View Full Version : male or female lovie

07-13-2006, 09:19 PM
I have had a peach face for about one year...she has laid two sets of eggs so I know she's a female...I went to a bird breeder and got her a supposed mate this past week...they bonded immediately...(not dna'd just belly examined by experienced breeder)they are in the cage together now and I am wondering if the new lovie is a female...both are going low down on the perch and extending their wings in female mating position...today my female started mounting the new bird...are my birds confused or do you think the new one is a female and not a male?

07-13-2006, 10:24 PM
First off, congrats on the new lovie !

I'm concerned though for your original bird as you didn't indicate a quarantine period. Since disease is unseen, we always stress the importance of this. Now that your birds have been together for a week or more, be VERY observant of their stool, moods, activity level, appearance and appetite as changes in these can indicate illness. You may end up with 2 sick birds! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this isn't the case.
Intro'ing a new bird during a hens' nesting period is extremely risky. You're very lucky you haven't found a dead or severely injured bird thus far!

Finally, since you don't know the sex of the new bird you may want to consider a DNA test (only about 20 dollars and VERY well worth it!). You may find your original hen gets upset that this new "male" won't breed her and she'll take her frustration out on him/her. I've seen this happen too many times and it's not a pretty sight. A good breeder will never assume sex of a bird simply by examination. Usually, they'll tell you what you want to hear, just to make the sale !!! Unfair, but all too common!! Buyer beware!!

My thoughts in ending this are: observe VERY thoroughly this "pair" and be ready to intervene if you see the slightest bit of sickness, or aggression.

Best of Luck,

07-13-2006, 11:32 PM
I don't care how experienced your breeder is, no one can tell by the pelvis of a lovebird what the sex of the bird is.

Also, you cannot tell the sex of the bird by it's actions, as all birds will imitate the mating behaviors of the opposite sex. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise, as experienced bird owners know that any person who claims they can tell the difference in sex for certain, based on behaviors or appearance, is an idiot.

You will need a DNA test, or wait until your new birdie lays eggs, or your first hen hatches a clutch.

Remember, although two hens bonding is not as common as a male/female bond, they will do so. I have two sets of bonded hens, and they live together very well, and love each other completely. Even if your two birds are hens, they can still be great friends although not able to produce chicks.

07-13-2006, 11:45 PM
I don't care how experienced your breeder is, no one can tell by the pelvis of a lovebird what the sex of the bird is.

Yes, that is the truth. It's a 50/50 otherwise. I do wish you the best of luck and hope that you did quarantine them for at least 30 days. :) I'll keep my fingers crossed, too.