View Full Version : Scared

07-16-2006, 07:06 AM

I just bought a hand fed lovie last week. He is adjusting quite well to the house but not so much to me. He comes and goes from his cage when he wants (especially to the floor) When it comes to picking him up he just flies (he has clipped wings) or runs away until he is cornered by the window. When he is cornered and I put my hand down he'll come up on it and run up to my shoulder. That's about it with his trust. He won't let anyone pet him. As soon as he sees a hand, he tries to get away. He goes snaky if anyone puts their hand in his cage. I was wondering, how can I get him to trust me enough to sit on my hand without trying to hide on me?

07-16-2006, 07:16 AM
Hi and welcome to the world of those of us who are owned by lovebirds!

Put yourself in your lovebird's position. New home, new faces, completely new situation. How would you feel and how long would it take for you to feel comfortable with strangers around you? While you know you mean him no harm, it's going to take time/experience for him to realize that he's safe. If he comes anywhere near people during the first week, that's a giant step forward.

In order to build a true trust relationship, you are going to have to go at his pace. Start by just spending time around his cage. Talk to him, eat near him, try offering treats from your fingers. He needs to see that you are not a threat to him. Once that happens, you will find that he will want to come to you. Lovebirds are very social creatures and live for interaction!

As you are working on a trust relationship, read through our Behavior and Taming Forum. Trust me. You are not alone in this problem. Others have been there and have shared a lot of experience/how to in that forum. We also have our Resource Library, which has links to lots of good information!

07-16-2006, 07:23 AM
thanks for the advice. Is it still ok to let him come and go as he pleases? Also if I don't pay any attention to him he squaks real loud. When I talk to him he gets better. It's really cute how he tries anything to get a response. If it helps, he's a 9 week old Violet Fischer.

07-16-2006, 07:27 AM
Linda offered some really good advice for your new lovie. The Resource Library is an excellant place to start reading for newbies.

Please don't "grab" your lovebird out of his cage. This is "his" home and a safe place in his eyes. Always let him come out on his own. Also, you need to train him not to fly to the floor. This is an accident waiting to happen. Anyone could walk into a room while you are trying to catch him and step on him. For some quiet time/training, I'd suggest taking your lovie to a dimly lit bathroom (be sure to close toilet & cover mirrors). You can let him climb all over you and talk to him soflty while he gets use to being with you. Offer him the millet Linda suggested and in time he will come to trust you. One word I can offer you is PATIENCE and lots of it. Imagine being only six inches and having human who is a giant grab, chase, talk loud, etc... It takes time, but it is worth it in the end. Good Luck! :)

Added: When he calls to you, call back. This will help you become part of his flock. I always answer to my lovebirds and so do most members here. I would not let him come and go as he pleases. When you will be in the same room and spend time with him, open the cage door and let him come out on his own, then go from there. He is young and will want to be in contact with you so don't rush anything, just be patient.

07-16-2006, 07:40 AM
I have Fischer's lovebirds and I've had several as pets. They are one of my favorite species. Violet is a beautiful mutation. You will have to post some photos in our Photo Gallery so we can put a picture with what you are telling us! :)

If he is truly 9 weeks old, please watch his eating very carefully. Parent raised lovebirds are completely weaned by age 8 weeks. Handfed can take anywhere from 8-12 weeks, depending on the handfeeder/breeder. What kinds of food is he eating?

07-16-2006, 07:47 AM
Thanks for helping me.
Postachio was 8 weeks on July 12. The breeder said he was handfed and weaned off by about 7 weeks.
He is eating Fiesta bird food (he loves the sunflower seeds, nestling?nesting food ( don't know how to pronounce it), lots of spray millet, and I cut up some fresh stuff for him. He has tied carots, apple pieces and alphalfa sprouts. When he does call out I talk back to him. I have taught him to whistle when he wants attention. When he is on my shoulder he gives little kisses on the lips. But other than that he is still nervous. I don't blame him. I never stick my hand in his cage now after the one time he really didn't like it. I will try the bathroom idea though. What do you recommend I feed him?

07-16-2006, 08:09 AM
Per conversation with my avian vet, small birds should not have more than 40% pellets in their diets (all small birds), so if anyone pushes pellets, don't feed too many. Pellets are actually too much nutrition and can cause death by kidney failure over time. Most of us here feed a varied diet that consists of a good cockatiel seed mixture, some pellets or Purina Layena Crumbles, and fresh veggies. Sprouted seed is excellent nutrition and I know we have at least one link to a sprout site in the Resource Library. Your lovie is young so he will be more willing to try whatever you offer.

07-16-2006, 08:13 AM
Also I have a question about his sleeping. He has a little hut type thing on the side of his cage. It has a clear cover and is used as his bird bath. However, he just goes to the bathroom in it and sleeps in it. It has become his bed at night. He sits on the edge and sleeps with his tail in the water. I don't want to take it away but I am scared he'll drink from it instead of his water dish. I can't keep up with changimg the water he goes so much in there. Should I remove the water and make it like a bed?

07-16-2006, 08:19 AM
Since your lovebird is still very much a baby, he sees the hut type thing as a nestbox/bed and sleeping is what those are used for! :) I would dump the water and let him sleep there if you want to do that. With lovebirds, the water dish is for bathing first, drinking second.... Shylevon is the creator of Cozies for our community and I believe she has photos of her work in the Photo Gallery. You may want to consider one of those for sleeping purposes, leaving the Cozy in the cage at night and removing it during the day. A lot of our members have them and can attest to the quality of how they are made!

07-16-2006, 09:55 AM
I've uploaded picture of Pistachio to http://www.lisa.t-technology.ca