View Full Version : I have truly met the dark side master, and his name is ...........

05-31-2005, 12:00 PM
Ok so You told me so.

Karen and I went to the place that bred Trixie to pick up some supplies I couldn’t get elsewhere.

I didn’t think about seeing new birds because all I was intending on doing was buying a bunch of new stuff for Trixie Bunny.

SO.... we get there, and boy it was awesome. They had SO MUCH good bird stuff! All kinds of crazy good foods, toys, cages, supplies and even tee shirts!

There was this particular seed/fruit/veggie mix that was given to us by Karen's cousin when we got Trixie Bunny, that she loves since we were low on it we went to get some of that, check out what else they had and also meet the breeder.

I took a sample of Trixie’s food so we could match it up, and one of the ladies helped me find it and then I discovered so many good birdie foods! They must have had 50 different kinds of foods, so I pulled out my pocket PC (pocket computer) and opened my lovebird "good-bad food" document and Karen and I ended up picking about $75 dollars worth of foods for our Trixie Bunny :eek:

As I was getting all these baggies together into our cart, Karen started looking at birdie toys, and we actually found some that Trixie didn’t have!
We also bought this very cool birdie carry bag so Trixie can travel with me around town :)

I started wandering around this very large bird store and started looking at all of these exotic parrots that they raised.

The cages were very clean, and well stocked with food, water toys and stuff, and I was so impressed with how awesome these birds were being cared for, especially since it was a holiday weekend and they were super busy. I found out this is one of their busiest weekends, so hats off to them .

Anyway as I was looking at these very beautiful parrots, I was making eye contact with them and then.... it happened.
I witnessed first hand for myself the power of these dark side emissaries. I should have known better and I let my guard down.

Every time I looked into one of their eyes, I could feel their power... the power of the dark side of the force.
They were influencing my thoughts, changing the way I think, and planting suggestions into my mind.

Even as I was experiencing this I was saying to myself "DONT LISTEN TO THEM!!!!THEY ARE EVIL!!! THEY WANT TO MAKE YOU DO THINGS!!!! DO NOT LISTEN!!!"

I could feel myself giving in even as I told myself not too!

The power these creatures possess MUST NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED!

I found so many adorable birds, and boy were they big!

Karen's favorite is an Eclectus (spelling?) and it was really cute. The one we saw was very calm and snuggly with the person buying it. They come several times a week to bond with it so when its finished being handfed they will have a relationship with it.

At $1500 we couldn’t get it or Karen might have paid for one that would have come home within a couple of weeks. ;)

We discussed what a commitment it would be, and based on Trixie and the size of this bird, it must be one big job!!!

She would have to be the primary caregiver because I wouldn’t have time to take care of it properly.

Does anyone know how an Eclectus and a lovie would cohabitate in the same home (not cage) ? Are they compatible?

I saw quite a few and they were all adorable. I’m happy with Trixie so I DONT NEED ANOTHER PARROT!!


I am still amazed at all of the birds abilities to communicate with eye contact and they were so adorable.
I see why so many of you own multiple birds. I don’t excuse it mind you, but I do understand it ;) :D

So after picking out the rest of her supplies, including a tee shirt for Karen, we packed up the car. I went back in to get some information about the Eclectus for Karen and on the way out another event happened.

I walked past one of the counter sides on my way out (its a large square cubicle with two counters) and they have a few birds hanging out on perches and stuff.

As I was walking past I felt something jump on my shoulder (I’m so used to Trixie doing it that it didn’t startle me or anything). As I turn I met the gaze of a most powerful dark Jedi birdie (it was a 2 year old conure) and let me tell you, the force was STRONG with this one.

I totally gave in. Yes I did. We gazed at each other, decided we liked each other and then it commenced snuggling, kissing and all kinds of loving & bonding behavior.

I’m like "What’s happening here?" but it was a haze. A very clear haze mind you, I knew exactly what I was doing and thinking, but I was doing things I couldn’t possibly do.

"How much is this little guy and what is it?"

The lady replies "Oh that’s a Conure, his name is Squeakers, you will have to talk to Todd (the owner) about price."

"Can you get Todd for me please?"

Todd comes by and I say, "OK! I am onto your scheme! You train these dark side emissaries to attach themselves to unsuspecting innocents, so they are forced to buy them so they can leave right? Cause there is no way I could leave this little guy now that he is on my shoulder."

I am calculating how much money I can spend on a cage, supplies, food, toys, Squeakers etc, and I figure if I skip buying a bunch of stuff I really needed to fix my network (see my other post here (http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/showthread.php?t=479)
) I could come home with Sqeakers and supplies. I’m thinking to myself "Its ok, you can fix your network next week. You don’t really need all of those computers to do your job anyways. Get the bird. You love him….. you want him…… you must have him…… he was meant for you. You are his chosen one, he picked you. You must have him. Buy the parrot. Buy the parrot NOW."

Todd laughs and says "Oh that’s Squeakers, he is my personal bird. He’s quite a guy huh?"

