View Full Version : my little one is so sacred!

07-08-2006, 08:20 AM
Hi, Im just recovering from losing a Quaker Parrot, actually flew away back to the mother nature, so my boyfriend coud not stand my sad face he bought me a Lovebird but this little one seem to be very SCARED! and he does not want to eat anything he just climb the sideways of the cage, yesterday my boyfriend let him out of the cage and it took me an hour to put it back. this peach faced is very scared, at the pet store they told him that he could be 8 months old....and a male but we are not sure...

Please help me to understand why he is acting like that and how i can make him confortable with the new mommy and daddy, i want him to know i will give him the best love ever!

I guess i need to be patient, but i need to act fast cause i work from 8 to 5 monday thru fridays and i have only this weekend to make this happen!

Thank you so much and i wait for yourhelp! have a nice day!

07-08-2006, 09:22 AM
I can tell you that it's not going to happen in just a weekend. Lovebirds need time to get used to different people as well as build trust. Since mine were young and handfed when I bought them, it didn't take very long for them to get comfortable with me (around 2-3 weeks). But depending on how old your lovebird is, how long it's been in the pet store, and if it is hand tamed or hand fed all can be a factor in your bird trusting you. You can't expect them to trust you right away like a puppy. Spending time with your bird is the best way to make it comfortable with you. Sit next to the cage and sing or talk to it, try to make a bond. Eventually, your little one will see you as part of it's flock and WANT to be with you.

07-08-2006, 09:53 AM
I agree that a trust relationship is not going to happen in just one week-end. It may not happen in a month of week-ends. Trust must be earned and the only requirements are patience, love and kindness. All live creatures will respond but it's going to take time for him to realize that you mean him no harm. The trust has to come from his side. Right now, he's just come from his home (however "safe" it may have been) into an entirely new situation. He needs time to adjust to the new surroundings.

Age is not a big thing. Even much older birds are capable of becoming very loving pets. First, I would locate his cage where he's close to where you spend a lot of time. Birds are social creatures so eat near his cage. You may find he will also begin to eat when you sit down next to him. If his wings have been clipped to limit flight (very good thing for initial taming), leave the cage door open and allow him to decide when he wants to come out. You will probably have the best results if you try to work with him in dim light. Birds generally don't like to fly when they can't see well.

Please keep us updated as to how things are going. We are here to help and we really do care!

07-08-2006, 10:53 AM
Thank you Linda and Katy for your words, right now my boy is eating some seeds and I put the cage close to the computer its where i spend more of the time, and he is a little more comfortable in the cage right now, he is moving aroung a little bit more than just sitting in one corner, my cage is close to a big window and he is watching other birds fly, and he is making some cute sounds. I was thinking naming him Peaches because he is a peach faced cutie.

I really care about this little creatures and I went to a lot of pet places where i live and what it makes me sad is that some pet store sells sick birds, I just can see it on the bird's appearance, plucked feathers, beaten up by other birds, very scary ones, aggresive ones, and mine has a white discharge around the eye, is he ok? I was thinking of calling the wildlife protection and complain that some of those stores they dont really care about them....

I do my best with this little cutie one, my quaker was very friendly, and it hit me hard when he left....

keep in touch ladies! I really need some friends here to help me out with my baby

Thanks a lot

07-08-2006, 11:01 AM
A white discharge around the eye indicates a possible eye infection, or sinus infection. I would make an appointment with your avian vet ASAP, as this can be very serious.

I'm glad to hear that he's relaxing a bit. You will find that his personality will blossom as he gets comfortable and begins trust that he is safe. :)

07-08-2006, 11:57 AM

Here's a listing of Ceritfied Avian Vets in Florida. See if you can find one close to you. http://aav.org/vet-lookup/locate-vet2.php?query_field=state&search_string=fl

One of the most valuable things we can do for our lovies is have a Well Bird Exam by a Cerified Avian Vet. Then once a year have an annual exam to insure your pet stays healthy. :)

07-14-2006, 12:06 AM
I Have the same problem with my bird being scared what can i do to get him to TRUST ME?

07-14-2006, 12:14 AM
Hi Kevin,

I just got your PM. Please check out the "Behavior" section of the the forum......a tremendous help for tips in taming a lovie that is new to your home. :) Also the Lovebird Resource Library.