View Full Version : Is He Being Crabby Baby?

07-15-2006, 09:12 AM
We have had Cozy since Wed. He has turned into such a crabby baby today. I wondering if we are doing something to irratate him or provoking bad behaviors?

This morning, after taking him out of his cage, he charged from my shirt to my face and nipped my chin. It wasn't a hard bite but I don't think it was a "loving kiss" either. He sat on my shoulder quitely for a little while and then has been walking all over me, the chair and my computer shreeking and ruffling his feathers. When I showed him a toy he took it and flung it away with a loud squak. Is this playing or being upset?

I can hold him close and he will quite down for a little bit and then start all over again. I put him back in his cage with fresh food and water. He will eat and then start again. Is he unhappy? Should I keep him in his cage for awhile or keep him out with me?

I feel like a new parent of a baby looking for the instruction booklet from the hospital. ( We never got one of those with our boys either ;) ) We were told he is 6 months old.

Thank you for any suggestions you have!

07-15-2006, 10:25 AM
Hi Kate,

At 6 months of age or there about, they do hit a little hormonal stage. This might be what's going on. I would take the happy hut out during the day, and give it back at bed time. Sometimes happy huts can cause some territorial issues, especially if you have a hen.

The one thing you want to avoid is letting him think biting is an acceptable behavior. When he bites, tell him in a stern voice, "NO BITE". I can hold my birds beaks and say this. I hold it firmly, but gently between my thumb and forefinger and say, "NO BITE". I hold it for a few seconds until they get the message and then release. This works for some, but not others, so you may have to try and see what method works for you.

07-15-2006, 12:05 PM
That really sounds like hormones to me. When Kameko is hormonal (which sometimes feels like ALL the time) she does the charge bite too. She will be all calm an happy then all of a sudden charge my face and bite, sometimes really hard, sometimes just a nip. This is a trying time for both you and Cozy. It does get better with time but a lot of patience is needed. Lots of "No-Bite" and time outs need to be given. Good luck :)