View Full Version : Mood Swings?

07-13-2006, 11:11 AM
Hey all! I have yet another question for you. :confused: Joelie has not been himself the last couple days. All of a sudden Joelie is biting us when perched on our finger! :omg: In his/her cage, Joelie is acting normal but when we get Joelie out- it is constant biting. :omg: AAHHH!!! :omg: I have been telling Joelie "No" in a low but not loud voice and Joelie stops for a brief moment then returns to biting. :evil: When Joelie is just chilling being good I talk in a cheerful happy voice to praise him/her saying what a good pretty bird it is. :) I am well aware of shaping and reinforcement as I have my cats and dog trained as we call them "circus acts." :D

I wonder if Joelie's behavior can be attribtued to the fact that he/she is motling. :rolleyes: Could this make him grouchy or do you think this may just be a teen-age rebellion phase? :rofl: Any insight would be great. I am kinda worried that maybe Joelie is coming down with something..... (although in every other way appears to be 100% healthy, but I know they hide it until it's really bad) :(

Thanks so much guys! :happy:

07-13-2006, 11:34 AM
Jolie still looks quite young so I'm going to say you're right, it's a "teenage" thing and he will grow out of it. Just be patient and continue with the firm "no" when he does it. All of mine went throught this as well and it is trying. Lori (Bellarains) gave me a good suggestion once and it works even today with my birds. I (gently) hold their beak and say "No bite". Remember to be gentle with the beak as you don't want to cause injury which can be serious. It has always worked for me so you might want to try it :2cents:

07-13-2006, 11:41 AM
Thanks. Joelie doesn't bite hard enough to break the skin. However, the bite has been getting harder and harder! :evil: Evil Joelie! lol Well, either way I am glad to hear it's most likely a phase. :p Joelie has always been SOOO sweet. Didn't bite at all from May till this week. :roll: Thanks again!

07-13-2006, 12:28 PM
I agree that this is likely a stage. It's very important to start distinguishing between bites, exploring, nibbling, preening, etc. cause birds use their beaks to explore their world. The best way to undestand the difference is to notice accompanying behavior. I've had young birds gnaw on me constantly. It gets annoying but I knew they weren't biting me cause they were just gnawing. It's also important to realize that some birds don't have good beak pressure control and will put harder pressure even though they don't mean to hurt you.

You could also keep something like a toy, piece of vegetable tan leather or beads available to distract your lovie. When he starts nibbling just give him something else to concentrate and use his beak with.

Good luck

07-13-2006, 01:01 PM
Thanks for the input! :p

I am aware that since birds don't have hands they use their break for everything. >o However, this is very clear aggressive biting. :evil:

I will try to offer something else instead. :cool: Thanks for the idea! :D

07-13-2006, 01:42 PM
I've got a few more questions, if that's okay. :)

Are you trying to bring Joelie out of the cage or put her back when she goes into a biting fit? You may just be asking him/her to do something she doesn't want to do. I've switched to using a dowel to put Sammy back in his cage; it doesn't hurt my fingers if he goes Medieval on the dowel!

Best wishes,

07-13-2006, 02:27 PM
I would be happy to answer any questions! :happy:

Actually, Joelie doesn't bite when being taken out or put back in. :p After sitting on my finger for a few minutes Joelie starts the biting. :evil: I have no trouble getting Joelie out or putting Joelie back. I am wondering if it's because Joelie would rather run around the house on the floor. Joelie loves to run around on the floor and climb the table runner. However, I just cannot tolerate Joelie being on the floor! It is so unsafe. Even if I put Joelie on one of the many perches in our house, Joelie flies off straight for the floor. :roll: I have been saying "no" to this as well, but with no relief.

07-13-2006, 10:12 PM
I agree that this is probably very much a rebellious "teenage" stage. I had great fun when Kameko was going through it... although sometimes i wonder if she is really through it :lol. I have also found that when Kameko is molting she is very cranky because she is uncomfortable and would bite much more than usual. But hormornes are a big issue. I agree with what Jackie said and use the "no-bite" technique although it hasn't worked too well for Kameko. She gets time outs. If/when she does a big bite or is just cranky she goes back in her cage right away and knows she is in trouble (she actually sulks for a little while :lol). Just be consistent and don't put up with the biting or it will become a constant problem.
As for the floor, i don't know why lovies sometimes just get it in their head that something is fun and there is no distracting them. Kameko for some odd reason scales the side of my bed to try and chew on my bed side table. I CONSTANTLY have to pick her up and move her away... over and over... and no matter how many times i say no she keeps doing it. I say keep being persistent. It is annoying to have to keep getting up to move them just to have them go right back, but especially when safety is involved you know how improtant it is.
Best of luck :D

07-13-2006, 11:35 PM
Oh gosh yes, molting will turn any lovie into a demon.

Lots of baths is the answer for a lovie who is molting. The wetness softens the keratin sheath that the feather grows from and helps slough it off. A good soak bath is the very best cure for the molting itchies that there is.

You can't blame an itchie birdie for being a grouchy birdie.

07-14-2006, 08:12 PM
Yes, baths tame the monster molters :evil:. I can't keep Kameko out of the bathroom sink when she is molting. Soooo itchy and uncomfortable... as would we if we had pokies sticking out of us. Nice bath cures all :). And if Joelie is anything like Kameko, after a good bath snuggles are in order to get warm again. Thats our favorite time... a half hour or more snuggle to get dry. That makes up for any bites.