View Full Version : Birdy Intro and question

07-03-2006, 10:01 PM
Okay, this is my newest (:x bad me) baby.





Oh, I am so bad...I went into a store looking for a peachy buddy for Pete, and instead I found this lovely darling... I'm going with female because she's just so pretty.:D

Anyway, I'm about 90% sure that what I have is a Fischers, but there's some small miniscule chance that it might be a Nyasa (very small chance). So...um...help?:blush:

And other than that, does anyone else have any ideas for a name? :confused:

07-03-2006, 10:03 PM
oh, and the poor new one has an absolutely butchered clip job. I let her out to hold her for a little while, she flipped out when I lifted her towards me and tried to fly, resulting in a sheer plumet. I'd show pictures of that, but she's not too happy with me right now.

07-03-2006, 10:06 PM
Gorgeous bird! Yep, YOU BAD LOLOL

I'd say you're right on the money with a fischers. Nyasas' I believe don't have a smudge of black on their heads as fischers do...nyasa's are completely orange on top. I know there are other slight differences, but thats' the one I find most distinguishing. I don't know a lot of the eye rings, but I keep thinking that maybe just one day I'll take that plunge...

Remember quarantine...minimum 30 days, you don't know what this lil fella might be carrying, even looking so well like he does...:)

OK OK I'll say it....remember.... P A T I E N C E !!!!


07-03-2006, 10:17 PM
Beautiful bird! The first name that popped into my head was Arielle ( or Ari for short) :) And I really have no idea why, but I liked it.

07-04-2006, 11:40 AM
lol, she's in the bedroom right now, Pete's living in the living room and tormenting the cat. (caaak cak cak cak cak *cat glaring* *bird sniggers*)

The new one makes a different noise, which seems to be a lot softer and higher pitched. It's so cuuuuuuteee *falls over dead from cute beams* I think she might have been previously hand-tamed and just not handled recently: she'll put one foot on my hand if I tempt her with millet, but she hasn't decided I'm a completely trustworthy blond cockatoo (*.* The guy at the pet store told me I was scaring the birds because I had my hair up with a tuft flipping over my forehead. He said it looked like a cockatoo head thingy.)

Hm...Ari is a cute name...The other suggestion I got (from my boyfriend's sister) was Watermelon. A bit long, I think.

07-04-2006, 04:02 PM
What a beauty!!!!!!! Mask and Fishers are my favorites but don't let my three peachies hear that! :D

07-04-2006, 05:24 PM
What a cutie - and looks like a cousin to my Benny and Joon. They are Fischers and delightfully fun.

I like the name Arielle, unless she tells you something different. :happy:

07-05-2006, 12:06 AM
I asked my boyfriend about Gehenna, but he said I'd curse her. I can't really think of anything magnificient tonight, so I think I'll go searching a baby name sight. :D such a dork

07-05-2006, 10:40 AM
I Like the name Citrus for it :)