View Full Version : Preened to death!

07-18-2006, 03:10 PM
Noodles and I are just starting week 2 of our acquaintanceship - I'm going to say right now this is definately the honeymoon period - he's being velcroey and wants nothing more than to spend all day and night on ME. With food breaks. No poop breaks though :eek:

His current interest is 1. My glasses - a wonderful built in face perch! and 2. My fingernails?!
I'm doing my best to let him examine my glasses without getting his beak too much into them - since I don't have vision insurance right now they'd be tough to replace and without them I can't drive - but I'm pretty sure just keeping him away from them period is going to make them the forbidden fruit - is this a good tactic? He can climb climb and look at them but as soon as he starts beaking he's removed to my shoulder.
This is not a handshy bird, obviously - he's been trimming the dead skin around my fingertips today - however he seems to think my fingernails are a type of exotic nut! beak stretches across and.. tries to crack it open! yow! I'm not discouraging the exploratory beaking here, but when the force gets too great I make very unhappy noises and remove the hands from reach - if he repeats, I do say no bite with fingers on his beak and a weak shake - another repetition gets a hand over the head with the no-bite beak shake - again, is this a good tactic?

We're enjoying the heck out of each other and he's such a wonderful little fid :) cats are getting jealous but they'll deal! They have me all night while he's sleeping. Funniest thing so far is Noodles wants to help me .. er.. clean up my skin! Yes, he's attacking my pimples - I'm cursed with bad skin and I'm a compulsive picker myself - husband is laughing because I do the same thing to him that the bird's doing to me! :rofl: I can't say he's doing any more damage than I would but I'm trying to discourage him as it can't be healthy ;) Gives me a reason to keep everything clean anyhow. Hair is of course WONDERFUL and fun to play with and today he was brave enough to try checking out the orange I was eating - I've never seen citrus suggested to feed lovies so I won't offer it to him but I'm sure a bit of juice won't hurt :)

Addicted? Yes. In fact I was looking at Jeanette's breeders for sale thinking hmm.... they don't HAVE to breed do they? :happy: plus a friend for Noodles and I'd be at 4! ACK! No not yet not yet not yet! I DO NOT NEED ANOTHER PARROT!

(Is it going to rain out? Getting dark!)

07-18-2006, 04:14 PM
Kristin, :lol. Both of the boys I got from Jeanette are as curious as can be and love to preen me. My older lovie Oliver considers me his mate and lordy, talk about preening! :eek: :eek: Unknown to me but alerted by my hair stylist, he preened a section off my hair, about 2 to 3 inches across and one inch shorter than the rest!:omg: He kind of lives under my hair and I had no idea that was going on although I did notice that it wasn't looking very even! :lol Now I do try to remember to put it in a pony tail when he's on me but do forget often. He's also one that will give up food and water to be on his momma and I have to remember he's there so that I can return him to his cage every 30 minutes. On occasion Oliver will cut my nails for me! :lol Big Boi and Shy preen every inch of my skin they can get to, nails and any jewelry included (Shy actually pulled up one of the prongs on my wedding ring!) and Big Boi loves any kind of freckle, pimple or mole! To him, nothing beats a good scab!:rofl: