View Full Version : Feathers Coming Out While Tucking Paper

05-31-2005, 09:46 PM
Is it normal for some feathers to come out when Peachie tries to tuck her paper? I think she's molting...lots of tiny head feathers, fluffy down feathers and a couple of tail feathers have been left around the house...she shreds the paper, then tries to tuck it, but ends up with a feather in her beak. Anyone ever seen this before? I'm a worry-wart...I worry about over grooming and pucking. :confused:

Also, is it normal for her to seemingly be obsessed with shredding? It's like she's on some kind of drug...any paper....anywhere she MUST shred! She's found the basket where I keep my old magazines and I thinks she's found Heaven in there! :D

05-31-2005, 10:02 PM
Her obsesson is completely normal. How old is she? My Malibu absolutely cannot resist shredding everything in sight.


05-31-2005, 10:10 PM
maybe she is molting and going into a hormonal stage,,,,maybe that is why she is attacking your hands!....you know,,,the mood swings of a female...(and I am one, so I say it safely! LOL) I have a 12 yr old human female and she is EXTREMELY MOODY!!! its all in the hormones!!! GOD HELP ME!!! :eek:
take care and good luck

06-03-2005, 01:53 PM
She's about 9-10 months old. I don't know when her hatch day was because hubby didn't ask when he picked her up.....I think she may be molting, lots of flight feathers are coming back.

06-03-2005, 07:55 PM
In my experience that could be about the right time for a female to start going all hormonal...our Pop never bit anyone but at 9 months she turned into one crazy wild bird that no one wants to go near...

06-04-2005, 12:58 AM
If your birdie is only 9 months old, I would try to keep her away from paper if I could. Shredding is a sign of nestbuilding and this can put birdies into the mood to lay eggies. She is too young for that, and keeping her away from paper is one of the best ways to avoid an early eggie laying cycle.

Try to keep her entertained with other things, other toys, and keep all chewable materials away from her for now, probably until she is a year old and mature enough that an eggie won't cause her physical harm.

06-05-2005, 01:40 AM
Holly: Peachie's age may also be the reason why she has been so bitey. I've got a few hens that never really bit as babies and then at about Peachies age they got real bitey. They all pretty much grew out of it when they turned 1 and now they only bite when they are nesty or I make them mad.