View Full Version : New Cage

07-07-2006, 10:31 AM
Hiya all
I know i should post this on the Photo forum, but put it on here as the lovies still new.
I couldnt wait a couple of weeks for new cage, so went out this morning and bought it. As explained in photo page, i looked on line , but they were way to expensive, also the cage they are in now, was on the net and it was almost double the price i paid for it. I am a regular and my local pet warehouse and they built the cage up for me. All i had to do was put the wheels on, when i got back. Also beauty of this cage its Zinc free.. Enjoy the photos and here is the link. Oh yeah i have sent off their feathers for sexing, so hope to hear soon.
Love cassy. :grouphug1

Link to album.


07-07-2006, 10:39 AM
That looks great!! Awesome cage! i'm sure you cute little birdies will love it!

07-07-2006, 12:04 PM
Honey and Sage have a mansion!! They'll be using every inch of it soon, even with the scary, yellow eyed neighbor! ;)

07-07-2006, 12:18 PM

That is an awesome cage. It reminds me of Bela and Lacey's cage. In fact, may be the same???? Mine also has that huge front door, and I love that best about it.

Looks like Sage and Honey are enjoying exploring their new home. Oh, and that silly pootin bird is adorable too:lol

07-07-2006, 12:19 PM

The cage looks great! As do the lovies. They'll have fun exploring :D

07-07-2006, 12:25 PM
Hi Cassy

Love the cage, and it looks like the new flock is gonna love it too.

Did they give you a perch for the top? When you open the top doors, you can put a perch up there and it acts like a bird gym. Just wondering.

Your little guys look like they are settling right in.

07-08-2006, 08:32 AM
Hi Cassy

Did they give you a perch for the top? When you open the top doors, you can put a perch up there and it acts like a bird gym. Just wondering.

Your little guys look like they are settling right in.

Yup Shy they did, its another dowling perch, erghh how i hate them. Am waiting for the apples trees at local nursery to finish fruiting then going to ask them to cut me some branches. My tree not big enough yet. i will cut a perch for the gym.

Hiya heather,
Yup just saw the cage you got , i nearly chose something different, but i preferred this one, i have taken out the seed cups and holders on the doors. This gives the lovies more room to have. Would it be to personal to ask how much you paid for yours??? Just out of interest.
They still very quiet at mo, well when i am not here, i think thats when they start being little devils :lol . Oh yeah forgot to say, i have taken the grill out of the cage, i cant abide them and pretty sure they are not good for their feet. Also when they not so skittish they can get to bottom of the cage and do their thing with their toys. why oh why they put these grills in, is beyond me. Did you take your`s out???

07-08-2006, 08:57 AM
Great looking cage, Cassy! :D It looks very much like the Kings Cage that I bought for Big Boi and Shy! My cage has the openings for the seed/water at the bottom of the cage which I think is a terrible location because of the poop that would fall into them so I've added crocks that attach.

I'm sure your babies will be very happy in their new home! :)

07-08-2006, 01:54 PM
Pretty birds, Cassy! They are lucky little fids! Thanks for sharing.