View Full Version : Still shy, but should i try??

07-24-2006, 09:40 PM
I've had my lovebird for a week, and i guess i was suppost to try and handle it after day 2. So the lil guy is still afraid of when i put my hand near it in the cage, so should i just try and pick it up and handle it? or wait it out and stuff? I'm new to the whole lovebird/bird owning thing. Thank you!


07-24-2006, 09:46 PM

Just how freaked out is Houdini when you put your hand in the cage? If totally freaked out, don't force it, but if just a bit shy, go ahead and see if you can pick him up. If not, try using an extra perch to get him to step up on.

When starting your sessions out, start with a five minute session, work up to ten minutes, and so on. Always have some water to offer a drink when you have him out for any length of time, but after 20-30 minutes, he will most likely be ready to go back for a little snack. Take your clues from him, as he will let you know what he wants, sometimes with a little nip:rolleyes:

07-24-2006, 09:53 PM
Alrighty, i think i'm going to have a ton of fun with these lil pocket parrots. I have a feeling all my money is going to be going towards toys and stuff to spoil the heck out of houdini. I'm studying to be a vet (junior in high school at a agricultural school in MA) and i am a huge parrot person, my friends have them and finally i have my own little bunch of energy. I will let you know how it goes as i start!! Thanks!


07-25-2006, 03:57 PM
tried a 10 minute session of sticking my hand in the cage and such, got about 4 inches to him/her, and then jumped away, so i'm making alittle process!! Anyway, houdini has no choice tomarrow, ive got to take it and administer medicine through the nostrils tomarrow...so my famous washcloth is going to help me!


07-25-2006, 05:11 PM
THat a good start just keep putting you hand in the cage and just letting her get used to it. With alot of patience it will happen I am still working with my little one too but he has gotten much used to me now. Keep up the good work

07-25-2006, 08:12 PM
If he is doing that well with your hand already, you might want to sweeten the deal and hold a stalk of millet in that hand when you are working on building trust with him. Lovies LOVE millet (understatement; once you see Houdini make a stalk dissappear, you'll have a greater appreciation), and lovies are more susceptable to blatant bribery than is a D.C. Mayoral politician...


07-25-2006, 08:46 PM
i've put millet in on the first day i had him and a couple days ago on the floor..he didn't touch it..:confused: Should i try again? As much as this medication deal is guna be a pain and houdini really isn't going to like it, i'm hoping that by even holding him/her in the washcloth that it'll let me touch its head and trust me more and more. I did a little "flying" session in the bathroom today as well. Didn't want to go back in the cage!! Had to get a towel and get the lil monster back in that way. But chirps seemed like houdnin was having some fun and such. Wish us good luck tomarrow, maybe i'll be bitten for my first time tomarrow!:whistle: :omg:


07-25-2006, 09:36 PM

Try clipping the millet spray to the bars. Some lovies don't like to go the bottom of the cage, even more so when they are in a new environment.

They make clips for doing this, and you will need some, as you will also want to clip veggies and some fruits for Houdini to eat. I clip most veggies, apple slices(no peeling), and figs. They will sit there and chow down on anything I clip on:)

Here's a link to the clips so you know what to look for.


07-26-2006, 07:57 AM

Even though the toweling and medicating might seem counter-productive to taming Houdini and getting him used to you, keep this in mind. Houdini will learn that even though you are picking him up by force, your hands will not harm him. He might not care for the medicine syringe in the long run, but your hands will be in the clear. :)

Best wishes,

07-26-2006, 09:50 AM
I just don't want to squish him. I was literally shaking while doing the medication cuz i was hoping i wasn't hurting him. I got the medication in but it wasn't easy...i had ot grab him a few times. Thanks for the help, i sure hope he'll forgive me for doing this and helping him to live. I'm going to take him out again i think tonight after dinner so that he knows that im not taking him out every time to do medication but to also hold him and pet and talk and comfort him!


07-26-2006, 10:53 AM
Hi Ben;

Check out the link on "How to Hold a Lovebird" (under Miscellaneous) in the Lovebird Resource Library. It'll show you just how to hold a bird with one hand, that is safe for the bird and safe for your fingers. I use that hold all the time. :)

Best wishes,

07-26-2006, 11:32 AM
thank you, will do.
