View Full Version : Poe poops alot...

07-16-2006, 02:08 PM
I've been turning Poe into a shoulder bird over the last few days, but the one thing I've noticed is that the little guy poops alot, even after he's been away from a food for a good bit of time. Can anyone suggest a good time to handle a bird with a reduced chance of him pooping all over me? :whistle:

07-16-2006, 02:59 PM
Birds=really high metabolism=poop!!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

There really isn't a lot you can do with the pooping except to get used to it. If Poe is finger trained and as you build more trust you can get him to poop before you put him on your shoulder or to remove him every 10 to 20 minutes. I've only had one lovie that was potty trained where I could remove him from me and say "pooper" and he would poop. There were good poopers and bad poopers and I trained him as he pooped. If he pooped on me, and I saw it happening, I would say bad pooper, and if the same thing happened away from me that was a good pooper. However, this is more the exception rather than the rule.

I know Janie uses a shoulder cape you can buy especially for shoulder birds so you don't get poop on you.

07-16-2006, 04:23 PM
Can anyone suggest a good time to handle a bird with a reduced chance of him pooping all over me? :whistle:
As Laura said "There really isn't a lot you can do with the pooping except to get used to it." I don't even notice it anymore. Even my co-workers just point (clothes, hair...) and never say a word. Poop comes with the territory. It washes very well :D

07-16-2006, 04:56 PM
My birds are very polite and try to poop off of me - although they usually can't hover their birdie butts far enough off of my shoulder and end nailing me anyway. I keep baby wipes on hand which work really well as they are moistened and I feel better because they have soap. I also wear "bird shirts" that I care less about esp. if they chew them up.

I also will pay attention to the birds and if I see them raising up their tails, I know they're going to poop. When I can, I quickly hold them inside their cage or over a paper towel. Inevitably they will still get you and it's best to get used to it.

07-16-2006, 05:01 PM
I also will pay attention to the birds and if I see them raising up their tails, I know they're going to poop. When I can, I quickly hold them inside their cage or over a paper towel. Inevitably they will still get you and it's best to get used to it.

This is a very good tip as most lovies/birds make a big production when it's pooper time:rolleyes: .

07-16-2006, 07:16 PM
Well heck, I made a reply to this hours ago but must have forgotten to "submit reply!"

The CaCa Capes are wonderful....I have 5! :D If I'm going to be home all day I put on a t-shirt and let 'em poop all they want but if I'm coming and going, the poop capes come in very handy! :D

There really isn't a lot you can do with the pooping except to get used to it :rofl: Truer words have never been spoken! :D

07-16-2006, 08:14 PM
And Janie looks good in the cape....:rofl: :rofl:


Buy A Paper Doll
07-16-2006, 08:49 PM
A word of warning on the topic of teaching birds not to poop ON you. Some of you have heard this story:

One morning I had Milo on my shoulder while I was cutting up carrots for birdy breakfast. I saw him doing the pre-poop shuffle and reminded him, "Milo, please don't make poopies on Mommy's sweater, OK?" He backed off me, and pooped. He missed the sweater, but nailed the cutting board! :x :x :x All things considered, I would have preferred to pick it off my sweater.

07-17-2006, 08:51 AM
I taught Lily to poop when I said "potty". So when i first take her out of her cage I say "up, up" she comes up my finger, then I put a paper napkin under her (or take her to the trash) and say "potty". When she poops I sing her "champion song" that she loves. Now the problem is that when ever she is outside her cage she goes to play with the other birdies and if she is not too distracted with the play she will come to me clinb to my hand and poop.then she expects me to sing the song :roll: SO it seeems she train me to sing her praises every time she poops.
so yeah I also carry papers and napkins when ever they are out. and yes i always end up pooped but i don't care that much anymore.

07-17-2006, 01:51 PM
Poop? I have three birds and two of the three try to back off of me to poop. I never taught them, they just don't poop on me much. The other one (Luka) ~I think~ saves the poop for me! Yeah, the little buggar lands on me, poops, nips me, and flys away! :omg: So, I don't wear him around as much, needless to say. If I see them getting ready to poop, often I'll just stick out my hand and catch it. Then I go wash my hands good. It's really not that gross. I wash my hands all the time. It's easier/quicker/cleaner to wash my hands than to have to scrub poop off the carpet.

07-17-2006, 03:49 PM
I just have birdy shirts. They can chew on 'em, poop on 'em, ventilated 'em, and eat birdy bread there. Even clean, these shirts are never worn outside. :lol

07-17-2006, 05:45 PM
I just have birdy shirts. They can chew on 'em, poop on 'em, ventilated 'em, and eat birdy bread there. Even clean, these shirts are never worn outside. :lol

I've got shirts like that too! :rofl:

07-17-2006, 06:20 PM
Yep, I do too. When they wear out completely, I go to Walmart or such and look on the clearence rack for dirty cheap t-shirts. You can also find sweatshirts for winter :2cents:

07-21-2006, 06:08 AM
Mercuri learned to poop right before she jumps onto me from her cage -- she doesn't hop on until she's done. Usually if I'm walking around with her for a good amount of time, I will put on a sweatshirt that I'll use for a couple of days that's OK FOR POOP. :happy: Sometimes, though, if she starts getting finicky and bitey, it means she needs to poop, so I will either position her over the trash, sink, her cage, or let her get off onto the floor, and she will go. ... all that said, I'm not sure how I taught her this ...

07-21-2006, 06:40 AM
I don't think that you "taught" her to do this...LOL as I have heard of several birds 'potty' training themselves, and when we take time to tell them what a good birdie they are, they catch on. my :2cents:

My Greenwing macaw is potty trained, and the breeder admitted that Ruby learned to go potty before she left her gym on her own. She loves to go places, so any time she sees me grab the car keys, she will go potty, and say “hey you, bye bye.” I’m waiting for her to holler “Look” as she yells this anytime she feels the little babies are getting themselves into trouble. Jackie and Janie can tell you want a hoot she can be. Now I have to admit from time to time she will have an oops, but normally that happens if someone walks up from behind me, and I didn’t see them coming. When my daughter plays with Ruby, if Ruby needs to go potty, she will start acting up, because she wants to get back to her cage or gym. Once we took Ruby on a trip with us, and boy did we get the looks and stares when we took her to the pet walk to try and find a tree branch the right height for Ruby to go….LOL I know a lot of people thought we were nuts, but Ruby wouldn’t go on the paper in the car, and she was getting cranky.

Makes you have to wonder if the parents try to teach them not to poop where they lie like dogs and cats teach their young. There is still so much to learn about all of Gods creatures. :D
