View Full Version : The 4th Fireworks

07-04-2006, 12:56 PM
For our fids the 4th of July is not so wonderful. The fireworks tend to make them extreemly nervous, and freak them out. For this one day, I move mine to an interior room, and leave some music on. This helps to keep the popping noise to a minimum, and the music helps to drown out some of the noise also, or at least gives them something else to listen to.

Just thought I'd pass along what I do to try and keep them as calm as possible.

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th. Be safe:)

07-04-2006, 01:16 PM
<< goes to try and knit some tiny ear muffs for all our fids.
I got Fireworks to come in November :(
Ditto to bella.
Hope they be ok.

07-04-2006, 02:01 PM
Canada Day is the first of July, and my babies were perfectly fine watching the fire works from the window :) I think they kind of enjoyed them once they got used to the noise a bit (knowing that it wasn't going to hurt them).

07-04-2006, 02:12 PM
All of my neighbors do the fireworks thing and my fids don't like any of it regardless of how many years it's been going on. All of mine are inside and I try to be here during all the noise.

Happy 4th everyone!

07-04-2006, 02:32 PM
Mine are very quiet during the noise, but whether they are truly resting is questionable. Still, a few of our neighbors don't limit their fireworks fun to the Fourth. It could be that our birds have become desensitized.

07-04-2006, 02:56 PM
You guys have them right in your yards? We always have really big ones for the whole city to watch (shot from the harbour) They're close enough to where I live that I can see them from the window.

07-04-2006, 04:01 PM
I absolutely hate fireworks! :evil: My dog has finally gone deaf enough that she doesn't much hear them anymore but for years, she was scared to death and there was no way to take her out to potty before bedtime. Then I had my back yard birds nesting in boxes with babies and I'm sure they were scared to death and now it's my lovebirds and I'm sure they are none to happy with them. There isn't a room in my house far enough away from the noise and I'm sure they'll be going off till about 1:00 a.m. around here. Not even anything pretty.....just big loud booms! :mad:

Katy, there are several areas around here that do good fireworks that are controlled and last about 45 minutes and those are fine. It's the neighborhood idiots that don't know when to quit.

Buy A Paper Doll
07-04-2006, 04:43 PM
Mine are very quiet during the noise, but whether they are truly resting is questionable. Still, a few of our neighbors don't limit their fireworks fun to the Fourth. It could be that our birds have become desensitized.
That's possible, Barb! My birds have never given the fireworks much attention at all, probably because people in my area have fireworks for EVERY holiday as well as most paydays. :roll:

07-04-2006, 06:55 PM
I had a couple of stunned neighbours on July 1st that set of fireworks as well. Amaretto couldn't have cared less. Cars, planes, people go by and she plays with her toys, eats, whatever she was doing...the fireworks didn't seem to bother her one bit...it's a noisey city so I think she's used to it. I, on the other hand, was extremely annoyed because it was a bit late and my dog as getting a little scared.

07-04-2006, 07:05 PM
Fireworks don't bother Ditto. He likes to watch them actually. He thinks they're just thunderstorms with pretty colors, and he loves to watch thunderstorms.

The only noises he seems to be afraid of are static or gunfire on the tv.

07-04-2006, 07:38 PM
We have tons of people settin' off fireworks around here. Thankfully a few years back they started requiring permits to buy the big Chinese firecracker wheels and limited the number of permits allowed. This has helped with some of the noise, smoke and trash. Before that, the smoke was so thick you couldn't see two feet in front of you. Forget about seeing the city fireworks a mile away.

As for the flock. They've done okay in the past. I normally turn off the AC and open the windows at night, but during fireworks I keep everything closed and that, along with the AC noise keeps everyone calm.....Now the guy on my neighbors roof blowing leaves about gave Mijo a heart attack today. Poor guy jumped off the couch twice (he's a non-flighted CAG:x ) and then when I took him upstairs he jumped off his cage :x .

07-05-2006, 06:48 PM
The fireworks didn't phase him one bit. Nothing could take his attention off his new toy I hung on his gym. It's got lots of sticks to chew and leather strips with knots to untie! :happy:

He did look up at the window for a few seconds when some nitwit tossed a firecracker in the street, then right back to chewing.

07-05-2006, 07:52 PM
I'm not as lucky as some. I have some teenage boys who live for the 4th of July, and I'm pretty sure they buy out the firewords stand of fire crackers and M-50's(I think that's what they are called. We also have some grown men who think everything has to be shot off with a mortar shell, so that doesn't help matters any:whistle:

The reason I move mine is that we go to a big 4th party every year, so we are not here to calm any nerves. Shoot, last night we got home, and my poor dog had been in the bathtub. Guess maybe she thought a tornado was coming with all the noise. Poor baby, I might should given her a valium before we left. I used to have to give my lab a valium for storms. Guess my poor Dolly is going to be just as scared as Molly was of loud noise.

Hope everyone had a good one. We had a good time, and I found something new, Mojito's??? A nice sweet, minty drink;)

07-06-2006, 09:51 AM
I had about 4 neighbors who put on a show for the neighborhood, but it only lasted about 30 - 40 mintes. It wasn't as bad as where I used to live. I usually hear Daisy yelling to shut everyone up if they get too loud while she's trying to sleep. I should sic her on them, huh? :lol

07-06-2006, 10:18 AM
We got lucky......it started raining just as it got dark enough for the fireworks! :D We still heard some until about 11:00 but it usually goes on till one or two in the morning!

Lori, someone just told me yesterday that there is a medication of some kind that can be given to dogs who are afraid of storms or noises like fireworks. Chelsea is so deaf now that she can deal with it pretty well.

07-06-2006, 10:27 AM
It's funny. Fireworks didn't bother these birds, but a little red Dustbuster sends them into fits. :roll:

Buy A Paper Doll
07-06-2006, 06:58 PM
It's funny. Fireworks didn't bother these birds, but a little red Dustbuster sends them into fits. :roll:
Same here! All you have to do is pick it up and birds scatter!

07-06-2006, 07:02 PM
Same here! All you have to do is pick it up and birds scatter!
HA! At my house just being in the same room (no touching) brings warning calls. LOUD warning calls :rolleyes: