View Full Version : Wild Lovebirds in Arizona

05-30-2005, 05:19 PM
For those interested, the following link takes you to a website that tracks the growing population of wild PEachfaced Lovebirds in Arizone. apparently, the lovebirds are well-adapted to live in dry, arid Arizona - due directly to their African ancestors, I would imagine - and are now causing some concern for native bird species.

Very interesting site, and beautiful pics of lovies in the wild.


05-31-2005, 12:55 AM
They never said whether they are working on capturing the love birds. I hope some body is!

The second picture of the green loves perched on the green cactus is really amazing. They match perfectly!

05-31-2005, 01:36 AM
Thanx Kel. I've ran accross this site a couple of times and someone posted it on the other board. It's grown though as have the spottings.

I don't see why catching them is important. If the geography is similiar to Africa then they should be able to live and thrive in the wild as long as they are not destroying any of the native plants or taking the food from the areas' natural habitants. In fact, the more they breed the better they stay in the wild as that's where they're used to being. I don't advocate letting pet lovies loose into the wild though, they are not socialized to survive in the wild and would more likely die than thrive.

05-31-2005, 09:52 AM
WOW! That is so interesting and the photos are incredible! With all of the little "Oliver's" flying around in AZ, I think maybe I should move there! I was surprised to read that they can take over a wood pecker cavity. Goes to show you how feisty our little ones are!

05-31-2005, 02:24 PM
Laura, the site said that they're competing with the native wildlife. They could soon replace the natives if they're very successful, and they sound as if they are.

05-31-2005, 05:21 PM
The site says there is the potential but nothing is substantiated. I remember reading on this or another similiar site that the lovebirds have yet to vie for any of the food, etc. of the native birds. I, like you, hope it stays that way. I live in Hawaii and the whole environment is being bombarded by alien species :eek:.

05-31-2005, 05:44 PM
When I saw the "Wild Birds of Telegraph Hill" that was also mentioned.....the parrots taking over cavities that other birds had been using but in that case I think the cavities being taken over belonged to starlings (UGH) and House Sparrows (double UGH) which are both non native species.

05-31-2005, 08:06 PM

They are just gorgeous. They all look very healthy, and so happy. I love the pic of the one poking his head out of the cactus, that is just precious.

09-20-2007, 06:45 PM
Here I sit in Arizona and I never knew...This is amazing and scary at the same time..I am afraid Game and Fish might get to a point of out lawing the birds in the state...They take protecting the state animals habitat very seriously..Just when I want some lovebirds...As wonderful as it is..Darn..I hope there will be no new laws going into affect for the state of Arizona...>o

09-20-2007, 08:40 PM
Very interesting. Wonder how much more of Arizona our little friends have taken over in the last two years. We may no longer have to purchase them. Just take a trip to Arizona and bring back as many as you please. If you could catch them that is! :) ...........Michael and Goofy

09-20-2007, 09:25 PM
Gosh everytime I read stuff like this I just get so upset...I think bird owners should just becareful of their pet....its not a joke...and the goverment shouldn't kill them either...poor birds....they never asked for that destiny...if this happend in arizona ok then the goverment should deal with it....when humans kill animals that are in danger of extintion...does anybody kill our kids or family?....no....the goverment just deals with it...because gosh who cared we are humans...bla bla....poor birds...that happen with the quaker parrot...people should just think about how help the earth agaisnt the global warming....to do something...especially the goverment around the world...because that affects everybody not just the wild animals of a certain state...anyways...feel free to erase this message...its just upseting all this bird drama of the quaker and now the lovebird...I'm sorry if I offended somebody....

09-22-2007, 06:10 PM
Gosh, I had no idea about that....

09-22-2007, 09:43 PM
Really Tessie, you have very good reason to be upset. The accidental or forced migration of many animals out of their native/natural habitat carries some very serious consequences, and the methods needed to correct them, if necessary, may far excede the capabilities of our governments and organizations. Leaving us all, humans and animals, open to whatever disadvantageous decisions these institutions may choose. Should anybody take issue to Quakers and lovebirds taking over the natural habitat of other native birds? Most likely so. But, I'm not sure if much could really be done about it now. Especially by our governments who lack enough political integrity as it is, let alone anything that resembles a life form. I do believe though, the natural environment will do more to set that course than we can ever achieve on our own. And yes, poeple should do their best to help by taking better care of their birds/pets, and not just let them loose into an unnatural environment as a way of disposing of them. Should anyone think about erasing your reply? Not when it involves the very life we are here to protect.................Michael and Goofy

09-24-2007, 07:53 PM
Here in the Florida Keys there is a pretty good size flock of lovebirds on Big Pine Key and also in Key West. Someone told me there is also a small flock on Marathon but i haven't actually seen them.
The flock in Key west has a few lutino's and blue's in it. I'd say more then 40+ birds total. I have tried to catch them, and there is now way you can catch one of these guys outside. I mean maybe in Africa or AZ but not happening in Key West. I need to find where they all sleep at.....but that almost feels like pouching to me, although there is a reward for a few of the birds..........

09-25-2007, 09:07 PM
My joking about bringing back a few lovebirds from Arizona really may have been in bad taste. I think the last thing anyone should do is try to capture wild lovebirds. Their genetics and instincts can be quite different from the lovebirds we breed as pets. Disease is also a concern when wild animals are introduced into a nonprofessional setting other than a rescue facility or a place that contains them for the soul purpose of scientific or medical research. Certainly its a wonderful experience to observe them in the wild. Capturing them could cause more harm than good...............Michael and Goofy

09-27-2007, 02:00 PM
I couldn't agree more Michael, both of you previous post's say it for me, very elequent-( if I only I could spell it).