View Full Version : Melody has Crazy Hen Syndrome again ...

Buy A Paper Doll
07-03-2006, 08:18 PM
Two nights ago Melody was being so rotten to Milo that I left Melody in the day cage and took Milo to the night cage alone. Well, she cried so pitifully that after 10 minutes, I put her in the night cage with Milo and she was a very well behaved girl indeed.

Today, I had to put her in birdy time-out because she was chasing Milo without mercy. Now, I have to admit, it's not all Mel. He bites her on the toes. And when she's in time-out, he will not leave her alone. He prances around the cage while she clings to the side, squawking to be let out.

Anyway, tonight hubby pointed out that Milo is acting like he's scared of Melly. I'm worried that he's going to start plucking in earnest again. Sooooo I'm separating them for the night. They're in side by side cages right now; for the most part, things are quiet in lovebirdland. I just hope we don't have to go back to separate cages again. ~sigh~

07-04-2006, 02:53 AM
Melody sounds like my Cuddlybunny. She can be a mean crazy girl who is abusive to her partner Birdy Boots. I've tried to separate them a couple of times but it never works. Birdy Boots apparently prefers to be treated badly to being away from his Cuddybunny. Of course, Birdy Boots has never plucked but if he did I'd be as worried as you are about poor Milo.

Good luck and tell Melly to chill out. She's giving all lovie hens a bad rap:cool: .

07-04-2006, 08:07 AM

Poor Milo. Those hens can chase a guy down can't they dude. What I do is run like crazy, then go over and beat up my toy. I know I can't compete with a the woman when she's in that henny penny mode, so I take it out on my toy;)

My Mama says all Lacey want's is some luvin, but I don't know what she means. I mean I feed her, I preen her, I snuggle up with her. Ain't that luvin???? I ask ya, Ain't that luvin??????:rolleyes:

Anyway, it does pass, and I hope your Melly's mood passes soon dude.

Stay Tuff,


07-04-2006, 11:16 AM
Sounds like crazy hormonal hens are on a rampage these days. Gracie has been chasing George the way Melly chases Milo. And yup, sometimes Georgie deserves it.

You could also try the separate cages during the day, but let them sleep together at night.

The girls are definitely hormonal. This morning I saw Gracie try to solicit the cat. Neko was mystified.

07-04-2006, 04:28 PM
Sounds so much like Shy and the way he treats his brother. Sometimes he chases both Big Boi and Oliver so much that I have to put him in his cage and leave the other two out. I think that just pi$$es him off to the point that he's more obnoxious when he gets back out. He's never drawn blood when he grabs a toe and they usually steer clear of him but it nearly drives me nuts! Oliver will also grab a toe occasionally but Big Boi is my little peace maker and is so good to both of them all the time.

I did move Shy to Oliver's day cage for a couple of nights but that made both Shy and BB miserable so now I offer two cozies every night and sometimes they share and sometimes they don't. All depends on Shy's mood I guess and he definitely calls the shots!