View Full Version : Hiya Fellow fids.

07-01-2006, 07:16 AM
Well we have been here a week now, and its er still strange. But slowly getting used to that human. Every afternoon she wheels us in front of this screen thingy, thinks she calls it a comptuer. Then she sticks this err hand in :omg: we get really flappy, but then we soon settle, as long as she keep that hands still. we are getting braver while this hand thing is inside our cage as we now eat and sleep. But soon as she moves that hand we are off.
Mum as been feeding us some really strange food, Yesterday we got err umm we think she said some apple, that was ok, but today oh yuk she put some green things and orange things in our feed dish.:omg: think mum called it brocolli and carrots. (smells awful anyway. ) Oh yeah mum gave us a bit of egg, yuk yuk we didnt touch it, but we did notice that daft parrot ate it.
We getting really worried now as Mum is on about getting us sexed. She said she as to pluck some of our feathers out, we not to keen on this and we worried it may hurt. :cry:
Mum as spotted this cage which she as fallen in love with, But she says she cant afford it at mo, but its ideal for our needs. Mum dont like the cage we are in now, she says it to small. Sounds like she know what we like. we do love the willow branches and apple branches she put in for us.
Well looks like mum is off to her other room for some rest. this is where we get out back, we start singing our heads off. :rofl: Well she she wakes us up when we are having our sleep.
Anyway we let let you know if we let mum touch us. but its early days yet. Oh yeah you know we told you about those furry things, we not bothered by them now. they just stupid and sleep all the time.
Anyway our fellow fids. we sya ta ta for now, and have a great day.
Lots of love from Sage and Honey. :grouphug: and hi5 wings. :wink:

07-01-2006, 08:28 AM

Glad they are settling in. I can hear how much you are enjoying them:)

Sage & Honey,

You don't know how much you are gonna enjoy all that love and skirtches yet, but you'll figure it out. Oh, and there ain't nothin better than a little birdy nap, snugged up in your Mama's hands, or on her shoulder. You give her a chance now, and you'll see. Ain't nothin better than some Fid Mama lovin. Well, maybe a big, fat millet spray, but it's a close race;)

Flap at ya later,

B&L, and Cappie

07-02-2006, 09:09 AM
Hiya Sage and Honey! *waves*

I can tell ya, you gots a good Mommy! You trust her just as much as your birdy brains'll let ya, you will never regret it. Now, I's know'd my Momma since before I was hatched, so I trusteded her forever an ever, as long as millet tastes good, bird scouts honor! But she says you gots a good Mommamma, so I know that's true.

As for the furry things, they do sleeps a lot, but I'm told they's always got one eye open, ;) 'specially for us who got feathers. A word to the wise ... ;)

Anyway, see yas around here! High wings from everybodys here: George, Gracie, Didjit, Bosco, Betty, Barney, Bongo, and the furry cat Neko.

Your pal,

07-02-2006, 09:15 AM
Hi Sage and Honey!
All that strange food that your new mommy is giving you is really good for ya!! Just seed don't cut it for keeping us strong and healthy. You're very lucky to have found Ms. Cassy! You can trust her and she will take good care of you! :)

Welcome to our lovie family!


07-04-2006, 12:56 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hi Sage and Honey here.
we are really unhappy today.
Mum put in some water and we had a lovely cold bath. we then preened ourselves up lovely. then next thing we know, we are being wheeled into this strange room, think this human said its a bathroom. we wondered what we doing in here. Then it soon became clear, the cage door opened and that hand came in. Think this Orrible human said " i got the D.N.A. Kit through." Anyway we are flapping about and One of us escaped, it was Honey.
Hi honey here, yeah i got out, but i was soon caught. I didnt bite this human tho i was to scared to, My mate Sage was really squawking after me, anyway this human was talking ever so soflty to me and gently stroking my feathers on my breast, then i felt a little sting, it didnt hurt and i saw it was some feathers. Then she checked me over and then gently stroked my head. ( was quite nice really. shhhh:whistle: ). Then she put me back in the cage, i didnt have time to tell Sage what was going to happen cos she was chasing her/him. Well Sage is not as clever as me didnt get out of cage but on to cage floor.
Honey here, well well was i scared when this human caught me, i did bite the hand but it didnt hurt her >: (Hmmpphh!! ). Anway she was talking to me ever so gently to, i thought yeah i know your game cos i saw honey go through it. Yup i got my feathers plucked out. But my little heart was beating really fast. she checked me over, then she started to stroke my head and was talking to me, slowly my heart was not beating so fast and i didnt feel the need to bite this human. Anway she put me back into the cage and wheeled us back into front room and gave us some lettuce and we ate some, and we also had some millet. this human put cover partly over the cage, so we be calm. But at moment we dont trust that hand . I am sure this Human will let you know what sex we are, we know but she dont. :rofl:
So our Fellow fiddies when you get this sexing kit thingy Be warned. it can be scary. Have great 4th July and Hi5 wings flaps to you all. :grouphug:
love Honey and Sage. xx

I wanted to get the lovies sexed early so as they wont become afraid of the hand to much. i am going to leave them for a couple of days, then start again in putting hand in cage. I will let you know soon as i know the results.
Have a Wonderful 4th of July and i spk soon.
Lots of love
Cassy. xxxxx