedic perch, a cuttlebone perch (heck, I'm trying), and crossings of an 1 1/2 inch rope (I can't think of the material at the moment, but I did check, and it is safe) but he just doesn't like them as much as the bottom.

Is this a serious problem or just a quirk? And if its a problem, how in the world do I fix it?:cry:

06-30-2006, 03:21 AM
I wouldn't worry about it. If the grate on the bottom of the cage hurt his feet, he wouldn't spend any time down there. It does sound like you have a good selection of perch materials there, but do you have a variety of perch diameters? I have several ladders in my cage, running parallel to the floor, and the birds really like those. They can sort of squat down on them if they like and 'take a load off'. The ladders give them a variety of perch diameters that exercise the feetsies.

As for the floor grate, though. It is odd that he likes being on the floor, as that is odd for a lovebird, but if he is active and enjoys himself down there, I wouldn't give it a second thought.

06-30-2006, 12:24 PM
Hm....the two dowel rods are the same diameter, the orthopedic varies down its length (its kind of twisty, hard to explain), and the cuttlebone is thinner than both of them. The rope is just a tad bit thicker than the cuttlebone. I have a little chewy ladder in the corner for him, but he doesn't seem to like it very much.

I'm glad to know it isn't a problem, just a quirky bird. :lol:

06-30-2006, 12:33 PM
I'm with Shy, I wouldn't worry too much about it especially since you have a variety of perches for him to sit and play on. I do have several lovies who choose to sleep on the bottom grate at night. These birds also have several perch choices but love to cuddle on the bottom. I figure if it was uncomforteable they wouldn't be doing it :) .

06-30-2006, 12:51 PM
I've found that the weaning or just weaned chicks love to play on the grate of the cage. They literally wrestle with each other, push around toys and try to get the good stuff that has fallen through the grate. I also have some older ones that like to sleep on the floor at night. Why? Who knows, but they are perfectly healthy, just like snuggling down low I guess.

06-30-2006, 11:19 PM
Hm...he's the only one in there, and he only does it during the day (or maybe only when I'm in the room, I'm not too sure) but he doesn't seem to be having any problems.

Oh, I got one of those gauze seed catchers for the cage today, and now he's on the perches all the time. Maybe he was just on the bottom so he could watch me?