As Todd says that Squeakers jumps from my shoulder to Todd's, turned around and I swear it was as if Squeakers stuck his tongue out at me and said through telepathy "Got ya didn’t I. FEAR the Dark Side of the force. We are powerful."

Then Todd says "Squeakers isn’t for sale but I have several over here who are almost ready to go home with someone. Would you like to see?"
"No thank you, I have to go now. Squeakers is really cool. Could I come visit him again some time?" Todd says "Sure, come by anytime. He is always here with me. He likes you so come visit as much as you want."

I will go visit my new buddy when I get a chance. :)

So I come home and as I am driving, I am going over my experience. I was bamboozled by a 2 year old Conure. I must study some more with my Jedi Master because I am not fully ready to battle the forces of the Dark Side.

If Squeakers wouldn’t have belonged to Todd, I would have come home with another Parrot.


That will be the last time I ever look at another bird. From now on, I will only go for supplies. I wont be going back into the breeders area again. And as far as going to shows are concerned? You can forget it! ;)





05-31-2005, 12:25 PM
Oh Yea!!!!!!

It's gonna happen. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the next day, but....... It will happen ;)

It's alright Perran. Just think how many fids there are out there that need good, loving homes like the one you and Karen would provide. Don't be so hard on yourself OK. If you truly find yourself with a fid that you have a strong physical bond with in the future, don't think, just get him/her. Sometimes you can over think something you know, then you have just lost what may have been one of the greatest treasures you would ever have.

As far as Trixie getting along with another bird. Maybe, maybe not. Lacey totally ignores Cappie(my GCC), but Bela acts like he would truly love to bite his head off. He's really a sissy though, so he usually runs the other way if Cappie even looks at him :D . I think it depends on the birds,and introductions. They may never play together, but they still enjoy talking to each other.

Oh yes, BTW, I am an advocate for the Dark Side ;) Me thinks you need a conure. Yep, I'm pretty sure I see a conure in your future. A big sweet, cuddy, lovie dovey conure :)

05-31-2005, 12:26 PM
Perran, I've read this twice and LAUGHED OUT LOUD both times!!!!!! Hysterical, from start to finish! I know that I would LOVE having a Conure (right, Lori?) but because I am OLD, I'm stickin' with lovies! :D

Could you do me a big favor, please. If your computer is running well enough for you to post a photo, I'd love to see a photo of the carry case that you bought for Trixie. Sounds like something that I need. I'd be happy to give you my e-mail address if it would be easier to send a photo that way (for ME, it is).

Anyway, thanks for a great story! :)

05-31-2005, 12:42 PM

Yep, I'm pretty sure I see a conure in your future. A big sweet, cuddy, lovie dovey conure
:D I think Lori is onto you! I bet when you visit your new birdie buddy, he'll have personally picked a baby conure for you to take since he's done that mind meld thing with you. Your fate is sealed!

05-31-2005, 05:59 PM
Todd laughs and says "Oh that’s Squeakers, he is my personal bird. He’s quite a guy huh?"

As Todd says that Squeakers jumps from my shoulder to Todd's, turned around and I swear it was as if Squeakers stuck his tongue out at me and said through telepathy "Got ya didn’t I. FEAR the Dark Side of the force. We are powerful."

Then Todd says "Squeakers isn’t for sale but I have several over here who are almost ready to go home with someone. Would you like to see?"
"No thank you, I have to go now. Squeakers is really cool. Could I come visit him again some time?" Todd says "Sure, come by anytime. He is always here with me. He likes you so come visit as much as you want."

A similar thing happened to me on 2 separate occasions. The last time was a few weeks ago, I saw a Blue Indian Ringneck sitting on a tree in the middle of the store (right next to the cash register counter). No cage just a play area with branches and toys. He was sitting there on a branch and I was just looking at him. His pupils got huge, then so small you couldn't see them and returned to normal. He was suckering me in. As soon as the eye trick was over he said clear as day, whatcha doin? Whatcha lookin' at? Hello there. So I asked the guy behind the counter about him and he said that he was his personal bird and isn't for sale but...... "I've got 3 babies in the back that aren't weened yet but will be ready in about a month". :eek: I went in there just as they were opening for more Ditto food and thought good, they haven't brought the birds out yet. Well I thought too soon, As I was getting ready to leave the lady brought him out, a baby Ringneck, just cute as can be. Just when I thought temptation couldn't get any worse, out came another one, then another. Yep, 3 baby Ringnecks. :eek: Alas I can't afford another right now so they didn't come home with me.

The other time was my first experience with the darkside. I was still just babysitting Ditto and my (now) ex-girlfriend and I went in to buy Ditto some food. Well there it was, a 3 month old Sun Conure (my second favorite parrot after Ditto). I was just looking at sitting there on it's branch (no cage) and the owner came over and picked him up. She started to ask if I wanted to hold him but before she could get past the word hold he hopped on my shoulder. :eek:

That was the only Sun Conure I've seen there and if they have another.... I don't care how broke I am at the time it's coming home with me. ;)