View Full Version : Hormones, Help!

07-24-2006, 12:17 PM
Well after only 3 days here it looks like Buster is displaying his hormones. When he came to me the only toy he had was a plastic cat ball, so when I put him in his new cage I put the ball in there also. Over the past several days I've been watching hims carry it and play with it. Well today Buster showed just how much he loves his ball. He was regurgitating to it and trying to convince the ball to mate with him. Would this behaviour be any indicator to what sex Buster is, we're only assuming Buster is a male. How do you deal with a hormonal lovebird? and how long does the hormonal thing last? Thanks.

07-24-2006, 12:39 PM
The behavior you mention does sound like male behavior, but we've also had some hens display male behavior, and vice-versa, so it really isn't a guarantee.

As far as dealing with hormones? Well, you just deal with it I guess. Not much you can do to stop Mother Nature, but you will need to keep his Uhhhhhhh, significant others clean. Wash his ball, or whatever is his flavor of the day, dry it and give it back. This is to keep bacteria from building up, and possibly causing a bacterial infection.

Happy Humping Days:rolleyes: