View Full Version : how long before i let them out

07-24-2006, 07:42 AM
Hi how long will i wait before letting my lovies out the cage im calling the vet today to see about the wing clipping.

07-24-2006, 09:06 AM

I would wait until you get their vet check and wings clipped before letting them out. I say this because they may be a little freaked out, and the wing clipping will ensure they are not full flighted. This will limit their abilities until they are more familiar with their surroundings, and the layout of your home. It also will make getting them back in the cage a bit easier;)

Let us know how the vet visit goes.

07-26-2006, 05:50 PM

I would wait until you get their vet check and wings clipped before letting them out. I say this because they may be a little freaked out, and the wing clipping will ensure they are not full flighted. This will limit their abilities until they are more familiar with their surroundings, and the layout of your home. It also will make getting them back in the cage a bit easier;)

Let us know how the vet visit goes.
Hi called a few vets and not having much luck they are saying its not something that should be done as it can knock the birds off balance so now im really confused i don't want to let them out and then find i can't get them back in as i do not want to be chasing them incase they get scared, i'll try ringing some more vets and see if i can get some help.

07-26-2006, 06:08 PM
Wow, ive never heard a vet say they wouldn't do wing clipping. usually they encourage it. Call back and tell them you want to take your bird out and work with it and thats why you want the wings clipped. Don't give up. They'll do it if you tell them what you want for both you and your bird.


07-26-2006, 06:51 PM
I've read that the idea of wing clipping varies from one country to the next. I would tell the vet that it is something you want to have done and go from there. If it is done correctly, it will not throw your birds off balance and an avian vet should know how to do it correctly. All three of my birds are currently fully flighted but I can assure you that I would never be able to do that if they had not been clipped before they were tamed. I can't imagine taming a bird that is fully flighted. After taming, flight works for some but a wing clip is best for others. You have to be the best judge of what's best for your birds.

07-26-2006, 07:21 PM
How much does wing clippings cost?

07-26-2006, 09:26 PM

Tell them you only want to have 4-5 flights clipped from each wing. This will slow them down quiet a bit at first, as if they are used to flying, they will find that they don't have the lift they used to have. This is your time for taming/bonding. It won't take them too long to figure out they can still get from point A to point B, believe me:rolleyes:

I'm think they might have misunderstood you, and thought you wanted a full wing clip. If you tell them exactly what you want, and why you want it, they should have no problem with it. Not only is it good for taming, it is also in their best interest for their safety.

Be firm, tell them what you want. You are the client, and they are there to do what you tell them to.

07-27-2006, 08:38 AM
How much does wing clippings cost?

My avian vet charges $12 for each bird but my favorite specialty store charges me at most $4.00 per bird (if you buy a bird from them, they do it for free forever) and they do a great job. Then again, Rubygem doesn't charge me at all and she makes house calls! :D

07-29-2006, 02:54 PM
Hi good news found a vet willing to clip she said to leave it a week or two to let the lovies get used to me, to try using a soft towel to bring the birds from the cage and hold them and speak to them in a soft voice then put them back to the cage so they know i mean them no harm and they wont be too stressed when going to get the wings clipped so they will be used to me taking them out so so far so good haven't been bitten yet.