View Full Version : Thanks to Linda-what an Angel

06-30-2006, 11:20 PM
Well, I was panicking Tuesday night when I came home and found an egg chirping away and seeming in distress, so I posted here and shortly thereafter, Linda came to my rescue! I must say she knows her stuff-but you all probably know that too! anyway, after her asking me several questions, she said, get ready to assist the hatch, sounds like the little one is ready to come out! so, with her support, I slowly peeled away the shell and wow, he came alive! anyway, I just wanted to say how much I appreciated her help and even though she was in great pain from a fall she sustained that evening, she was there throughout the night and in the morning when I felt helpless with the little one. After I assisted the hatch, I found the little one who was hatched the day before, had passed away -probably smothered by the bigger ones, we think. But, I am happy to say, this newest guy is soooo cute and doing well with all of the bigger ones.... it is very cute to see his little butt next to all those bigger butts......lol
anyway, once again, thank you for this board and all of your kind words and encouragement! Jill S.. Mom to 5 beautiful little babies and two really great lovebird parents!

07-01-2006, 08:09 AM
Jill, I'm so glad to hear that things went well for your babies! :)

Oh yeah, I'm sure Linda was a huge help. I said over two years ago that if I ended up with a pair and a clutch, I'd move to Florida.....right next door to Linda! :D

07-01-2006, 08:20 AM

I'm happy to hear all is going well. That Linda is definitely a lovie guardian angel:)