View Full Version : Potty Training?

07-07-2006, 02:54 PM
Hello, I have read around that some people here have potty trained them. Can you please explain how you could do that?

07-07-2006, 03:05 PM
Yea! I wanna know as well. How cool!

07-07-2006, 03:11 PM
With my Rico I first noticed a pattern that whenever I would take him out of his cage he would immediately do a poop. I think most people would agree that their Birds prefer not to poop in their cage (house) and when given the chance will poop outside. I even notice with Rico that even when he does go in his cage that they are all in the same area.

So, I would take him to his window perch as soon as I take him out of the cage. I would then repeat very softly 'poop Rico' 'poop Rico'. Then, when he would go I would give him lots of praise and kisses and millet.

Eventually, I would just bring him to his perch after taking him out of his cage and he goes immediately without me having to encourage him. He still gets his praise of course.
(I should also mention that I keep a piece of Wax Paper under his perch so there is no mess on the carpet.)

Now, after a few years worth of repeating this pattern, he now see's his window perch as his designated poop area out of the cage. Not to say that he won't go potty somewhere else in the house if he is out, but honest to God I would say about 90% of the time he will actually fly to his perch for the sole purpose of going potty, and then move on to whatever he was doing.

Just another small reminder that with lots of love and patience your companions will be more eager to please.
However with potty training I would say it really comes down to trying to find a pattern with your bird, and then re-enforcing the part you want them to repeat.

07-07-2006, 05:13 PM
Thank you sooooooooooooooo much. That would be so useful. I should try it sometime thank you! :happy: