View Full Version : new lovebird?!!

05-30-2005, 10:12 PM
If all goes well, I will be bringing a new lovie home this weekend.....She, is a creamino.... :D :D :D
Iwill keep you posted and will post pics when I have the bird in hand!
take care,

05-31-2005, 12:22 AM
Lori: I'm not surprised to hear this news and am shocked it didn't come sooner ;). Where did you get her? How old is she? Is she tame/handeable? I hope your creamino isn't a crazy maniacal thing like our CuddleBunny :D.

05-31-2005, 12:38 AM
Im lucky I found the advertisement when I did, the baby creamino is almost ready to go, I found a breeder in MA. I dont know if its handtamed or not....not sure I even care, as I will work with her. after all she is only a little baby.

In about a month my sunportch with be officially turned into an aviary for all my lovebirds, then things will be better, and roomier for them all.

I will let you know more about her as I find out.
I am now on the hunt for a suitable male (so they can grow up together)....I should go and fidnap joanie's new male creamino....LOL (kidding)
A male creamino is my goal.
Im not sure what else to pair a creamino up with to end up with baby creamino's. anyone???
The other 3 babies in the clutch with the female creamino are all male aussie cinamon's. Does that tell anyone what the parents are or could be??
Let me know what you think,

05-31-2005, 01:47 AM
WOW! The sunporch will be a great place for the lovies to live and play :D. YEP! Babies are the best and you can definately work with them. I bet you're really excited :D .

As for a mate, any male that's split to ino will get you male and female creaminos. The male mate of my creamino is a cobalt seagreen/ino and they recently hatched out two creaminos and two seagreen. If you pair her up with another creamino I believe you will only get creamino babies. With a split you have more possibilities and your decision may partly be dependent on what other kinds of babies you want.

I would think without dna testing the only way to guarantee a female creamino is if dad is a visual creamino and mom is not. Mom could be cinnamon and dad could be split for cinnamon, but I'm unsure if cinnamon genetics are the same as Ino. I would definately ask what the parents genetics are and if the breeder knows what their parents are that's even better. It will be easier to decide on a mate.

05-31-2005, 07:57 AM
When I go and pick the new one up, I will ask a ton of questions, im sure the breeder will ask many of me.
I will find out what the parents are, and if she knows what the splits might be.
She did say she is not really into the genetics of the whole thing, she is just breeding as a hobby. So im not sure she will know a ton about the parents.
I will find out all I can, so I can make an educated decision on what to pair this little cutie with.
This is going to be the longest week or so of my life!! God how I hate to wait, but hey, ive waited this long. They do say "good things come to those who wait" they just fail to tell you exactly how long you have to wait!! LOL
Things are coming together.
Im so glad I did that search when I did.
Now Im sitting here trying to think of possible names.
The breeder did tell me, that she has has the last first 3 clutches of babies DNA'd and all creamino's came back female, and all aussie cin's came back male. She didn't have these babies DNA'd but she is sure that is what the results will be.
If things go right, maybe I will talk my husband into letting me buy an aussie also.....(I'm not asking for much....just a couple more little birdies....) I mean, hey, they are there and we will be there, WHY NOT!! am I right or what!!! LOL
anyway, I will let you know what happens, as it happens.
I cant wait to post a pic of the little lovie!
take care,

05-31-2005, 08:07 AM

That is sooooo exciting. A new baby. I'm sure at this young tender age you will have no problem at all with taming and bonding with this little one.

Have you decided on a name yet??? I love the creaminos so much, as they just seem so angelic :)

Will be waiting on those pics ;)

05-31-2005, 08:30 AM
Havn't decided on a name yet....im sure I will need some help. (I will hopefully have a list of possible names, and then I will wait till I see how the baby is, and what its personality is like before choosing a final one...) Having a list will help though.
too many folks already have the name melody....(my favorite) and Lily (my next favorite)and of course Daisy....(my third favorite)....
when I get her home I will take a pic of her and post it...and maybe everyone will help out trying to name her.
and yes....I am very excited about the new lovie. I can hardly wait!
take care,

05-31-2005, 09:07 AM

So ya knew I would have to throw a name of two out there ;)

The first one that popped into my mind other than Lily of course was Angelina. There's one for your list :)



05-31-2005, 09:19 AM
Thank you Lori,
Thats "A".....
there are 25 letters left in the alphabet....Lori, your job here is far from finished.... ;)

by the way, I just spoke to the breeder, and the parents are an aussie Cin and a Creamino...(i however failed to ask what one was male and what one was female)
they are throwing female creamino's and male cinn's sooooo.......the father is the creamino and the mother is the cinn...and the babies are accually Male splitcinnamino .... and female creamino...
Does this sound right to everyone?????
Let me know if im wrong or right.
Thanks again everyone!

05-31-2005, 10:25 AM
B-Baby, Bodacious
I-Ingrid, Iris, Isis

OK, I'll stop at 1/2 the alphabet, and only a partial list. I know you will want to snuggle that baby up and get to know his/her personality before picking a name anyway. I just love to think up names. Besides, I ain't gettin no new babies, so I just have to live vicariously through everyone else ;)

05-31-2005, 10:46 AM
I really like the name Haley,,,,(that one will go at the top of the list for now...till i meet this little lovie and see what she's about.....)
Let the name list continue.....God YOUR GOOD!! you just spit those names out there like nobody's business!!! ;)
thank you so much

05-31-2005, 02:24 PM
How about Bodacious Baby? :D

05-31-2005, 02:31 PM
Then my husband will start to think ive lost my mind!! He will be asking me stuff like,,,,do you want to marry it! LOL
no.....so far I think Haley is winning this round....will wait to see some other names and the lovie before I make my final decision though.....
You are too much!

05-31-2005, 02:53 PM
uh...yea....well, I have news...I will be picking the creamino up one weekend later than planned(June 11 or 12) it will be fully weaned by then.

take care,

05-31-2005, 03:24 PM
If it is ok I will continue the name list were it was left off..lol

N-Nadia,Nana,Natalia, Naomi
P-Palila(hawian meaning bird),Pandora,Parisa,Pearl,Pixie
T-Tallulah,Tam(means heart),Tania,Tempest
U-Uma,Unity,Ursala,Usagi(janpanesse for moon)
V-Valentina,Vanessa,Vianca(fair skinned)
Y-Yamka,Yasmin,Yoshe(menas beauty)
Z-Zia,Zoey,Zsa zsa,

I would of had more but did not want to over load..lol. Most i picked cause had good meanings. Some I am keeping on a lsit of my own...lol. But now we see why I never named my kids on my own..I like weird names.


05-31-2005, 03:48 PM
ok,,,now youve gone and done it.....I like too too many of em!!!

The only way I can see out of this one is to "GET MORE LOVIES"!!! LOL

I will spend some time studying these names and I will make a smallsmall list....somehow will have to narrow it down! Lord knows I cant go out and buy 400 new lovies!!!!!

(maybe 4 though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)..... ;) :cool: ;)

I will let you know what I decide, to do.....1 lovie, 2....3.....more?????????????????? :confused: UGH!!!!!

*I sit here holding both sides of my head,,,rocking back and forth in confusion* :eek:


05-31-2005, 04:08 PM
LOL I know the feeling. I am trying to get to a bird fair this weekend and if I have enough money may come home with a new cage and a new bird. :D
