View Full Version : whats best way to get to know my 2 lovebirds

07-22-2006, 03:46 PM
Hi everyone i really need your help, what is the best way for me to tame my new lovebirds i really want as much advice as possible as i don't want to do anything wrong

07-22-2006, 03:53 PM
There are several places in this community where you can find lots of information on this topic. I would start in the Resource Library and go to Robin's New Owner's Guide. It's packed with the basics of caring for your new lovebirds.

Second place to check is Behavior and Taming, followed by Biters Not So Anonymous. It's going to take time for them to learn that they can trust you. There are no shortcuts. Patience, patience, and lots more patience!

07-22-2006, 03:55 PM
Thank you very much for your advice it much apprieciated.

07-22-2006, 07:08 PM

Trust is what you are looking for. Trust is earned, and of course that will take lots of time, patience, and daily interaction. This can take awhile, but you will see them starting to trust you more and more, and it is sooooooo worth it in the end:)

To start, just spend time sitting by their cage, talking to them, and offering a treat like millet spray through the cage bars. Millet spray is like candy, and they love it. This will help make them see you as " the good guy":)

When you start to see them accepting your presence, you can let them out of the cage to explore their surroundings, and explore you. If you can get them to step up onto your finger, that's great, but they may not accept it for a little while, and you can use an extra perch, or offer them your arm to step up to. You can also try and offer them a closed hand, instead of having your fingers extended. Some don't care very much for hands, but a closed hand in not as threatening to them.

I look forward to hearing of your progress. We are here to help all we can.

07-22-2006, 07:39 PM

Trust is what you are looking for. Trust is earned, and of course that will take lots of time, patience, and daily interaction. This can take awhile, but you will see them starting to trust you more and more, and it is sooooooo worth it in the end:)

To start, just spend time sitting by their cage, talking to them, and offering a treat like millet spray through the cage bars. Millet spray is like candy, and they love it. This will help make them see you as " the good guy":)

When you start to see them accepting your presence, you can let them out of the cage to explore their surroundings, and explore you. If you can get them to step up onto your finger, that's great, but they may not accept it for a little while, and you can use an extra perch, or offer them your arm to step up to. You can also try and offer them a closed hand, instead of having your fingers extended. Some don't care very much for hands, but a closed hand in not as threatening to them.

I look forward to hearing of your progress. We are here to help all we can.
Thanks very much for the advice yes im looking forward to sharing my two little babies with you all.