View Full Version : NEED SOME ADVICE !!

07-13-2006, 11:55 PM
Hi my name is Kevin im 12 years old and love animals ..
i have a 2 cats a dog and fish i just got a new lovebird this is my first bird i got him about 3 days ago. Right now he is very scared and i am tring to tame him. When i let him out of his cage it takes me about a hour to get him back in he sits in one spot and watches me and doesnt let me get to close how am i supposed to tame him if he is scared to come near me? plz help me :(

07-14-2006, 08:21 AM

Your little one is in a new place, with new people, and he is going to be a bit freaked out until he settles in. For the next few days, try just sitting by his cage talking to him, and you can offer him some millet spray through the cage bars. This will help him get used to your presence. Let him know that you mean him no harm, and offering him the millet? Well, that's just like giving candy to a kid. They love millet, so this will make you the good guy:)

Once you see that he is calming down, and accepting you, open the cage door, and offer him an extra perch to step onto to exit the cage. Use that perch to get him back in the cage also. After a couple of days, offer him a finger to step up on, or your closed hand, made into a fist, or offer your elbow. Hands are just something that is takes time for a bird to accept sometimes, and some just never do like hands. Trust is key to getting a bird to accept hands, so let him accept your hand on his terms.

Have patience, give him time, and just love him. It will all pay off in the end:)

07-14-2006, 10:39 AM
Hi Kevin. Welcome! :)

Do like Lori says and you can't go wrong. Taming birds is tricky, because they are not domesticated animals, like dogs or cats. Watch your bird for signs that he is getting interested in you.

In the meanwhile, take good care of him, talk to him, and watch him. When you see him watching you back, and making his head go back and forth real fast, those are good signs that he is getting interested in you.

Welcome again,

07-14-2006, 01:21 PM
Ty for your Advice im so happy i can ask people here for help.Today i went our and bought a lovebird of the same type from the same place they were shipped in together and born together. I am so glad i did bc my lovebird is so much more happy they are play together eating together and having much more fun. Once again thx alot..

07-14-2006, 02:15 PM
Hi Kevin,
When you take your bird(s) out of their cage, be sure to be in a room closed off from your cats and dog. Aside from the obvious threat of them killing the birds, their saliva (and yours) contain bacteria that is potentially dangerous to your birds. (so don't feed them anything from your mouth)

If you go to the "Resources" forum, you'll find all sorts of good information. One thing to look for is Robin's guide for new lovebird owners. Please read through that, it'll help you very much.

Good luck!